Arcane was very fun to play before this change, the numbers were just way too high. Breaking Burden double dip is possibly the worst possible way to nerf the spec. This is literally the exact same dance we did a month ago with NP double dipping and there was a good reason that change was reverted. The arcane rotation was fun and good and this change breaks it for no reason. Keeping NP double dipping while removing Burden double dipping also creates internal inconsistency within the spec which is bad at every level of play.
To be 100% crystal clear: removing burden double dip will likely have an extremely negative effect on the rotation and playstyle of sunfury arcane. It significantly damages skill expression, the spec’s intuitive internal synergy, and seems likely to make the spec significantly more punishing to rotational mistakes. This is a strictly bad change for the spec’s gameplay
Revert the Burden double dip change. Nerf spellfire spheres, nerf mana cascade. Aura nerf arcane and buff arcane spellslinger numbers to compensate. Anything that leaves arcane playstyle intact while bringing our throughput in line
What’s needed is some San’layn love. It desperately needs some buffs, it feels completely absent for Blood outside of Vampiric Blood and visually it’s the most boring of the three.
Meanwhile my Mountain Thane Prot Warrior feels the effects of their hero talents with every global
YES ! My fire mage is safe from nerfs . * Tiger is dancing *
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nerfing the double dip is just a terrible decision what are you guys smoking at blizzard do you even play your own game
Oh look, shaman suck again. Warriors? Untouched.
why do that when you can manage by spreadsheet?
It’s okay, Shaman can take it. We can take anything. /captain morgan pose
Where’s the pres and disc nerfs for PVP? Pres has the highest healing throughput and can do almost DPS levels of damage while doing it. Disc PW:S shields for as much as a life cocoon.
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- Pack Leader
- Vicious Hunt damage increased by 10% for Beast
Howl of the Pack critical strike damage bonus increased to 5% for Beast Mastery (was 3%).
Not nearly enough for BM.
Please reconsider once more reverting the removing double dipping, if anything you are going to drastically increase the complexity of sunfire. Ya nerf sunfury, IDC, but please not massive things that ruins the nice rotation built for the spec that people are liking.
I really am not understanding why we are back here talking about spell queuing. Everyone knew Sunfury Arcane was too strong, nerfs were needed and most reasonable people would have been fine with nerfs. What isn’t fine is a massively rotation changing nerf 2 weeks before heroics. What isn’t fine is that the new rotation is unlikely to be as enjoyable as the old one (again, we learned this lesson not but a couple weeks ago). What isn’t fine is that all of the effort put into creating guides based around a rotation (not a DPS number, we know those must be balanced, but a rotation) was for naught. Now players likely will not have the time to learn a new rotation as the rotation will be in flux for weeks or more. I try to remain civil, but this is flat out a stupid way to do this and the excuse of not understanding the effects of such a change just doesn’t work when we saw the negative effects play out in real time less than a month ago.
Revert this, keep the Phoenix nerfs, apply an aura nerf to make up the difference and leave the rotation in the positive place it was in.
I’m ok with no PvE monk changes.
My Mastery is over 9000. I think we’re going to be ok.
I really sympathize with Rogues, because in the 20 year history, they have really been kicked around, like a few classes/specs. I rolled up a rogue in Remix and the specs all felt really clumsy and no flow in the rotation.
Ain’t no f’ing way we’re doing this again. Killing the entire SF rotation 2 weeks before prog, sick work team
Just waste all that time of guide writers, APL writers, people learning rotations. Great great job, you’re killing it
Okay, what the heck?
We all know it was too far ahead numerically and needed to be reeled back, that’s acceptable. But removing the burden of power double dip is inconsistent with recent precedence where blizz reverted the NP double dip nerf and makes the rotation jarring, unsmooth, inconsistent, less fun, and less skill expressive.
Please revert the burden double dip restriction and allow us to have smooth gameplay.
Do any of you even play this spec? Whoever said they gathered the metrics on this straight lied to you, double check their work. You buffed a talent “30%” on its current baseline (meaning it went from sum net 90% nerf to net 87% nerf) that’s not played at all anymore because you destroyed it. That isn’t enough to fix what you broke. You modified a 6 talent investment to be an additive 3% better. This the sum cumulative of this buff is around 32k DPS when we’re talking hundreds of thousands to millions for relevancy. Fire is still unplayable with this “buff.” This is at best a slap in the face of folks who were waiting for Fire buffs to at least bring it in line with other DPS. Not consistent intentional neutering and then repeated slaps in the face in the forms of “buffs.”
Oh let’s not forget about whichever one of ya’ll evil masterminds cooked up frost.
Player-“Hey man can you review my log?”
Me-“yea man let me look… oh I see bro, see here? You’re supposed to ice lance before ice lance, oh and don’t forget to ice lance after ice lance. Thrilling right?”
Please for the love magic revisit fire again, and revert the burden double dip restriction. I’d beg for frost but… honestly I’m pretty sure ya’ll gave up on frost 2 months ago.
How in the hell did you guys think it was okay to gut fun from the rotation for Arcane? We literally rioted over the EXACT same change basically a month ago? Why the hell would you not nerf it in a way that didn’t impact the rotation?
You guys are absolute clowns in your handling of this nerf. Nerf Mana Cascade %haste, nerf Spellfire Sphere %dmg, don’t nerf the things that make the spec fun!
Making Burden of Power no longer able to double dip is straight out a murder on arcane rotation, and also all the APL goes to trash. It would be so much better just aura nerfing.
fDK nerfs to base damage feel spooky, cause we all know Deathbringer isn’t surviving in its current state. DB is letting Blood burst for DPS numbers in AoE, and it’s like 30%+ of Frost’s single target damage prior to these changes, and it’s even crazier in AoE.
I’m gonna start prepping Unholy. I think Frost is staring up at the guillotine right now.