War on Addons Idea: We need something in return

You do not need a single addon to obtain AoTC or KSM.

Which is the highest the vast majority of players will ever strive for.

Hmm, you think? For me personally, a few types of attacks just need to be a bit more visibly about to go off. I am all for chaotic encounters and complexity/difficulty. But I have bad eyes and it would be nice to have some better visual cues on a few things. For the most part you can see a lot of what’s happening pretty clearly. But there’s no real standardization of ‘stand in this’, ‘move out of this’ or ‘run away from people’ like in FFXIV.

I’ll believe it once they standardize telegraphs across raids and encounters, rather than being thematic. What do you do in green swirls? I dunno, depends on the encounter. Sometimes you have to soak, sometimes you have to avoid. There may be even multiple kinds in one encounter! Compound this with having to learn multiple new fights every season, and you’ll understand why addons track this sort of thing.

Don’t even get me started with M+. Have fun keeping track of the interrupt and dispel spam without addons.

While FF14 and GW2 raids have their own problems, their telegraphs are far superior than WoW’s.

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Soaks already have different graphics than other effects, it’s already standardized.

The problem with the game is the players, if anything, since people just don’t pay attention.

EDIT: For the unaware - which seems to be a lot of you - soak mechanics in WoW now look like this:

The plume in the center means its a soak mechanic. If somebody else is already soaking it (as with the fire circles in the lower right and the far left), the plume goes away so you know somebody’s got it already.

This is a standard graphic.

(Image courtesy of Mythictrap’s Magmorax guide - Igniting Roar ability.)

Off the top of my head, the only soaks in Palace are Ulgrax and Rashanan - both of which have a plume.

Yeah it’s really not rocket science.

Colours could be better in some areas but it’s themed so…

I have more of an issue with buff tracking for classes rotation. the blizz buff bar is I’d argue one of the worst pieces of BlizzHUD still. I wish we could have a ALL BUFFS bar, and a editable curated buff bar. I wanna see the 2-3 buffs I need to track for my class without having 100 things showing up.

Maybe it’s there already and I’m dumb. idk.

Not what I’m talking about, bro. I mean when a debuff gets put on me with a perimeter, sometimes I need move so no one else is in the perimeter, sometimes I need to split it up between several people. Sometimes I need to move with the perimeter to another perimeter.

Look at the Emperor Thaurissan fight. The nuke gets put on someone, going to place a huge fire spot on the ground looks like the Conflagurate from Flamelash that needs to be split up between players.

Then on Pyromancer before him you get those circles that then change colour, and need to be brought to the opposite. Very little if any indication.

The Dragonflight UI revamp was a massive failure on Blizzard’s part. It accomplished nothing.

I was looking forward to shedding some addons for that, but didn’t manage to prune a single addon because their UI changes were pointless.

Would it have REALLY killed them to at least add in-game coordinates, so we could get rid of TomTom? But they couldn’t even manage that.

(And yes, the buff mess in the upper right corner of our screens is a complete disaster. Gee, thanks for hogging space to let me know it’s pet battle week while we’re in the middle of raid. :roll_eyes: )

Have you considered reading the dungeon journal?

I know, reading is hard.

Most wow players don’t even read quest text lol

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The buff bar is abysmal and is 20 years dated.

With what… half the specs needing to track specific buffs to do their optimal rotation it’s a crime that it’s that piss poor.

I don’t even use Class WAs now I just use it as a way to clean up my buff bar so I can actually see what’s going on.

Otherwise I did shed a lot of Addons… except for TomTom… why… can’t we just get coordinates.

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They almost managed to make Bartender redundant, but not if you play a Druid. (Bartender can be configured to change all your bars when you shapeshift, not just bar 1.)

It would be nice if debuff icons/visuals were simplified too.

Ain’t nobody got time to read a paragraph tooltip describing a debuff during combat. Especially with the debuff icon changing position as other debuffs expire.

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Not sure what I’m missing but I have used the default ui in wow since I started in wrath.

I use an extremely standardized keybind system for all my classes so I haven’t had an issue with dropping Bartender. I just wish Mouse over was… base. I don’t like all the clutter but I also feel like I shouldn’t have to download an addon to make my utility action bar Mouseover.

All I want is for them to stop using the same damn graphic for two different abilities.

Take BRD, for example. Flame dude boss before last boss uses the large red circle with swirls that’s usually used for soaks. And it is a soak.

But get to Thaurissan? Nah. That same large red circle with swirls that usually used for soaks is now a gtho circle.

Dear Blizzard: It can’t be both. Stop doing this!

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Not just combat addons, all addons shall be banned.

BRD was a bad raid that was slapped together by an intern in an afternoon.

Not sure why you changed tone, I wasn’t being a jerk. And, if I need to read the journal, why both with visual consistency/indicators at all? Heck, why bother with the dungeon journal, just go watch the fight on YouTube, right? Why play the game at all, just watch a streamer.

It doesn’t negate my point. But thanks for the opinion I don’t share.

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+1 for all ah addons

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