So In a recent Wowhead article, Ian H. Stated how they’re wanting to prune addon depdencies in raids.
First of all, I think that’s a great sentiment. Reduce the amount of extra tools the game needs to be played makes it more accessible for all.
However, i think we need something in return, some kind of standardized labeling for types of attacks (in RP character of course). These would be labeled in the adventure log, and for those that are cast during a raid they’d show the icon next to the ability.
My idea is to have a set of labels that can be tacked on to an ability so players can learn different types of abilities rather than having to memorize every raid mechanic, making it possible to not be so dependent on addons to
prevent us from certain death. It’s not game changing in the sense of actually changing the mechanics, but rather just the game itself is a little more informative on what abilities do.
On top of that, there could be some kind of an interactive tutorial available to teach different types of mechanics
Here were a few examples of potential RP friendly names:
Large Spiky Hits = “Lethal”
Stops / Reduces Mobility = “Binding”
Group absorb mechanics = “Overwhelming” (meaning the person needs help to spread the damage)
large area effects where you need to run away = “Catastophic”
Those are just a few examples, and multiple “tags” could be applied to different abilities.
I did not come up with a nifty RP name for every type of thing that can happen but, if they are pruning depedency on addons, we need some kind of built in warning mechanic to take it’s place.