War Within Class Tuning Incoming – September 3

The Arcane mage change to Burden/Spell Queuing is absurd! Im just learning arcane mage for the season because its more understandable now than ever (and strong but that isn’t the main point). Why change something that impacts the rotation/gameplay at this stage? We’re almost two weeks in and I’ve been learning the rotation thinking this would be how it plays. Now you’ve changed that and we all have to relearn. Why not just nerf the damage, not the gameplay interactions? Far out …

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Dropping in to ask for revert of the Burden of Power change.

Why do you guys want mages to play as fire so bad?

We’re going to need another round of nerfs for frost dks after this one.

Please do not go ahead with the Burden of Power change. You have done a fantastic job with Arcane, and by many accounts, the rotation is in one of the best places it has been for a very long time. You could leave the rotation exactly as it is for the entire expac, and many including myself would consider that to be a big design win.

One of your stated goals with Arcane was to reduce complexity, and while removing double-dipping may appear to reduce complexity of the face of it, the actual outcome will likely be that the rotation becomes even more complex as the prerequisites to cast Barrage would probably then hinge on tracking other buffs such as Arcane Tempo, Glorious Incandescence, and/or Arcane Harmony, and potentially needing to awkwardly lineup buffs. It also adds confusing inconsistencies with Nether Precision.

As many others have suggested, an aura nerf of some kind specifically for Sunfury should be the move. Please do not completely change and add complexity to a rotation that we all love one week after release.

The change to Arcane Soul is much less of a concern, but also begs the question as to why enjoyable mechanics are being targeted when there are plenty of other tuning options available to address overall power.


Please revert the Burden of Power changes and focus on % nerfs.

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I am kinda curious on the shaman damage reduction. From my understanding shaman, especially elemental, was doing quite badly in DF and TWW brought it new life. It finally started feeling competitive with the other casters. Hence my confusion on the across the board reduction on all damage.

Possibly due to the Mastery buff?

Honestly classes arnt designed with the intent of double dipping in any game. Its just bad deaign rotation wise if they do.

It works for every class in the game, it just so happens that it’s more pronounced on Arcane since the inclusion of Arcane Barrage in Nether Precision. This is just how the game works.

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Why would you nerf ele, its still subpar in ST, there was no need for this

Tanking might need another look see. Already In heroic groups pulling 10-30 mobs into a boss and surviving without much of a problem.

Which in turn vastly favors uncapped AoE making those specs unquestionably the most useful.

If they were removing every instance of it in the game (and nerfing a ton of specs in the process, not just Arcane) that would be one thing. But specifically picking 1 ability on 1 spec is ridiculous on the face of it

“We hear you and we’re making efforts to listen to player input.”
but also,
“Revert these changes, they’re not fun! Give us a numbers nerf instead, anything but this change, please, it’s not fun!”
Yes No”

Is ChatGPT now making patchnotes for you? What is this?

Yeah let’s not balance around heroic hey bud


Please revert double dipping and nerf the numbers elsewhere. Thank you!

Well bud,

It’s not like people are running around in M+ and raid gear. There still in heroic dungeon gear and already running around heroics like it’s the end of the tier.

Maybe it’s not a problem. But if tanks are already running around like the golden child, rest of the group be damned, it probably will be.

I implore you along with every other mage to revert the burden of power change. You’ve said you will try not to tune classes via rotational changes, so why are we back here again, a week after launch, when content providers have spent so much time putting out guides and us practicing our rotations? This is a standard part of mage gameplay across specs and the essence of what makes sunfury arcane fun to play. Please don’t remove our fun when there are many other ways to nerf our damage.

After listen to other arcane mages, I change my stance on this and this nerf to burden of power should be reverted. If you want to remove double dipping, how about add two seprate buffs after sixth cast. One for AB and one for ABarr. You can do this for NP as well breaking it out to 2 AB buff and 1 ABarr buff.

Prot warr feels great, prot pally needs some buffs.