War Within Class Tuning Incoming – September 3

What? Many people can’t keep up with my AOE damage. It’s insane.

When exactly are the changes coming in? Servers are up but nothing on live.
Coming from a hunter that is very excited to be able to play Pack Leader instead of Sentinel x

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It is, isn’t it? You get a tip of the spear stack for every time you press kill command, and can weave in other stuff. Vicious hunt just makes it feel less poopoo to press kill command, and encourages you to do so more often.

Maybe I’m missing something

Mastery changes for ele aren’t up


So, do these “class changes” apply to PvE and PvP unless specified that they don’t?

  • Frost DK Icy Death Torrent damage reduced by 10%
  • Does this specific change apply to PvP?
    The other 3 changes say (Does not apply to PvP)


  • Devastation
    • Damage of all spells and abilities increased by 6%.
    • Firestorm damage increased by 20%
    • Firestorm duration reduced to 10 seconds (was 12 seconds)

Do these Dev Evoker changes apply to PvP as well???

What’s weird is everyone is frost too. Good control and damage. Have only seen 1 arcane mage so far

No not even close with there nerf. It accounts for less than a 4% nerf to SF. It just dumb b/c they changed the rotation.

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Daily reminder: please revert Burden of Power, we just had this conversation last month! Stop trying to attack fun gameplay!


bad players are playing frost.

(this is a meme don’t yell at me frost mains)

are these changes live now? I don’t see any tooltip changes.

Burden nerf/change isn’t implemented on live, please clarify if this is intended or not. If not intended please have it be intended.


for mage all but burden change is live


I’m assuming most of the other are too then


Shut your filthy mouth.


Our single target is among the WORST, our AOE is just passable and you want ret paladin to get nerfed?? Just because YOUR class got nerfed??

I was feeling sorry for your class, now I hope they give you the aluminum nerf bat upside the head.


I’m not sure how worse they can make our dps at this point

Wow mythic+ beast hunter ranked as not competitive.


i was shocked to see no deserter after leaving after 1 boss. is it because it’s killed so fast that it doesn’t get triggered? why does it work that way.

the fix to deserter debuff is don’t put a 5% chance to drop trinket and a shield on the first boss of a dungeon: make ALL LOOT drop at the end of dungeons, just like M+

the current system is in so people don’t “feel bad” if they DC after a boss or whatever.

As balance, hardly a double pull goes by without me hitting the battle heal half a dozen times. If I had a class that has to sit down after every other quest pull, I’d be long gone by now.

I have played since 2004. Played every expansion at launch but I sat out shadowlands and dragonflight. I bought the 90 dollar pack for The War Within and I am really loving the zones and story.

However. I have mained a hunter since vanilla. I was a Marksman tri spec 7/31/3. I grinded High Warlord on him (race/faction changed since then because wife likes alliance more). In TBC I went BM (because we had to, MM was decimated) and I have been BM ever since.

BM right now is performing so terribly that I started to get those ill feelings inside, like why did I pay so much to come back to this.

I have seen a plethora of melee classes absolutely destroy mobs in 3 hits, that are taking me a solid 12 attacks to kill. They are literally killing in 25% of the time it takes me to kill a mob. EDIT: And yes, I inspected them only to find they gear has been in every case, much much worse than mine.

Forget that pets wont hold aggro. Forget that AOE feels the worst its ever been. What miffs me is how much insanely easier it is for other classes to level. I got on my arcane mage and was blown away by how fast he can nuke stuff…and the hunter started with better gear.

I read the “tuning” notes and I am thankful for whatever I can get on a BM hunter, but to be quite frank, its not enough.


The changes to Burden of Power and Arcane Soul affect the rotational gameplay of Sunfury Arcane Mage in a negative way.

Burden of Power works similarly to Nether Precision. Having one function with double dipping and one that doesn’t introduces an awkward disconnect to the flow of gameplay and makes it less fun to play. This discussion about double dipping with spell queueing was done a month ago and it’s disappointing seeing it being walked back on.

Arcane Soul already has a short duration and making it even shorter limits our ability to interact with it.

These are both nerfs to Arcane’s damage throughput. As I and many others have said, balancing and tuning should not come at the cost of the enjoyment of gameplay. Arcane’s damage can be nerfed in a way that doesn’t affect its current playstyle.

Please revert the changes to Burden of Power and Arcane Soul. Don’t disrupt gameplay and fun when trying to bring a spec’s damage in line with others.