War of the Thorns killed the Warcraft franchise

Was it supposed to be deliberately funny that Ysera and Nelf souls had to learn about the Burning of Teldrassil from a ramshackle community theater production?

Idk I imagine that’s gotta be like waking up from a coma and learning about 9/11 from an absurdly tone deaf puppet show in the children’s ward.


Strange as it may sound, yes, I think they were going for “lighthearted and whimsical” with that scene.


I’ve heard of tonal dissonance before but WoW truly has tonal schizophrenia.

I’m just kinda of the mindset this story just shouldn’t be taken seriously. Because the game stubbornly refuses to go ten minutes without a weird joke or bizarre shift in theme.

Seriously this is the sort of setting where a man can survive a freefall from a skyship into shallow water, swim up to the surface while wearing plate armor, then battle with demons without skipping a beat.

But this same man’s wife got 360 no-scoped by a disgruntled workman pitching a rock.

Not a magic rock. Not some enchanted doom stone made to look like a rock. Literally just a rock they found on the ground.

This is no place for your Earth logic hoo-man.


my son, i have soloed tyrande and malfurion.
at the same time.
lol. lmao.

If I recall correctly Malfurion just stands there staring off into the middle distance. Isn’t even attackable.

Is kinda funny how he just does not intervene to help his wife though. I like to imagine we must’ve walked in immediately after a pretty heated spat.

Hmm see I would help you dear but according to you all I do is nap and tend to my trees so yeah guess you should’ve picked my brother. Maybe he’ll turn up to help you out”.

Also far as I’m considered Bwomsamdi content is for everyone. Those who don’t love Skull Troll Party Jesus don’t love life.

Seriously maybe it’s because I hadn’t played WoW in over a year at the time but Bwom turning up instantly turned Ardenweald around for me. Genuinely felt like an old friend turning up at a party you were starting to deeply regret coming to.

Seriously the Night Fae are all;

Beware ole Bwomsamdi. He’s a deal-maker, and a trickster and -” I didn’t hear the rest of this HERESY because I was already walking up to Bwomsamdi and Hanazabu like;

“WHERE YOU BEEN MAN?! Hell yeah I want to go wrestle zombie T-Rexz in your swamp! Was getting damn sick of these Midsommer’s Night Dream mfers”

He made fun of my mage, and frankly I’m so terrible at being a mage that it won my heart.

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The character was so amazing that he was still beloved by the playerbase even though he personally turned up to mock you, to your face, after every single failure.

Back so soon?


Katrana the daughter of the Aspect of Earth does seem to be focusing pretty hard on the rock in the comic panel, but retail hasn’t gotten around to specifically blaming her for that yet.


I think Blizz forgot Tiffany existed.

I just kinda presumed she’d turn up in Bastion or something. Anduin has been said to take after her this whole time and if you’ve only ever played the game you might not know this character even exists.

Seriously why’d Thrall get to meet the mother he never knew as an adult? If I had a nickle for everytime that happened I’d have ten cents.

Which isnt a lot but it’s still weird it happened twice.

Meanwhile Sylvanas seems to have tremendous familal baggage. It’s more than a little implied this is ultimately her motivation for aiding Zooval. But again if you only ever played the game - you’d only know about her two sisters who deciedly aren’t her favorites.


The rabid Night Elf fans do not know the meaning of “enough.” They could have a whole zone where everyone saves only specifically night elf souls, and they still want more.


Come on.


Come on.

Why do we still play this petty faction rivalry? I’m from an RP server. I get it. But when it comes to Blizzard’s writers screwing up the story, we have to stop with this whole zero-sum mentality.

Enough with the “rabid night elf fans will never be happy” nonsense. These are players who purchased a role-playing game and had the race they chose to role-play get nerfed and abused into oblivion. Blizzard’s attempts to solve this problem have been messy at best and insulting at worse. There are also players who decided to play as the Horde, and didn’t think the game would make them complicit in genocide. We all have reasons to be upset right now. Bickering over faction favoritism just comes off as petty and pointless right now.

Before you say anything, I am not suggesting that the Alliance is “right” and the Horde is “wrong”. I am not suggesting that one should be horribly punished or decimated for the benefit of the other. We need to move past this when we discuss Blizzard’s treatment of the setting.

What matters is that Blizzard made bad decisions that harmed the faction dynamic for both sides.

We can’t even have RP debates anymore because both factions have been warped beyond recognition. They don’t even feel consistent in their foundational principles.

The Alliance has become nothing but goody-two-shoe humans and their incompetent sidekicks. When the story is about “heroes defending the world”, the spotlight is always on the Alliance. But the moment the War kicks off, they become spineless martyrs for the Horde to slaughter.

Meanwhile, The Horde is unfixably irredeemable. When it’s time to be heroic, the Horde always takes a back seat as Alliance characters take the spotlight. Meanwhile, our characters die miserably (Cairne, Vol’Jin), or have to leave the Horde in order to affect the story, ruining their characters going forward (Thrall from Cata onward). Whenever the faction war kicks off, The Horde just becomes an evil mob for the Alliance to suffer against, then inevitably defeat. On average, citizens of the Horde have no agency, no minds of their own, no conviction in their spiritual beliefs, and aside from a scrappy group of “rebels”, none of them ever question the motives of their Warchief until the last second. Now, we can’t even have a Warchief at all.

The point is that the longer we analyze this stuff from a partisan perspective, the longer we’re going to argue amongst ourselves instead of addressing the real issues, and giving Blizzard the feedback it sorely needs.

I’m not saying I have the answer here, but we’re not getting anywhere with this Renaissance faire rivalry.


The problem was turning factions into the player enemies in the narrative. Garrosh never should have been Warchief of the Horde. He should have been a splinter faction after Wrath of the Lich King comprised of hardcore elements unsatisfied with the Horde “going soft” which was a legit underlying narrative from Warcraft 3 onward through vanilla with Thrall trying to navigate the politics. The Horde should have remained for the players always.

Garrosh could have taken Orgrimmar during MoP and the playerbase naturally forging the alliance to liberate it and sidestepping the need for Alliance players to feel like they were robbed of vengeance for Theramore and Horde players being stuck on the sidelines of largely being uninvolved with the direction of their own faction.

Of course they repeated the same mistake with Sylvanas and then double downed. Now we’re in an overcorrection in the tone so late in this game’s life.


What are you going on about? We clearly have different ideas as to what the “real issues” are.

When Night Elf fans have been catered to, and they will not be happy unless they get to dunk on the Horde, That is partisan by its nature.

Those Night Elf Partisans want to warp the lore to their personal desires, to the detriment of others. Night Elf fans have been given much, and it is never enough, because they want to humiliate the Horde in Alliance only questing, and pick at old Horde fractures for their leisure.

The Forsaken reclamation of Lordaeron was roundly well received - and it did not require Horde or Forsaken folks killing Alliance people. In fact, Alliance Players help. There is a way to bolster a group without kicking other groups.

There is a difference between trying to make players happy without tarnishing other groups (like the reclamation of Lordaeron), and throwing pearls before swine.


Wellp, I tried. Keep painting all night elf fans with the same brush and continue to miss the forest for the trees. Blizzard needs to improve the factions in this game. Their lore, their zones, their relations, their ideals, and their flaws. We can all agree on that.

You’re flipping out over a few extremists on the forum and acting like the majority of the night elf population wants the horde decimated in revenge. It’s absurd, solves nothing, and just keeps us bickering with each other instead of addressing how Blizzard has done the entire player base dirty.

What you’re doing is a distraction.

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And what are you doing? Solving the world’s problems with every forum post?

So your answer is that we should not share our various opinions, and just spam:

“Blizzard wronged us all!”

That doesn’t sound like a worthwhile discussion, to me.

Not at all - not every Night Elf fan is so unreasonable. I was addressing the subject at hand, which was Night Elf quests getting revenge on the Horde.

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No? My answer is to try and focus on Blizzard’s writing flaws and how things can be improved, rather than dwelling on in-universe faction rivalries that just devolve into subjective arguments over who should get what.

If discussing Blizzard’s recent writing and how it’s affecting the setting isn’t a worthwhile discussion, then I don’t know what we’re doing in this thread.

It’s just really jarring, as someone whose been away from the franchise for so long, to see people still arguing over faction favoritism when both factions have been damaged so badly. If Dragonflight is any indication, even the developers want to avoid thinking about the factions right now. That’s not a good place for Warcraft, as a universe, to be. I’m genuinely concerned BFA and Shadowlands broke the factions beyond repair.

So arguing with Night Elf fans just feels so…small…right now. I think these are symptoms of much larger issues that we could be talking about instead of arguing.

So, in the spirit of that, I’ll stop arguing with you as well. I want to know if this setting can even be salvaged at this point, or if things like the War of the Thorns really did just kill Warcraft.

Glad we agree then.

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I do not see why. If one group wants to dunk on the other group to feel better, but the other one wants a chance to fight back, but the first one doesn’t want any push back… it’s a disagreement.

Are you suggesting Night Elf fans have immunity, and can say what ever they wish, without disagreement? That is usually not how discussion forums work, and Night Elf fans are not some protected class.

If a Night Elf fan or a Forsaken fan or a Pandaren fan wants to dunk on other fan bases to feel better, they will likely have disagreement expressed. Not sure why that is jarring.

Usually around post 300, the major issues in a thread are being broken down to many specifics, with people shouting over each other. This was one aspect of the discussion. I think if one group demands tarnishing another group for their personal power fantasy, it should be challenged, and discussed.

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I truly don’t understand how you can’t see how crazy posts like this look.

I don’t think conversations with you are going to go anywhere.

I could say the same, your posts are rather crazy and nonsensical, but I tried avoiding insults to you.

I tried making sense out of it, but it just seemed like strange blithering. You whine about what you do not like in a discussion, but you offer nothing to direct the discussion. Just insults.

That is plain. You offer nothing, you just wanted to chime in that you do not like my opinion, or how I express it. That’s OK. I am not a big fan of yours, either.

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I kind of agree with both of you.

My baseline opinion is the same as yours, Zaranista—both factions have been harmed narratively, players of both sides have a right to feel upset, measuring “who has it worse” is extremely unhelpful, and we should be united against the writers.

But at the same time, I don’t think Cursewords is wrong about Night Elf partsans’ demands. There is a big enough and vocal enough faction who insist that nothing will make them feel better except an in-game scenario where they steamroll Horde (or Horde-until-very-recently) with no pushback and no negative consequences. I don’t think that factor can just be ignored.