War Within Class Tuning Incoming – September 3

Worst part to me is the explosion being split between targets. It does what feels like zero damage.

Another fecal matter out of touch tunning. Nothing new here.

Daily reminder to revert the Burden of Power change. The rotation if it goes through is less fun. End of story.

Even more important is the fact that you are creating exceptions with how two very similar spells interact and it’s causing a ton of confusion. I’ve already seen multiple people who think the double dip removal applies to Nether Precision aswell.

Actually blows my mind the more that I think about it. We had this EXACT same scenario a month ago… This has to be an out of season April Fools joke.


To quote Phosphorus - “Daily reminder to revert the Burden of Power change. The rotation if it goes through is less fun. End of story.”

Seriously taken aback by this change.


Please don’t let this go live, please please please I beg don’t fundamentally change the Arcane rotation 7 days before the new season starts.

Everyone has been telling you it’s a bad idea for the last 3 days, this silence is being taken as you choosing to continue with the change anyway. Listen your players, please.


Anyone without a decent amount of self-healing is in a bad place this xpac.

Buffs please. :'3

Please blizz, the mages are unanimously begging you to not make this change to Burden of Power.

Nerf our damage but stop messing with our rotation.

This is honestly so demoralizing, I’m just losing all hope.

Arcane needs bigger nerfs, doing double the ST damage as other classes and still keeping up in AOE. This double dip nerf is not enough to bring them in line!

Reminder to revert Burden of Power double dipping change as it accomplishes nothing other than changing and complicating the rotation. (less than 5% nerf to dmg) Arcane soul change is also annoying as it is already hard to do anything with the buff and with a sec less even harder.

Here is a far better set of nerfs that would bring us more in line with everyone else that doesn’t effect our rotation/gameplay:

  • Mana Cascade Haste increase reduced by 0.5% per stack for Arcane
  • Spell Sphere spell damage increase reduced by 1% per stack for Arcane
  • Lingering Embers spell damage increase reduced by 1% per stack for Arcane
  • Burden of Power increase to Arcane Blast reduced by 15%
  • Burden of Power increase to Arcane Barrage reduced by 15%
  • Arcane Phoenix damage dealt reduced by 20% for Arcane.
  • Meteorite damage dealt reduced by 20% for Arcane

That should bring SF Arcane down almost exactly 1.5M DPS in single target while not effecting the rotation and not effecting spellslinger’s damage as well. If you want more of a nerf than this, just reduce these values more or look at Arcane Bombardment/Savor the Moment.

Note if you buff Spellslinger by

  • Arcane Splinter damage increased by 30%
  • Splinter Storm damage increased by 20% for Arcane

it should bring Spellslinger to 1.48M so its more inline with Sunfurry. You can then just do flat spec damage aura decrease to get the DPS to what ever value you want it to be at internally.


Another reminder to please revert the burden of power nerf, and put in a REAL nerf. I really hope the team isn’t just hoping for the complaints to go away. You WILL have to come back and do a second round of nerfs and it’s going to be even more pitiful and embarrassing if you don’t revert the burden of power change


Posting one last time to really hammer this point home, please revert the Burden of Power spell queueing change you have planned. There are a ton of other overperforming talents like Mana Cascade that can be tuned without affecting the arcane gameplay.


Obviously SF Arcane needs nerfing but why are you making changes to our rotation rather than changing numbers? I am tired of waiting to learn if my spec will be fun/engaging and worth playing. I should not be relearning my rotation every few weeks due to random changes made on a whim without thought to the ramifications. Please revert the burden of power nerf and instead nerf us by manipulating the passive effects so that we can keep the gameplay the same.


not enough, buff more!

Sadly I think they are set in these changes for whatever reason, they aren’t enough or liked by almost everyone in this thread.

Holy Priest needs shining force back, and give us a glyph option to knock up into the air rather than burst outward so it’s viable in M+. :slight_smile:

Yeah…figured dk would get nerf hammered so leveled my shaman to 80 to main it, now they get hit hard to. ugh. Probably need to just play something middle of the road that won’t be touched XD

Sadly blizzard doesnt care what the player base thinks, they dont listen to anything, thats why the game has sucked for so many years. They have no one at blizzard that has any sort of passion for the game at all its all suits.

nerfing burden of power double dip after you just went back on the nether precision change makes no sense and actively makes the rotation worse. arcane is overperforming and deserves the nerf, adjust with one of your other “tuning knobs”. do better


??? Figures.