Reading the dungeon journal is important in order to understand the encounters, and reading the journal IS NECESSARY at some point, regardless of what they do with the visuals.
Let’s take tripping bomb on Queen Ansurek as an example. How the hell are they supposed to indicate with visuals what to do, there? Reading is at some point required.
People keep thinking this is gonna be some drastic change they’re considering when really it’s just that they don’t like how fights like ovinax require addons to do the strat
The new UI was a great step in the right direction but they seem to have abandoned improving it. To get rid of addons they need to be constantly improving on the UI.
We still can’t blacklist/whitelist buffs for example. I will always use weakauras for my procs unless blizzard figures out a way to allow us to prune our buffs, and put them in order for example.
I don’t think they understand how much they need to step up their UI game to lessen addon usage
If they want to reduce the addon need then they need to make encounters have more than a split second to position. I can think of several raid fights where an addon felt mandatory just due to “find your buddy” / “ don’t overlap colors” type stuff. Or that red boss in BFA raid ….Vicious?
Exactly. That was the problem with Ovinax, for example, in the current raid.
Circles go on 8 random people, so you can’t prepare teams or priorities in advance.
Each egg requires exactly 2 people to break it, and can be spread kinda far apart on some sets.
If you miss any of the eggs, you don’t have time to do them later, and a missed egg on Mythic is a raid wipe.
You have 8 seconds for 8 people to sort into exactly 4 pairs and be in exactly the right place.
Oh, and all the other mechanics are going on, too. Including the completely unnecessary black swirlies that often prevent you from standing next to the eggs.
Addons weren’t forcing the devs to do any of this crap. They chose to do it.
That’s still a Blizzard problem. There’s a reason DBM is so simple for classic. But back then, everything was more of a gear check than a reflex test. Blizzard changed the game to be more twitch/ reflex based, so they dug this hole themselves.
What makes you think they are going to adjust the content even after breaking addons? They’ll just keep the same design if not throw more at it to make it “harder.”