War Within Class Tuning Incoming – September 3

Did this hit live yet? According to my testing I don’t believe it has since absorbs on oracle and atonement in general are not showing higher numbers. If not anyone knows when these changes will take effect?

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I’m not seeing it either. None of the tooltips are updated and Purge The Wicked definitely did not increase 20%.

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I actually am weaker after the patch. What are they doing? Did they patch?

YEEOUCH! That one stings…

That Devastation buff feels soooooooo good :dracthyr_heart:

Did they nerf crests from dungeons? I was getting 10 per boss and more at the end before today. Now it’s only 10 per dungeon.

Burden of Power nerf is live for me. It’s as frustrating and anti-fun as we thought it was going to be.


There’s less talents to beef up pet damage, AS, and crit chance for SV compared to BM. So the entire right side of the tree is catered for BM. And it just feels bad that our builder is the main point compared to BM where its a spender.

bro why does blizzard hate mage? who actually makes these choices? why not just do an aura nerf since i have given up with mage being in the top 5 dps, i have given up on that battle i know mage will always get nerfed but my god man why make me practice my rotation for so long then pull the rug from under me? like this is so frustrating… just do an aura nerf please and leave the rotation as is.


The Burden of Power change feels horrible to play, you have to revert this decision and nerf our damage on something else to compensate, this absolutely sucks to play now.

Nearly 700 posts telling you guys not to do this because it would make Sunfury way less fun and fluid to play and you specifically go out of your way to hotfix it in after the initial deploy last night didn’t go through only for it to also start bugging out Glorious Incandescence too causing it to sometimes completely disappear when consuming Burden of Power before you can cast Barrage (this causes you to end up with zero Arcane Charges).

Revert. The damn. Change.

We are telling you to nerf us more and leave fun intact, what other class would say this? Take the easy win.


yo blizz. what about monk pvp talent dome of mist? it remained unchanged so it’s a completely dead talent since em can’t be dispelled no more so why does it even exist?

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Please fix Demon hunters not being able to use precise sigils with fel scarred!!!

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Seriously, revert the Burden of Power change. It feels garbage to play now.


Its beyond my mind understand why they destroyed arcane mage game play in exchange of 3% nerf…



Any BM Hunter or Outlaw Rogue buffs?!

Sure would be terrible if Ele Shaman was ever actually viable. Thanks for that Blizz. Thanks.

Ret paladins got nerfed…but why am i not surprised…are they…ever not nerfed? What a game.

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At least your class is viable. I’ll not hear one of the king melee specs crying about nerfs. Get in line, you had your time in the sun.

Hi Blizz,

You decided to go through with a change to double dipping that runs contrary to your previous stance and contrary to the voice of the entire community.

It’s clearly not about the tuning numbers and is a direct assault on the previously agreed upon playstyle of arcane.

We demand to know why.


You know, somehow your nerfs buffed enhance by 4-5%.

Also, you took away the fun from mages but didn’t nerf the damage enough, so now we all know you’re gonna keep the fun gone AND nerf them again…

Do bigger passes in the right areas at a time, please, it’s crazy how much data there is now from beta etc and yet the changes are SO off the mark.

Balance overall is good, but the outliers keep appearing in nerf/buff lists but not changing even remotely in the right direction, or by enough.