War of the Thorns killed the Warcraft franchise

I don’t think War of Thorns killed the franchise necessarily. However, it certainly killed retail WoW’s lore-immersion as it exists now.

Nothing can fix the damage caused by the War of Thorns short of a timeline reset back to Vanilla, with writers in charge whom will keep things organized, organic, and focused. Most importantly, they will have almost two decades of WoW story-telling to know what works, and what doesn’t. With a renewed appreciation that Horde players never gave up on that redeemed Horde comprised of noble savages, that Alliance players care deeply about their faction, I think a better story could be told.

At that point, I imagine the War of Thorns would still get brought up as an example of how bad the Horde can be, but it becomes as insignificant as the actions of the Second War Horde. Less significant, in fact, since in this restarted timeline, the War of Thorns never happened.


Or we could simply move on and never reference it again.
It’s how they handled Trollbane’s racism.


Nah, they retconned that.

It’s a bit of an elephant in the room. I mean, it’s worse than the not-sword that isn’t in Silithus.

WoW’s narrative over the years has developed quite a number of issues, and while we’ve gained insight into what sparked that behind the scenes, it hasn’t done anything to remedy the problems. The gameplay itself does not lend well to understanding the story for that matter, either. A new player is forced into the Island intro, and then into BFA, without knowing who any of the characters even are. If they try to do old content to understand the lore, Horde players in particular would get confused about who the Warchief even is, as Garrosh or Vol’jin get referenced or make appearances while Sylvanas may or may not be standing in Orgrimmar, and also the Undercity.

It’s a mess. An Old World revamp could resolve that, assuming we got the Cataclysm route of getting rid of everything and starting fresh, but then you have expansions like Burning Crusade, Wrath, etc… each with their own contained storylines that’d still be confusing.

A full reset of the timeline, and a fresh start, would be the only way to really resolve that problem. From there, Blizzard would have to plan for how to keep the flow of the story logical for new players moving into the future.


Or we could just move on and never reference it again.


I think a problem with rebooting the timeline is that you kinda have to junk everybody’s remaining attachments to the current one and hope they stick around instead of quitting or going to other MMOs while WoW tries to speedrun 20 IRL years of catch-up.

It might be what fixes the story, but I’m guessing there wouldn’t be a game left. The genie’s not feasibly going back into the bottle on this one.


I think it’d be tricky to be certain.

For starters, people are attached to their mounts, their pets, their transmog collections, etc… losing all of that would be painful. Assuming this is an actual reboot and not a brand new game with an entirely different engine, porting all of that might not be impossible. Heck, have an Altar of Storms/Altar of Kings in each capital city with Chromie sitting around, or some other Bronze Dragon in disguise, telling you that you’ve inherited something. Ultimately from an AU version of yourself, but still, it’d be a way to carry over some progress.

After that where it’d really get difficult is the selection of playable races. While this would be a good chance to consolidate Allied Races into their Core Race counterparts, the story would have to be adapted for certain races to make sense. It’s not that hard to imagine Vulpera or Pandaren just being scattered around randomly, for example (if anything, its weird how the Vulpera never got beyond Zandalar/Kul Tiras considering we’ve seen them as pirates). By contrast, Draenei didn’t appear on Azeroth until BC, although we had seen Lost Ones around in vanilla, so even that might not be impossible to make work.

The real headache would be Void Elves. A chance to just wipe them off the face of the franchise entirely as the mistake they were, and yet, that’d be the scummiest thing to do to the players whom actually like them despite their flaws. Even then, I don’t think it’s outside the realm of plausibility that a cult of Blood Elves exist that turned their backs on the Light after the Third War, and embraced the Void to the point of transformation. Just… don’t have Lor’themar/Rommath banish them this time.

A reboot does provide opportunity in terms of races as well. If we’re consolidating races under a single banner for character creation purposes, it’d be a good time to add non-playable options, such as Forest Trolls. Ogres could also be added to the game as a playable race.

Dracthyr would be particularly tricky to make work, but the idea of Deathwing having corrupted a bunch of eggs to make soldiers isn’t so far fetched I suppose. It would also be a chance to update their visage form to apply for any playable race, and add in Body Type 3 as Drakkonid or something. Honestly, I’d be sold on them as a kind of spy race that specifically blends in to mortal societies. The player character can walk around as a Dracthyr and it actually puts NPCs are ease knowing they’re not hiding it or something.


“The War of Thorns; brought to you by refreshing Bleach- clearly, the drink of choice for 4 out of 5 World of Warcraft story writers.”


Unpopular opinion: Bleach openings peaked with 3. Maybe Velonica.

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I think the show should’ve ended when Ichigo saved Rukia.
But I have liked this new arc, so what do I know.

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I think a revamp would be terrible for the game in the long run. Blizz just needs to continue what they’re doing, by retconning and or outright removing the problematic stuff that was added to the earlier versions of the game. Or like Dread said, if it can’t be feasibly retconned or removed, just ignore it, bury it and move on from it and never bring it up ever again.

I much prefer they continue to clean the current game up, rather forcing everyone to start fresh. Because honestly? I been playing WoW since Vanilla, and if I had loose my vulpera, I will quit until they were added back into the game


One mans hero is another mans monster. You are fighting for your faction when ever there is a faction conflict. Evey time you kill or hurt a npc your a monster to someone or something else. In this case to the alliance.

I liked the war of thorns a lot. I was glad that the world actually reflected the story for once.

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I think the game needed way more than that as a justification, because I’m not looking at the story as a character, but as a player. And even the premise of the WoT immediately failed the sniff test for me.


Wowpedia claims you can find the civilians in this quest. There’s no screenshots, though, so you’d have to dig through a video to see for sure.



Whatever happened, im sorry you had to go through that

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I hope we get to burn the new tree too.

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See also: A already extremely powerful Priestess of the Moon, Chosen of a Goddess is forced to undergo a made-up, dangerous power-up to become even more powerful, and she can barely hurt some jumped up undead hunter and two floaty goth-girls.

And to run salt on the would, she can’t do more than flick some dirt on the author-favorite undead waifu and needs a dragon to save her from being one-liner’ed out of a Joss Wheton film to death.

Between the Night Warrior story and anything involving Varian or the Horde, it really seems like Blizzard hates Tyrande. That’s the only reason I can see why she’s always the faction representative whenever the Alliance needs to be clowned on or a human needs to look assertive and masculine.


While it might be hard to implement it from retail given your arguments, that’s something they could try on classic : making an alternative Expansion and a sort of AU from retail.

But i highly doubt they’ll do it… (And i don’t trust them to make a good alternative expansion too. At least currently).

Sometimes i try to imagine my character just waiking up on the shore of pandaria. Garrosh being imprisonned in orgrimar after his trial. No Alternate timeline, no alternate Gul’dan. Just me and the boys waiting to sail on our next expedition in Azeroth.

Nostalgia is a hell of a drug…

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No lies you lost me here. When did Blizzard not write male characters as overly masculine except for Anduin?

I would accept a retcon of the War of Thorns. I just hope that they don’t continue on the current path of ‘if we don’t mention it again, we don’t have to resolve it’ because I believe that’ll only make things worse in the long run.