War Within Class Tuning Incoming – September 3

The nerf hammer hurty

Destro Lock needs a much bigger base buff + a buff to Diabolist. A 5% buff isn’t nearly enough.

Ret Paladin needs a huge buff to Single Target.

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BM Hunters still get NOTHING.


Facts! :slightly_smiling_face:

Reminder to revert the Burden of Power change. plz and ty


Nerf arcane’s numbers, not arcane’s fun or rotation please. This is a crazy change to make after the last double dipping fiasco.


In order to achieve some semblance of balance between Mage specs in PvE content, in addition to the tuning notes posted above, you need to:

  • Aura buff Fire by 10%
  • Aura nerf Arcane by 10%

On topic of Living Bomb, while it has likely reached the desired AoE throughput when fully invested into it, single target output remains practically non-existent.
The easy way to address this is to buff the Convection talent to around 500% (five hundred percent) increased effectiveness when bomb is applied to only one target.

Daily reminder: please revert Burden of Power, we just had this conversation last month! Stop trying to attack fun gameplay!


and buff SS Arcane if that happens.


As well as paladin single target.

I legit dont uderstand why Garrot doesnt just apply deathstalker, it would feel a lot better, especially in AOE.

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Daily reminder: please revert Burden of Power, we just had had this happen with NP last month! Stop trying to attack fun gameplay!

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I really don’t understand how this approach can be good for blizzard.

The double dip initially was an error, but instead of them embrace the positive result, which was create an interesting and fun spec to play, in fact made me swap from my all time main paladin to play mage this time around, they decide to “fix” the problem. Thankfully they reverted and semmed that they understood that what was created was something very cool.

Out of nowhere, instead of just balance numbers and %, they again decide to cut the fun out of it, to create another boring rotation…

I mean, how many times in human history an error became something unique and cool. Or a discovery or w/e.

The excuse of double dip is more skill based is false. Now the rotation will become more awkward and counter intuitive perhaps even harder to master.

I really wish someone inside blizzard with empathy can read all this comments in this thread and try to understand what we are really trying to say.

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Still isn’t enough, considering we play dark ranger in all content as BM excluding open world.

I don’t enjoy playing DKs, but you know… It sure would be nice to see more than 3 frost DKs in an expansion. I legitimately think that’s actually close to how few I’ve encountered in SL and in DF, and that’s mostly lfr.

Frost might still be strong, I have no idea, but my goodness… Those guys sure do get the short end of the stick and you honestly don’t even hear them complain about it. I feel like that’s probably because the last two remaining frosts have just accepted their fate.

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Hearing about how fun all 3 mage specs are this expansion, I decided to pick my mage back up for the first time since the end of BFA. Really loving arcane and frost but please blizzard, let us keep the fun gameplay of double dipping burden of power. Tune the numbers back to reasonable, but don’t be the fun-ruiners.


Another day, another post asking to revert Burden of Power and Arcane Soul changes and aura nerf instead.


Don’t forget buff paladin single target.

How long is maintenance