War on Addons Idea: We need something in return

So In a recent Wowhead article, Ian H. Stated how they’re wanting to prune addon depdencies in raids.

First of all, I think that’s a great sentiment. Reduce the amount of extra tools the game needs to be played makes it more accessible for all.

However, i think we need something in return, some kind of standardized labeling for types of attacks (in RP character of course). These would be labeled in the adventure log, and for those that are cast during a raid they’d show the icon next to the ability.

My idea is to have a set of labels that can be tacked on to an ability so players can learn different types of abilities rather than having to memorize every raid mechanic, making it possible to not be so dependent on addons to
prevent us from certain death. It’s not game changing in the sense of actually changing the mechanics, but rather just the game itself is a little more informative on what abilities do.

On top of that, there could be some kind of an interactive tutorial available to teach different types of mechanics

Here were a few examples of potential RP friendly names:

Large Spiky Hits = “Lethal”
Stops / Reduces Mobility = “Binding”
Group absorb mechanics = “Overwhelming” (meaning the person needs help to spread the damage)
large area effects where you need to run away = “Catastophic”

Those are just a few examples, and multiple “tags” could be applied to different abilities.

I did not come up with a nifty RP name for every type of thing that can happen but, if they are pruning depedency on addons, we need some kind of built in warning mechanic to take it’s place.


It’s a terrible idea to lower addon functionality. I can list the reasons why he says that, but all of them are counterintuitive to the player. If their aim is to lessen the need for DBM, then it’s up to Blizzard to make boss attacks more readable not punish players for using addons that fixes a design problem. If their aim was to make raids not as clearable, then once again, all they are doing is punishing the entire playerbase for the 1% that even do mythic raid content.

In general, it’s a stupid idea and I hope it doesn’t go through.


What am I supposed to say, when Ion/Blizzard makes that statment… and then releases bosses that FLAT OUT REQUIRE an addon? lol

And granted, it’s only been 1-2 bosses per tier, this is a black and white issue. If it’s not zero, then you’re being dishonest about the discussion.

So… this is all on Blizzard. If you don’t want it, STOP MAKING BOSSES THAT REQUIRE IT!


If theyre going to port the game to consoles they need to make the mechanics visibly/audibly doable rather than with an addon.

FFXIVs PvE end game has 1 major W over WoW imo and its the fact you can savage without a single addon.


unpopular opinion: addons make people think they are not bad


Yeah … I kind of agree. I don’t want mechanics I can’t see coming but I also don’t want to need a ton of third party addons.

It should be possible to figure out mechanics you missed with one wipe


Ion’s completely out of his mind and completely out of touch with the playerbase.

More fights like Sennarth? Is he TRYING to drive people away?


The telegraphs for almost all attacks in FFXIV are so good, I wish WoW would copy that philosophy. Getting hit by something means you should probably turn your spell effects down so you’re not getting blinded by Astros and WhM spam. :rofl:


Which raid abilities in Palace are you unable to see telegraphed properly?

List them off.

The only addons the need a war on imo is ah addons they go way to far near botting territory

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I don’t know about Palace, I haven’t done any raiding in Wow in forever. But even in delves, you can’t see some things coming in because of the ground clutter etc. Things like the swirlies sitting under plants, or the weaver orb thing that is so little you can barely see it in with all the effects around you.

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I personally do not like the idea of addons. I feel like the company should completely satisfy everything within its own property.

However, we did use an addon to recruit for our guild. We were able to reach 1,000 members in only 10 days. So, as long as addons are a thing… I suppose they are okay to still use.

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One of the things I most-want is some consistency in animation between effects that are meant to be split up and shared or ‘move together’ versus “GET THE BOMB OUT OF THE RAID, DUMMY!”


They have that. Effects that should be soaked have a different visual effect in the middle.

Addons like DBM should be built into the game at this point. Try and do a boss fight without it and you can see why.
Other quality of life addons like acutionator or the mailbox one should also be built into the game at this point.

I disagree completely, the addons are able to do way too much to the point they are a requirement and the encounters need to be designed with addon usage in mind, making them even more difficult without them.

They should be severely rolled back in capability.

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I raid Cutting Edge and barely use boss mods. On Fyrrak I used them to plot the timer since I was a seed carrier, but other than that…?

I can’t think of a single thing in Mythic Palace that requires DBM/BW.

Yeah most top players wouldn’t be able to do top tier content without addons like DBM


Tell me you don’t raid Mythic without telling me you don’t raid Mythic. :rofl:

What the hell are people actually tracking with DBM/BW on Mythic? There’s no point to them.

If they do that they need to make encounters easier so a normal human can do it with out add ons