War Within Class Tuning Incoming – September 3

To really hammer home the point, these changes to Arcane were a 3.4% DPS nerf

So you didn’t even really close the gap that much and irritated everyone playing the spec. Might as well just admit you were wrong on this one and cancel the changes tomorrow and spend the next week figuring out how to properly tune the class without touching the rotation before heroic raid comes out


how else are they going to make rogue mage and dh the only classes played in m+

Don’t forget Augmentation Evoker

Fire mage needs a lot more buffs to bring it even close to other specs and class damage.

Also is there going to be any update on these bugs?

Frostfire Fire Mage:

  • Frostfire Bolt does not trigger or consume Firefall.
  • Frostfire Bolt does not trigger the cooldown reduction from Unleashed Inferno, From the Ashes, and Kindling.
  • Frostfire Bolt does not trigger on-hit effects like Frostfire Infusion, Frostfire Empowerment, Overflowing energy, and presumably on-hit effects for gear.
  • Frostfire Empowerment is removed on cast as well as on hit.
  • The Frostfire Empowerment damage and crit chance effects do not work unless you have two stacks of the buff.

Frostfire frost mage:

  • Frostfire Bolt triggers an additional Bone Chilling stack on the cast (even failed ones)
  • Frostfire Bolt cleave doesn’t trigger Bone Chilling Frostfire Bolt triggers an additional Fire Mastery stack on hit
  • Frostfire Bolt cleave animation is broken; damage is dealt to different targets
  • Frostfire Bolt doesn’t trigger most on-hit effects (Overflowing Energy, Frostfire Infusion, Frostfire Empowerment, presumably also on-hit gear effects)
  • Frostfire Empowerment can affect multiple Frostfire Bolts with spell queueing
  • Frostfire Empowerment buff is removed on cast as well as on hit
  • Frostfire Empowerment damage and crit chance effects do not work unless you have 2 stacks of the buff
  • Frostfire Empowerment explosion can trigger from the wrong Frostfire Bolt projectile

when theres a 50% damage change to any ability in any game i begin to wonder who was testing these abilities in beta? I mean wasnt beta a thing? Didnt yall pre sell the game to almost half a million people so you could better the game before actual release? no? oh ok welcome to 2024 gaming then

The silence is deafening, but we are again begging you not to change arcane’s rotation and to please tune us from a passive number’s perspective instead.

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With the Phoenix nerf on arcane side , guess we will be playing spellslinger, it slaps lol

But doing 300-400k crit on pyro is so bad and 5% damage buff won’t fix that lmfao , meanwhile on arcane with 586ilvl I crit for 5M with arcane barrage x)

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Daily reminder: please revert Burden of Power, we just had this conversation last month! Stop trying to attack fun gameplay!


It was a conversation had, and changes going through on the 3rd. :partying_face: :tada:

i hope they listen to you.

my rogue got abandoned after they nerfed fth in a way that changed the rotation/pace/feel.

it feels bad when it happens.

nerfs are fine, not when it changes the playstyle.

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Frost DKs are too strong, sure. Why not adjust how reapers mark works instead of just a flat damage nerf? They aren’t ALWAYS too strong, just when reapers mark/exterminate is available, you hit dead spots where your dps is dead last by a lot. If reapers mark’s CD was reduced to 20-25 seconds and the damage of reaper’s mark/exterminate cut in half it would smoothen out the gameplay while also giving the appropriate nerf to overall dps. As of right now when reapers mark pops and it crits, ALL aggro comes to me with how hard that hits, this will be a DK killer in M+

Bm will still be half a dh in a mythic dungeon. And basilisk is a terrible talent.

I cant believe Druid isnt getting defensive buffs ( speaking for balance druid ).

i feel like after pvp-ing a bit in epics this week, i expect to see way more class changes. Send some nerfs to the Paladins

Reminder to revert Burden of Power double dipping change as it accomplishes nothing other than changing and complicating the rotation. (less than 5% nerf to dmg) Arcane soul change is also annoying as it is already hard to do anything with the buff and with a sec less even harder.

Here is a far better set of nerfs that would bring us more in line with everyone else that doesn’t effect our rotation/gameplay:

  • Mana Cascade Haste increase reduced by 0.5% per stack for Arcane
  • Spell Sphere spell damage increase reduced by 1% per stack for Arcane
  • Lingering Embers spell damage increase reduced by 1% per stack for Arcane
  • Burden of Power increase to Arcane Blast reduced by 15%
  • Burden of Power increase to Arcane Barrage reduced by 15%
  • Arcane Phoenix damage dealt reduced by 20% for Arcane.
  • Meteorite damage dealt reduced by 20% for Arcane

That should bring SF Arcane down almost exactly 1.5M DPS in single target while not effecting the rotation and not effecting spellslinger’s damage as well. If you want more of a nerf than this, just reduce these values more or look at Arcane Bombardment/Savor the Moment.

Note if you buff Spellslinger by

  • Arcane Splinter damage increased by 30%
  • Splinter Storm damage increased by 20% for Arcane

it should bring Spellslinger to 1.48M so its more inline with Sunfurry. You can then just do flat spec damage aura decrease to get the DPS to what ever value you want it to be at internally.

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I see some are still complaining about WHAT hasn’t happened yet and how thier classes will not sork because of the changes .

JUST a question how is it so many are psychic these days???

and YES one spec MIGHT not be as good as another but this is what HAS ALWAYS been occurring in WoW …

Next expansion on next tweak suddenly it is a new spec that is BEST …

Please take a nerf bat to most of the melee classes. Frost DK and Ret Pally need a harder hit, and assassination rogue needs a whack, too, at do warriors. And maybe buff the other rogue/dk specs, they kinda suck a bit.

With the sun fury nerf for arcane , spellslinger might be close isn’t it ?

Thanks brother.

I’m tired of this company jerking us around.

Always they are paying lipservice and starting to do one thing, and then immediately going back on it and stabbing us in the back instead.

I swear the devs are trolling us on purpose.
Or else there’s some out of touch exec mandating horrible changes with deaf ears.

It’s shameful and there’s seemingly no escape regardless of which class you play.

Servers up, no mage changes are in. It’s not too late to stop making mistakes, don’t implement the Burden/Soul changes for Arcane!