definitely more then that. I still think they will be fine cause they nerfed all other top specs.
They did make it less complex, particularly at the baseline.
So do I but you don’t see me antagonising strangers on the internet do you?
Well if they keep this in, it will push baseline damage to be nerfed. I like arcane and it’s flavor, however, I am not the best player to pull off this “skill expression” within small window that this bug allows.
Don’t worry, boys, tuning passes are all about the numbers, dontchaknow. The fun is your responsibility, says every MBA I’ve ever met…
At least your class was acknowledged IN the list.
Trust me, you don’t want that.
Really disappointed in this approach. The Sunfury Arcane rotation was in a really fun place mechanically speaking, trying to work around the optimal rotation in double dipping our brand new hero talent was engaging! Why take that away when numeric nerfs can perform the needed tuning? Especially in light of your new emphasis on the approach to arcane gameplay lining up powerful procs that you established at the beginning of August.
Also so strange! Our other major mechanical changeup in Sunfury, where quick reactions, planning, and execution dramatically improve performance (again in line with the previously stated emphasis). A little more understandable, but it feels like you’re taking the sword to all the neat mechanical things that Sunfury offered.
And all of this after the launch of the expansion when the community has poured time and effort into discussion, refinement, guides, etc.? Does not feel like you value the contributions of all of the hard workers in the mage community to really embrace your stated vision when you pull the rug out from under us after a lot of hard work.
Please consider re-evaluating your approach to reigning in Sunfury’s power - we all recognize that it feels over-tuned, but mechanical changes don’t seem to be the right answer.
Can’t be worse than what Rogues are now.
for the love of god revert the double dip burden nerf, nerf the damage dont brick the whole rotation…
I dunno, was your entire rotation just upended in a tuning post on the live servers? (It also completely destroys the Sunfury Arcane AoE rotation)
you have gaps between all your casts? cause that is basically all you need to do it is being able to properly cast without leaving gaps.
I will note that basically every mage spec must spell queue for some core combo to work, it is asking nothing more than fire or frost is asking.
They’re being like that to everyone it seems.
Hence why suspicions get raised when people see first time posters are doing very lively things like such.
Until they rework how disc plays it will stray junk in the current game. This band-aid is a GD joke
I don’t think it’s a good precedent to allow blast/barrage double dips in certain scenarios, but not others. You guys recently made a decision to keep the nether precision double dip, but now you’re taking away the burden of power double dip. A lot of people are experiencing whiplash and confusion because of these two contrasting decisions.
Personally, I just wish you would either allow double dipping in all relevant scenarios or do away with it completely. When exceptions for exceptions start to appear, the whole thing really starts to get annoying to keep track of.
This is the most lost I’ve ever been on Mage going into the first raid. Things feel so clunky and you nerf the ‘top’ performing spec by murdering it’s rotation/Hero talents …
There are other examples of other specs that use spell queueing to their advantage. If this is your first time experiencing it, then I can understand why it’s a P.I.T.A. to feel you have to work around to produce effective damage. I promise you, though, without using spell-queueing as a damage amp, you’ll still perform well enough, just not as well as people who struggle less with it, which is how every spec plays out across the board. What ever damage you’re doing in heroic raid will be enough to get AOTC any given tier without ever interacting with the spell queue to maximize throughput. Arcane Soul’s duration (a literal capstone talent) being nerfed by 33% is just a fun-reduction when aura nerfs could happen to replace the above-posted changes, too, to maintain the playability.
Average damage on arcane is dramatically higher than it has been in quite some time (when compared against the top-end players of the same spec), and will still be that way (when compared against other specializations) even with an aura nerf because of how overtuned the spec currently is.
Reverting the changes and applying an aura nerf will just make people feel a lot less bummy about playing their class in a week’s time, and will still give people the chance to grow/engage with their favorite specialization more, if they choose to do so.
What is it, some weird conspiracy theory that first time posters were sent by “Big Mages”?
Are we not allowed to voice our opinion because we don’t spend all our free time on the forums?
Not talking about you. Unless it is a toon of yours. Check the reply chain before snarky comments.
Good changes. Glad to hear spell queuing starting to go away, either it should specifically say it in tooltip or it shouldn’t work in a way that is not what the tooltip says. Stick to your guns this time and don’t waiver from the qq after this please.