War Within Class Tuning Incoming – September 3

Yeah it blows my mind the tree wouldn’t be playing around tip of the spear for Survival. The talent is legit right there to make it more interesting and engaging. Kill Command is so damn boring.

Instead of changing the sunfury rotation this close to the season, can we just get a nerf to the actual damage numbers you’re trying to target here?


This change to double dipping, after having recently going through another double dipping situation recently, is a terrible idea. This will introduce a rotational change, which Blizzard is on record saying there won’t be any rotational changes just a few days ago. All the guides written, APLs optimized, and time spent learning the rotation will all be for nothing. Do not go through with the double dipping change, instead simply reduced the damage.


I made 0 assumptions about you. All I’m saying is the AOE build with starfall got a 20% pvp buff and you can still top Pad bgs lol. Poor arcane mage is getting obliterated for a second time

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You seem to assume I GAF about PvP, for starters.

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Are blizzard staff members. Real life human beings with a pulse playing the same game as us right now? What on absolute earth are these tuning changes ? What ?


I’ve often wondered if any of the devs try to play this game solo with only quest gear and without using bleeding edge tactics and combos, because these solo solutions often are useless because they are invariably too much.

I don’t have a long stake in the Mage community, this is one of the first times I actually am trying to main the class. I emphasize “trying to main” because I come from a long history of maining Melee classes. Player since Wrath, have joined many guilds over the years as a Top US raider. I never found enjoyment out of cast times… until this recent iteration of Arcane Mage. I originally started War Within Beta testing as Spellslinger and had fun, but was unhappy with the solo experience, 1) building up Arcane Charges is troublesome and 2) having mobs die with a few stacks of shards and nothing happening to them kind of stinks. I recently switched to Sunfury, and pardon the pun, was having a BLAST. I have been really enjoying my time as a Sunfury Arcane mage, however, as I previously stated earlier, I haven’t been a mage long, but can certainly tell that this Burden of Power change will effectively kill the spec. This isn’t a misunderstanding by the Mage community, this isn’t an outlash like other classes in response to a nerf. This is quite literally an expansion defining change to MANY MANY players. If the fun of the rotation is gone, along with the damage, these Mage developers are dictating which Spec AND Hero talent combos are viable for enjoyment and competition.

I humbly ask that you consider cancelling the Burden of Power and the Arcane Soul changes and instead look into percentage nerfs on talents or the interaction of Arcane Barrage scaling from various means.

Thank you.


Please stop making changes to make the gameplay less fun for mage. You nerfed double dipping before and then reverted it stating that you acknowledge that it deepens the gameplay for Nether Precision. It deepens the gameplay for Burden as well. The rotation currently is fun and satisfying. Just nerf the damage by however much is necessary and let us enjoy a fun gameplay loop.


This discussion about double dipping again???
Keep the rotation and adjust the numbers, is it really that difficult?

Why change that?
3 seconds was a good amount of time to react to the buff and use it properly…


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?!

On a serious note, please revert the Burden of Power change and find a different way to tune Sunfury. Tuning is perfectly fine, reasonable, and expected, but when you actively change the rotation to this degree, especially so close to the release of the raid, you are going to face criticism from the many players who have invested time into learning it. On top of that, you’re also dismantling what made the rotation fun in the first place while adding exceptions to the rule of how most spell queue interactions in the game work.

I also feel the need to ask why this wasn’t addressed together with the Nether Precision change earlier this month. Did you not anticipate we would spell queue Burden of Power as well? Nether Precision and Burden of Power basically do the same thing. Why is one spell queue/double dip okay but the other isn’t? You would think that if a new player needs to pass the hurdle of learning what it means to spell queue and double dip Nether Precision, you would then not throw that whole concept out the window with Burden of Power.

Please reconsider the change. Thank you.


oh look hunter buffs, you know the thing that said would happen after the nerf lol.

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I don’t understand why you devs keep making this so difficult for yourselves.

Set a baseline amount of damage/health for a naked max level character to output, without modifications. Allocate that baseline to their abilities as you see fit. Then let the players work to gear, gem, enchant, and buff to improve the numbers.

It is insane to continue this dance of increasing this ability for this class and decrease this one for this class, then walk both back later under the guise of “class balance”. Balance the classes from the beginning by ensuring their max, unmodified outputs are equal and let the rest flow.

It would save a ton of development time and a lot of headache for players.


Please for the love of god don’t do this to us. You already walked back the NP spellqueueing changes, so why implement new ones on Burden of Power?

I would much rather see us numerically nerfed than our gameplay changed.


Arcane mage burden of power change is awful from a game play perspective. You already tried this approach with nether precision and you corrected course. Nerf how much damage it does, or nerf other talents in the hero tree but don’t ruin the fun.


Please revert the Sunfury changes that risk killing our fun rotation. Aura nerf it by whatever number you need to bring it in line with other classes and call it a day. That way it’s not so strong, but we get to keep the fun gameplay.


A damage nerf is fine. It just shows the devs are once again clueless about how classes feel to play


anything that makes mages cry is good in my book.

When do we get a fix for stealth breaking from other players just having hero talents and stuff from 100yds away?

:dracthyr_a1: :dracthyr_a2: