War Within Class Tuning Incoming – September 3

Name a more iconic duo.


A lot of people here think these changes are based on their heroic dungeon week; it isn’t, on beta the nerfed specs are noticeably stronger than others.

Definitely agree on the Arcane one though, why would you go and do what you just reverted due to rioting, but on a different ability?

Just aura nerf it.


Feels like we have deja vu, just 29 days ago Arcane mages had expressed their concerns with removing double dipping from the Nether Precision buff, now here we are making the same exact mistake again only this time is much much worse because we are a mere week away from raid releasing and you want to rework how arcanes rotation is. Please reconsider this, there are so many better ways to nerf a spec than to remove the fun out of the rotation, please just do heavier flat dmg number nerfs, Arcane mages would welcome those changes instead with open arms.


Daily reminder to please revert the Burden of Power changes and focus on % nerfs.

If this is what them wanting us to play as fire looks like, I don’t wanna find out what them getting us to avoid fire would look like lol

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Not really a tank problem. Everyone is durable. I’ve set paladins and dk dps pull a lot of mobs because the tank was slow.
So before calling for nerfs maybe think.

Please revert the change to Burden of Power and Arcane Soul. They currently make the spec fun to play. Please find a way to tune Arcane Mage’s damage without hurting the current rotation and flow of the spec.


YO… I am not sure about survival hunter but vicious hunt is bugged for beast hunter with pack leader. The vicious hunt is not proccing with beast cleave.

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Can’t we just let Fury be ok in pvp for a season?

Just another reminder to revert Burden of Power and Arcane Soul changes and do an aura nerf instead.

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Sunfury was overtuned and it makes sense that it is tuned down. But I don’t think going through the spell queuing routing is a good way to do it–if the damage is too high, wouldn’t it be better to just adjust it numerically? Sunfury Arcane is already very stand-and-cast as it is with the amount of Arcane Blasts casted, and this change is a step in the worst direction. Not to mention the changes may not be enough numerically as they stand and may fail to bring Sunfury inline with other specs.

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Frost DKs getting combo slapped in the face with nerfs, oof

Spell queueing isn’t the exception, its the rule. Many classes utilize spell queueing, including the other specs of mage. Changing Burden of Power this way makes it really unfun to play around as well as learn for new players, especially since it is nearly identical to nether precision. I don’t mind a nerf to arcane, it is definitely overperforming, but there are better ways to go about this.

Blizzard Devs mentioned in the Naguura interview that they try to avoid major changes to classes leading into raid week, so why make such impactful gameplay changes right now?

Also please leave Arcane Soul alone, nerf arcane in some other way.

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I wrote about this on the beta forums and everyone disagreed with me yet here we are

The evoker buffs please me, but could the dev team perhaps consider an additional buff to a dracthyr’s head size, particular when selecting larger body options?

Kind regards.

It’s extra funny that they make changes that actively make arcane less fun to play after we’ve locked in our purchase :rofl:
just tune the numbers please, revert burden and soul changes

Like if your goal was to bring the spec in line damage wise you mostly failed.
All you did was take it from very fun to very annoying to play


Once again asking you to not go through with this change to burden of power.

Please aura nerf instead of wrecking our rotation.

It feels especially bad after:

  1. You said you wouldn’t after this exact same to nether precision
  2. We are already locked in after purchasing the expansion and prepping our characters, APL, guides and more
  3. It’s the 11th hour right before content drops

This change neither effectively simplifies our class nor appropriately nerfs our damage.
It only serves to complicate a rotation we already understood and loved, and it undermines the trust you started to build with us after the nether precision debacle.

Please don’t make me regret trusting this company again.

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Buff Hunters more.

I want to be T0.

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Reminder to revert Burden of Power double dipping change as it accomplishes nothing other than changing and complicating the rotation. (less than 5% nerf to dmg)

Here is a far better nerf that would bring us more in line with everyone else that doesn’t effect our rotation/gameplay:

  • Mana Cascade Haste increase reduced by 0.5% per stack for Arcane
  • Spell Sphere spell damage increase reduced by 1% per stack for Arcane
  • Lingering Embers spell damage increase reduced by 1% per stack for Arcane
  • Burden of Power increase to Arcane Blast reduced by 15%
  • Burden of Power increase to Arcane Barrage reduced by 15%
  • Arcane Phoenix damage dealt reduced by 20% for Arcane.
  • Meteorite damage dealt reduced by 20% for Arcane

That should bring SF Arcane down almost exactly 1.5M DPS in single target while not effecting the rotation and not effecting spellslinger’s damage as well. If you want more of a nerf than this, just reduce these values more or look at Arcane Bombardment/Savor the Moment.

Note if you buff Spellslinger by

  • Arcane Splinter damage increased by 30%
  • Splinter Storm damage increased by 20% for Arcane

it should bring Spellslinger to 1.48M so its more inline with Sunfurry. You can then just do flat spec damage aura decrease to get the DPS to what ever value you want it to be at internally.


Not enough for spriests. We should be topping meters during our expansion. Please change this to 1000%

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