War Within Class Tuning Incoming – September 3

I find it kind of funny how they said that, and then went and made a rotational change that the entire spec had been begging them not to do just a few weeks earlier that they even said “ok we understand, we wont change that. Lol tricked you, changing it.”

Meanwhile you have specs that are literally begging to have rotational changes because of certain hero talents and they are just like “nah, it wouldnt be fair to the two people that like it and have already played it for a week”


@Kaivax Hi I just had a quick question and you may not even see my post, but I recently noticed that shadow priest Shadow Crash and Shaman’s Earthquake now have the ability to cast on their target, but Fire Mage whos main AOE is a spammable click and place, can’t? I have been waiting for Fire Mage FlameStrike to cast on the target for years and now all other classes are getting it? Can you explain the thought process behind this design please? thanks! :slight_smile:

Definitely agree with this. Please remove spell queueing everywhere in the game. It needs to be explained in tooltips or not exist. Blizzard has already said it is unintended, idk why they keep playing footsie with it. Remove it all from all classes. Rip the bandaid off now so rotations can be fixed before season.

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Enhancement isn’t even anything special since they disabled tier sets what the heck are they nerfing it for?

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Pardon me, but I was wondering if Sin Rogues could receive a bit of love in the next tuning update.

If it’s not too much to ask, perhaps make garrote apply a stack of rupture to every target you hit during the 6 second window from stealth. Also, move Sudden Demise from 35% to 50%.

Thank you for your considerate. God Bless.

Revert the burden of power change for mage.

This is literally contrary to the reversion of nether precision just a few weeks ago. It’s like you are actively trolling the community.

If you are going to change spell queuing, you should remove it from the game entirely; not piecemeal on a buff by buff basis.

If your intent is to simply arcane rotation, you have failed. This change actively complicates the spec.

Wishing you wouldn’t /spit in the face of your player base over and over but here we are… Making me regret and rethink my decision to come back to this game.


How do you report a Community Manager for trolling death knights?

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Daily request to revert Nether Precision Burden of Power change, this is unfun and completely a spit in the face after the post on August 2nd.

Please stop failing us.


Daily request to revert burden of power change. This change is not good, changing rotation a week and a half before season starts is messed up. Nerf numbers not the playstyle. Bad choice Blizz. You sure know how to piss of players

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The issue with DHs is we got a half baked hero talent designs, that are poorly implemented. I mean when your class gets a massive damage aura for all your attacks the week before the expansion goes live, you know you are in trouble.

I’m sorry how about you also fix our PVP talents? You took ret aura so why not change our pvp talents that still talk about ret aura?

How about you fix Hpal? Our mana is gone in moments. Pathetic. Holy crap theyre ruining an already bad-to okay xpac…

DH had a great time in DF. They’re not gonna have a good time in TWW.

I am once again asking for your revert Burden of Power support.


If you think they’ll listen that’s hilarious. They took Holy Infusion from Hpals… A literal VIABLE point in our healing.

Just wanted to say scrolling through I’m really proud of the majority of mage replies here. Super reasonable requests for the double dip gameplay. Hoping you guys get the changes you’re looking for :blue_heart:


You understand that would also apply to Paladins correct?

Just adding some more information to the burden of power nerf.

So I assume the person/people who thought of the change don’t understand sunfury arcane at all and just wanted to get a quick win with a “bugfix”. In case those people ever see this, here are the actual consequences of this nerf from someone in the mage discord who actually understands the class:

  1. Burden double dip was not a huge numerical nerf, combined the burden, phoenix, and soul nerfs are overall 4.2% for us. This is without any APL changes - the actual change will likely be significantly less.” Certainly not enough of a damage nerf, and this is in the worst case with no rotation changes.
  2. The issue people are missing is that Burden regulated your Arcane Barrage usage, without it there will likely be a plethora of factors dictating when you should use Barrage. It is unclear what this will look like at this time, but my guess is that it will include some calculation of harmony stacks, incandescence state, and tempo duration.

Since this change failed at sufficiently nerfing arcane’s damage, which was the goal, and also complicated the rotation. I think we can all agree this change was a complete failure. Please salvage whatever goodwill and respect you have from the mage community, accept that you made this error again for the second time in a month, and revert the change. You will need to make an additional nerf, just revert this nerf, and slap a damage nerf on sunfury’s damage instead.

Thank you.


Removing spell queuing would be such a quality of life loss for casters it’s not even funny. That’s like me saying all of melee abilities should be resolved on swing timer lol.

My comment was referring to double dipping which is a totally different thing than spell queuing.

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trinket will be replaced with M0’s next week

Daily reminder to revert Burden of Power change and nerf numbers instead of gameplay.