War Within Class Tuning Incoming – September 3

ofc tons of mages changes

Surely you’re not serious


And just like that i quit the game

Yes he is.

And don’t call him Shirley.


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It really is baffling that the Dev team can push out this BoP change so shortly after the NP revert. Do they do any internal testing or feedback before releasing changes? Please reconsider and revert Bop double dipping.


was hoping someone would reply with this, but even laughing at my own joke can’t undo the pain of this patch note

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Daily reminder to revert BoP change, and nerf the numbers instead.

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Again with the double dip. Why are we here again? Havent you learned after the whole nether precisions discussion? Gettin rid of this kinda of interaction just make rotations more complex or confusing. Either you get rid of this mechanic as whole ( for all specs in your game) or just let it be. Making double dip work for some buffs and not for other is just so confusing. Please dont let this go through. Listen to your community. Thanks


Just remove Rogue from the game at this point.


Thanks for not fixing Rogues stealth bug. We appreciate you leaving all rogues broken. Also thank you for not harming warriors at all. We appreciate you leaving them extremely overpowered.

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Please consider tuning for frost fire frost spec. It is very behind slinger and both arcane specs .

Also please consider changing how splinter storm works for frost, applying winters chill sounds cool, but in practice it makes us not use our kit that you guys updated in S3 of DF. I would absolutely argue the DF changes to frost have made it extremely fun and one of (if not the best imo) iterations for the betterment of the spec. And the spell slinger tree feels so much like a step backwards.


I really really dislike the Burden of Power change for Arcane mages, I would rather have a more significant dps nerf that doesn’t change the currently very fun enjoyable dps.

I don’t care about the dps at all, this change BARELY lowers the damage while destroying the fun. Why not just make % dmg nerfs to abilities or auras that are even more significant and keep the rotation fun? I’m brand new to arcane for 2 months coming from balance druid, it’s not even hard to play with the double dipping on BoP, it’s just enjoyable.


yes…nerf the filthy Frost DK…damn the damned…damn the damned.
can’t say I had hopes they would leave Frost alone but can’t have them be viable specs anymore…Back in the Bin I go…maybe someday.

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good job at killing the fun but not at tunning!


One more : 'You didb’t get ealy acess, ? haha poor person !!! Now take this nerf"

Revert the Burden of Power change. One of the worst decisions I’ve seen in a long time. Lets just make a spec and rotation that everyone has been universally praising since beta and then fundamentally change the way that it plays after the expansion has already launched and 1 week before raid release.

How could this possibly be the correct answer instead of just tuning the numbers? Revert this change like the NP double dip was. I can’t believe the feedback that you guys got about NP a month ago was already forgotten.


Mid BFA and beginning of Shadowlands, when no one cared. Lol.

They post that slop every time, doesn’t mean it’s true.

Nothing for rogue?

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Please consider reverting Burden change. Picking and choosing what to remove spell queing on this wild. Also the fact that this was reverted from NP weeks ago shows that you guys know that it is. Please nerf the damage. As everyone has said we know that we are over tuned but making a change to the rotation right before season start is crazy. I am new to arcane and it took me all of leveling and running quite a few dungeons to start to feel the groove and really enjoy the spec. So the thought of potentially having to relearn all of that before raid and m+ season is really discouraging. Making a huge game play change is wild, especially since you still allow double dipping in so many other areas.

Please do the right thing and revert it and make the changes elsewhere.

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