War Within Class Tuning Incoming – September 3

Let’s try ruin the fun part of the class where the dev team keeps working on the whole summer with 2 pages of arcane mage changes every week. lmao.

Hey team, let’s get align what you folks want then start testing and tuning ok? If team want arcane just press blast, fine, remove other spells, and it’s easy tuning. Don’t make your team waste time using half of the headcounts and erase the effort one week into the expansion.


Please don’t change the rotation of SF Arcane mage please. It is fun as it is. Nerf if all you want (but not to the point of Fire mage tho)


As others have already said, Arcane Mages were already expecting a nerf due to the spec over performing compared to others. This change to Burden of Power is not the way to go about tuning Arcane Mage’s damage. Please revert the change to Burden of Power.

I did not mention it in my first post but the change to Arcane Soul is also disappointing. The spell already has a short duration even with the added duration from Memory of Al’ar. I don’t know if you have a targeted maximum duration that you want us to have with this ability but even before this nerf it feels too short to interact with already.


They have the memory of a goldfish it seems.

Mages enjoy fun interesting skill expressive rotations and made it VERY VERY CLEAR they hate the changes we made in the past… Lets do them again.


Not only did nobody ask for this change to arcane mages, but we explicitly told you already that this is a horrible change that NOBODY wants. Not a single mage player is mad that you wanted to nerf arcane, but we ALREADY told you that this way of nerfing the spec is unfun and terrible. Please reconsider (again).

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How are you nerfing Balance Druid ALREADY? Almost nothing has been done to the class and we’re already so weak, Blizz STOP

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How is Outlaw not getting any PvP changes?

I appreciate that undertuned specs like Enhancement are getting buffs, but Outlaw needs help here too.

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its apparently dps neutral and shifts power to spenders

You monsters! This will severely impact my Alliance killing efficiency. :sob:

I’ve been a religious arcane enthusiast for years now. I’ve played the spec through all its ups and downs. From meta to meme, through thick and thin, arcane is my spec.

It is genuinely the most fun it’s been maybe ever been right now. This sudden singling out of arcane for double dipping is threatening to ruin that. You see the consensus from the player base. I’m sure I’m not the only one who almost never posts in the forums who’s come here to speak up. You’ve made the spec as fun as it has ever been to play, and for some reason we’re getting hung up on the same thing we all thought was resolved already.

Please, please let arcane have its chance to shine. Even if you nerf the damage into the ground, it could be made up for just by how fun it is to play. Please don’t go through with removing the double dip. Nobody wants that. We’d all much rather just do less damage.

I’d be okay with being a meme spec again if it meant we could keep the current play style. Please don’t ruin the fun


Who is asking for this??


Lmao still a*s then compared to Archon

Stop nerfing the fun to arcane.

I finally got my husband to give the game another try and you do this.

Nerf the numbers, not the fun.

Specs need to have challenging aspects to them to separate the good players from the mediocre. He liked that aspect i think.

What is wrong with you people.


I don’t understand why you would revert the initial change on double dipping and switch back even with the back lash. Most mages would agree that the numbers are abit over tuned for SF Arcane but completely destroying their playstyle when alot of us have genuinely been so excited to play it in the coming season is just wrong.

From a balance stand point, why not nerf the numbers? Introduce a different playstyle when destroying the one we currently have.
This is not just disappointing but sad to see that all our feedback from the mage community just completely got vaporized.


Feedback for Rogues:

Sub Rogue Gloom blade needs a minor buff
Sub’s talent Shadow Focus should give a 10% energy discount.
Outlaw Rogue mastery needs a damage buff
Outlaw’s talent Heavy hitter needs an increase to 20%.
Assassination Mutilate needs a 10% damage increase.
Assassination Leeching poison should be increased by 5%.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Kind people of blizzard, please fix hero talents for prot paladin. Avenger’s shield is the staple of our build. Its our group pull. Its an interrupt, its a big part of our damage rotation. Other synergies cause it to pop for a free, increased effectiveness use while taking hits/blocking (TANKING).

Lightsmith has us intentionally leaving consecration out of our rotation until we can shield slam FIVE TIMES, this puts us in a bad spot since consecration boosts other abilities AND helps us hold group aggro, especially when dps are not on our primary target which is a frequent issue given how fast people want to run through stuff, there is no time for marking. So wait for a big hit from conc, or ignore the hero talent tree and keep a normal rotation for baby steps in dps boost.

Templar using Tyr’s to create hammer of light and shake the heavens sounds great for ret, and i do like the feel of it. But its less dps than lightsmith? And still doesn’t take into account Avenger’s shield.

Help, sincerely, prot paladins

Please push through with the Arcane changes and hold firm. Wont be sad to see all the FOTM Arcane mages gone.


Hope these changes stay for Arcane and cant wait for the regular spell queuing to go away too. Spell queuing needs to go. It needs to be written in tooltip clearly or not exist. Take it out completely and make Barrage hit harder or find other ways that are clear and not bugs to incentivize casting it more.

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Isn’t frost dk nerf just 2% ST 5% aoe?

I main frost DK, and I’m unsure if a 6% drop and 10% drop is going to matter much. The rest of the kit makes a drop like that nearly unnoticeable, imo. And it doesn’t apply to PVP.