War Within Class Tuning Incoming – September 3

Are you guys going to hotfix the gathering knowledge point exploit that gave every bot in the game and a good chunk of the sweats who gather, maxed out Knowledge Points? Roll back the kp gained on Tuesday from reset until like 10 hours later.
Mayyybe this maint. cycle?

Kinda rough seeing that 80% of the gatherers (due to the number of bots) managed to get a 5 month advantage on a market where it crashes in 1-2 months.

If you can’t fix it, can you just undo the hotfix and make it so all the gatherers can max out their kp trees through gathering for a couple hours?

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Honestly, did we learn nothing with the Nether Precision change? Why go through this again? Revert Burden of Power change.


Why can’t you reduce Sunfury Arcane damage somewhere else? Why do you need to remove the fun from spell queueing Burden of Power? Now you’re changing the rotation two weeks after the expansion has been released, after previously indicating that you knew we enjoyed the playstyle that spell queueing came with. Another one of those “fun detected” Blizzard moments.


Can we please get some attention to Outlaw in PvP. I’m happy to see Enhancement get a few meaningful buffs to windfury and stormstrike, but Outlaw needs serious help too.

The discrepancy in power between some specs is so wide is insane.

And DK’s, Frost simply cannot get a break. I was shocked there were no big changes to Warriors as well.

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It’s catching a nerf because its one of the best spec in beta keys where its performing on par with Arcane, Frost, and Enhance, all of which received nerfs alongside Ele. People are still running keys today on beta which you can see it is cranking: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/zone/reports?zone=39&boss=0&difficulty=0&class=Shaman&spec=Elemental&keystone=10&kills=0&duration=0

It’s not to bad of a nerf, amounting to about like 4% given they buff the bonus damage from our mastery (still a stink stat). The Tempest change honestly isn’t that bad because the main way Tempest contributes your damage in Keys is from Arc Discharge and the giga Chain Lighting. Not to mention there’s way less Mass AoE pulls done in keys and is now stronger on lower target counts. Ele is still going to do well in keys playing Stormbringer and in Raid playing Farseer.

Nerfs to frost dk but you are not going to touch Odyn’s Fury? really…


Some work from the mage discord shows that this isn’t even that much of a damage nerf, maybe 4% without optimizing around a new APL.

So even with this fun playstyle change, tuning will have to happen. All this did was make it less fun to play, but didn’t make it any meaningfully weaker.


Again, you can tune the damage modifiers of burden and glorious, and to not nerf spellslinger, you can change the arcane only modifiers for spellfire spheres and mana cascade. You have the tuning knobs.

We’re asking for nerfs to the numbers, even more so than what’s posted here in the blue post. Just make it fun to play


The rotation shouldn’t have been messed with. That was the fun part.

They should have changed the numbers instead of the gameplay.

It’s clear you don’t understand what the majority is asking for.

Don’t change the gameplay, reduce the damage as the damage reduction is warranted.


Blizzard, have we learned nothing from the reverted Nether Precision double dipping change during the beta? I don’t even care that you want to nerf arcane, stop messing with Arcane’s amazing rotational gameplay and just do numbers tuning. Also revert the arcane soul nerf, its a short enough window as-is.


Also, like mentioned by others, revert the Arcane Soul change as well. Aura nerf the spec if necessary, but don’t mess with gameplay by making it worse. All these changes do is show that whoever is in charge of tuning has no idea how the spec plays.


Please revert, Nerf our damage aura rather then the fun playstyle.


Based on the comments here, you can really see how many people rerolled Mage for TWW lmao.

Regardless, some horrible tuning changes.

Death Knight issues are in the hero talents, not baseline abilities.

Balance Druid plays like trash, numbers tuning is not adequate.

Starting the same argument with Mages as a few weeks ago really doesn’t build confidence that the folks turning the knobs have any idea what they are doing.

No changes to Augmentation? Guess we are trying to keep up the delusion that this spec is fine. Warriors similarly seem over tuned but I guess we’re okay with that.

No buffs to Marks or underperforming Rogue specs? Two pure DPS classes that are feeling horrible in this expac isn’t a great look.


Maybe, but I’ve played Arcane since 2011 and you don’t have to have played that long to understand this is an unfun change.


Aura nerf to Arcane would be bad. That nerfs SS too. Sunfury specifically needed nerfs. They could make Burden do 20% instead of 30% bonus damage for example.

They do need to revert these Burden of Power and Arcane Soul changes though.


Please don’t apply the nerfs to sunfury’s double dipping, you destroying the fun of the class, nerf the damage, not the rotation please.


They could also aura nerf Arcane and buff Spellslinger since it surely needs it, especially in the CC department after it was removed from Splinterstorm.


I suppose they could, but if SS is already where they want it tuned, I’d expect them leave it alone. I wouldn’t complain about more CC procs though, cause that = fun.

Ok as a Resto Druid/Resto Shaman player, I am marked safe :slight_smile:

Dark Ranger is considered 1000% unusable by Marksman because of how much of a discrepancy there is between it and Sentinel and not a single change to help that? >_>