It’s amazing how many ways they charlie-foxtrot-ed this expansion, and is such little time.
Very bad way to go about this Sunfury Arcane nerf.
First, Nether Preciscion double dip is removed, then reverted becuase you listed to community feedback…
Why does the ultimate move end up being another double dip fix? This completely changes the rotation for the worse and will have major implications on how fun the hero playstyle feels.
A numbers based nerf should be more than suitable rather than compromising the way we will end up playing the spec.
Do better.
Please revert the burden change. We just went through this same situation with Nether Precision not even a month ago. This not only ruins the current APL that passionate people have taken painstaking amount of hours to complete, but it will decrease the overall enjoyment that comes from playing the hero tree. Please re-consider, thank you.
we are NOT in the beta anymore, changing our rotation was not the play blizzard, double dipping was actually enjoyable. stop nerfing fun.
Please reconsider for a second time about double dipping. Nerf a value not the style of the class. We went through this last month and somehow were back at it again.
Once again, please revert the burden of power nerf. Everyone was finally loving the rotational aspect of arcane, and now you’re hitting that again. We just went through that with the nether precision double dipping that got reverted for the same reason. Not to mention all the time spent by players learning the spec/rotation, writing for sims, etc
99% of these changes are completely off-base. Do not go live with this without a second look.
Sweet my evoker is really gonna pump now
Okay, constructively, these changes make no sense. Arcane is a spec built around double dipping our barrage and that’s the skill expression for us playing the spec. So why would you remove interaction that reinforces that theme of double dipping instead of just tuning BoP to be less powerful baseline?
Seriously, no one, and i mean 0 mages, are saying you shouldn’t nerf Arcane right now. The damage is insane. But do it in a way that doesn’t conflict with the playstyle we’ve all been learning the past few weeks. Especially because SS is terrible so we’re all gonna have to go play the worst iteration of frost since Season 1 DF.
Please, revert these changes and slap us with an aura nerf or time BoP baseline. But don’t keep these changes.
Please reconsider the changes to Double Dipping to Burden of power.
The current iteration allows a lot of skill expression and makes the rather boring, dumbed down Arcane rotation after all gutting the spec has suffered.
If you guys think it’s ahead numerically consider nerfing the bonuses/% dmg we get when all the cooldowns are up.
Why nerf Frost DKs for?
Really weird way to nerf sunfury given that you already had the community mad about doing the exact same change, but with Nether Precision, on beta. And then 1 week before the season starts, post launch, you decide to make the same exact change that made everyone uspet, but on a different ability.
There was so many different tuning levers you could of took. Take spellfire spheres down to 1% spell power instead of 2%. Make Mana cascade .5% haste instead of 1%. Bring the actual damage value of burden down to 20% instead of 30%. All of these were options of changes to rightfully nerf the spec, since it was way too strong, without killing the single fun interaction the spec has. An interaction we rioted to save with Nether Precision.
At this point doing this post launch in this manner is such a spit in the face of every TC, every community leader, every person that makes content for the game for the class.
You can’t go on with this burden change, fr. It’ll kill several aspects of the fun involved in the arcane mage gameplay… Please dont follow through on this.
may the swarf be with you
Living bomb is going to need like a 300% buff not a 30% buff lol. I spent like 10 talents maximizing it and am barely getting 6% of my aoe dps from it for a huge single target tax. You guys nerfed it something like 90%, then buffed by 30% to get a net nerf of like 87%…maybe I’m way off the mark and the buff is going to take living bomb damage from 6% of my overall to more than 7.8%…lol no one is spending 7-10 talent points for less than 1% aoe dps per talent point.
and with u!
Rogue needs a whole talent rework for each of their specs
Please revert the double dipping aspect of Burden and refine with a tuning nerf instead. We all understand Arcane Mages need a damage nerf, however, changing the entire APL and rotation of the spec seems out of bounds post-launch.
These changes could not possibly be more out of touch with the state of mage. Not only are the arcane changes not fun, they ruin every guide that exists, the APL, and the time that people have spent learning the class, all right before the raid is released. The fire “buff” is laughable considering the spec does tank damage right now.
Because they are OP, this probably won’t even be the last nerf for them before season 1.