War Within Class Tuning Incoming – September 3

So not OP, got it.

I wish we would see some Rogue changes =( My fav class and spec is pretty weak this expansion.

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Wait what??? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

“We regularly make terrible changes to make the game less fun based on the feedback of people that cry. Further, we will have multiple downtimes at peak times to implement said pointless changes, in an effort to time-gate the community and decrease player enjoyment.”

Yep, got it. Business as usual.

Can we at least have an explanation as to why double dipping Burden of Power is being removed? It’s a fun spec gimmick. Everyone agrees on that. It singlehandedly makes Sunfury Arcane far more engaging. So, I really don’t understand why that’s being removed, knowing full well that this has severe implications on the gameplay and rotation.

If the intention is to just nerf damage, then why not just do that - tune down the damage numbers? Why choose to mess with the gameplay that the player-base is enjoying, force guides to be redone from scratch, and force everyone to relearn a less engaging rotation so close to season launch?

And one more thing: having one buff double dip (Nether Precision), while another cannot (Burden of Power), is honestly quite confusing to new players. This change is very out of touch for many reasons…

Long time mage player and this update really annoys me. Nerfing damage makes sense, but changing a significant part of the way a class is played after launch and week before raiding and mythic plus doesn’t. I came in excited to try spellslinger and SF and have put in a lot of hours trying to learn how to play these rotations… and now you have told me I wasted that time.

Some Frostfire and Fire / Frost Mage feedback here.

Nerf to Ice Lance in PVP might have been needed, but it also caused a potential oversight - you nerfed Splitting Ice in PVP to buff single-target damage of Ice Lance, then you nerfed Ice Lance twice to about similar level to pre-buff and Splitting Ice is still nerfed and that can cause issues in teamfights where Splitting Ice is main source of Frost’s AoE damage (as people can easily run out of both Blizzard and Frozen Orb). Now that Ice Lance damage is more tuned consider partially reverting a nerf to Splitting Ice, for example to level of Glacial Spike’s Splitting Ice PVP level. And please make Splitting Ice not cleave to enemies affected by breakable crowd control effects like you did for similar abilities like Primordial Wave.

There is also another potential oversight from Blizzard in form of choice node between Ice Nova and Ring of Frost. I suspect it was made to offset Frostfire’s Ice Nova proc which already did not take Sunfury and Spellslinger into account and on top of that Excess Frost Ice Nova no longer provides freeze effect, so Frost Mages with any hero spec have to pick between the only non-rng based ranged AoE shatter they have for their spells like Comet Storm and Glacial Spike (aside from one attached to a 2 min CD) and their main utility option and losing any of them is not good, especially for Mythic+. Now that you tweaked Excess Frost, consider splitting Ice Nova and Ring of Frost and either make Ring of Frost a separate talent instead of one of unused Frost Nova talents below their node or if you still want to keep number of CC / utility options in general tree similar to current - make Ring of Frost a choice node with Mass Polymorph instead. They are both long duration AoE crowd control abilities that break on damage and have different pros and cons, so such choice node would make much more sense.

Buffs to Fire’s damage are something good that would allow them to beat tank’s dps, but they would still be far behind other dps specs. These changes are a step in right direction, but more such steps are needed.

And as for Frostfire Bolt - buff to it for Fire is nice, but similar buff is also needed for Frost, since Frost’s Frostfire Bolt does barely more direct damage than Frostbolt in PVE (and its damage over time can be frequently overriden for Fractured Frost builds), less damage than Frostbolt in PVP and is also not affected by many effects that affect Frostbolt. It is also massively bugged for Frost and has many issues that should be fixed. These include:

  • Frostfire Empowerment with 1 stack of buff does not have explosion animation, does not increase damage of Frostfire Bolt and does not make it guaranteed to crit like buff tooltip states.
  • Frostfire Empowerment with 2 stacks of buff doubles values of its cleave effect.
  • Frostfire Bolt does not trigger most effects that occur on hit and can trigger excess Bone Chilling stacks.
  • Frostfire Bolt’s damage over time effect can break crowd control effect from Dragon’s Breath. It should be added to the list of spells that don’t break it.

Also 3 main general Mage bugs:

  • Arcane Intellect affected by Inspired Intellect is removed from Mage when Arcane Intellect is applied to other player.
  • Shifting Power does not reset cooldown of Mass Invisibility (neither normal nor PVP talented).
  • Pet bar is reset to default setting severy time you relog, even if you pick “lock ability bars” option in settings.

Haven’t had time to level my priest, but holy crap is disc that bad currently?

Please, either let everything double dip or nothing.

This is making Arcane convoluted in the most silly way possible.

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I feel like a snowball god as frost mage. With the snowballs having rocks in them.

FF frost mage feels great

might as well just delete fury as a spec
anytime its part of the meta it instantly gets nerfed. Mage can be meta every single season and that’s ok but fury warrior can’t stay strong for more than 10 minutes before the nerf hammer comes

Daily request to revert the Burden of Power and Arcane Soul changes - find a less unfun way to do spec tuning. It’s ridiculous that anyone should even have to tell you this.


Any word on the mountain of bugs with frostfire? Like the buffs are laughable to fire sure, but even then they won’t mean much if the spec still doesn’t function correctly, and proccing frost abilities as fire will probably lose its comedic value when things get more chaotic in fights and I can’t see my heating up procs behind fingers of frost.

That trinket really doesn’t stand out all that much from the others. It’s the best by 1%.

Again, with the changes to Arcane, this is about a 2-3% nerf with a lot more awkwardness added to the gameplay in AOE and single target due to the burden of power changes.

Arcane needs nerfs even still. This is understood AND WARRANTED. But removing the Burden of Power queueing interaction is not the way to do so. Especially after allowing Nether Precision to go through

Making it so we have to spend Burden on a barrage means we don’t get the charges back right away, making it clunky to use that proc in AOE. Queuing it allowed us to benefit from it in a way that flowed well.

In single target, this means we just queue on NP likely, meaning double dipping still exists, but now not in all cases this is now more inconsistent than what you want.

I had long posts in the beta threads about how gameplay feedback is the most important metric, with numbers coming after the gameplay loop is solid. This does make the gameplay significantly worse, for a minimal nerf to arcane. It doesn’t do what you want it to.

Revert the Burden of Power change, tune the damage/benefit of Burden of Power for Arcane respectively, and tune it’s spellfire sphere spell damage coeficient to make it in line with the other dps specs.



Daily request to revert Burden of Power and Arcane Soul changes.

Tune with numbers/auras don’t disrupt established gameplay right before a season start.


Ahh yes, a 5% damage boost to Pyroblast. This will make my combustion window dangerous in PvP and give me the kill potential my spec has been missing. /s

Even with the relatively minor nerf to Frost Mage, it’s insane how wide the discrepancy is in PvP performance between Fire and Frost. Fire needs ACTUAL tuning adjustments.

Chill for what, door knob? Saying I would wait and see how it feels? It’s only negative adjustments, so it is a nerf. I didn’t say that it wasn’t warranted, it was a commentary on how some favored classes/specs escape the adjustment hammer longer than others. When DKs are strong, it usually isn’t Frost holding the title; when it is, it usually does not stay that way for long


Please do reconsider the Burden change for arcane. Nerf the numbers not the play style and same for arcane soul, its so fun. why nerf fun, just nerf numbers please. This Spec is so fun but it won’t be after tuesday


Why allow double dip for one ability and not the other? Have some damn consistency. The changes to arcane mage make little to no sense when a simple aura nerf could’ve been perfectly fine.