War Within Class Tuning Incoming – September 3

Reminder to revert Burden of Power double dipping change as it accomplishes nothing other than changing and complicating the rotation. (less than 5% nerf to dmg) Arcane soul change is also annoying as it is already hard to do anything with the buff and with a sec less even harder.

Here is a far better set of nerfs that would bring us more in line with everyone else that doesn’t effect our rotation/gameplay:

  • Mana Cascade Haste increase reduced by 0.5% per stack for Arcane
  • Spell Sphere spell damage increase reduced by 1% per stack for Arcane
  • Lingering Embers spell damage increase reduced by 1% per stack for Arcane
  • Burden of Power increase to Arcane Blast reduced by 15%
  • Burden of Power increase to Arcane Barrage reduced by 15%
  • Arcane Phoenix damage dealt reduced by 20% for Arcane.
  • Meteorite damage dealt reduced by 20% for Arcane

That should bring SF Arcane down almost exactly 1.5M DPS in single target while not effecting the rotation and not effecting spellslinger’s damage as well. If you want more of a nerf than this, just reduce these values more or look at Arcane Bombardment/Savor the Moment.

Note if you buff Spellslinger by

  • Arcane Splinter damage increased by 30%
  • Splinter Storm damage increased by 20% for Arcane

it should bring Spellslinger to 1.48M so its more inline with Sunfurry. You can then just do flat spec damage aura decrease to get the DPS to what ever value you want it to be at internally.


Ele has been doing a fair bit better than competitive. Everyone who played it seriously knew a nerf was coming. Combined with the buff to our fairly useless Mastery it should still leave us in a very comfortable spot.

Still waiting for this dumb fix on the Arcane Mage.


BM was my main for the majority of DF. Now back on the arcane mage train.

Beating your head on the wall hurts too much.

Its better, but not much (EDIT: I am on Arcane Mage ATM, he is 75). Melee still completely out performing me. I dunna what to do. Kinda makes me want to quit again, which sucks after spending 100+ bucks for a month of play.

Which fix? I thought the hot fix was already applied. Was it not?

Most melee dps is front loaded. We have a ramp to get to our good output. Right now the mobs die before we are ramped so we look much worse than we are.

Things will be different once the content gets harder. At that point we will shine.

Have patience and stay the course! It will get better.

DH bugs still numerous. Some like isolated prey not working with eye beam have existed since Dragonflight.

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Did these updates ever happen? Im a disc priest so moving shield absorb from 25%>40% is a pretty exciting change.

Still says 25% in game…

NICE! That number that is already so low I do not even notice it will be slightly better. WARRIOR ON TOP!

Wondering the same thing… in game its still 25%

It looks like this 6% reduced damage double dipped for pets and totems. Farseer Ancestors and all the elementals (Storm Elemental, Lesser Storm Elemental and Greater Lightning Elemental) are doing around 10% less damage after the nerfs from Tuesday.

Certain changes often require a client side patch to update the tooltip. Can see in the spelldata that effect #2 is properly applying a 40% increase with a .625 pvp coefficient bringing it down to 25% in pvp.

Name             : Preventive Measures (id=440662) [Spell Family (6), Passive, Hidden] 
Talent Entry     : Oracle (Discipline, Holy) [tree=hero, row=2, col=1, max_rank=1, req_points=1]
Effects          :
#2 (id=1134693)  : Apply Aura (6) | Add Percent Modifier (108): Spell Power (24)
                   Base Value: 40 | Scaled Value: 40 | PvP Coefficient: 0.62500 | Misc Value: 24 | Target: Self (1)
                   Affected Spells: Power Word: Shield (17)