War of the Thorns killed the Warcraft franchise

Trouble is for me I’ve every Forsaken mount but the white and regular vicious bonesteed.

The original always bothered me an inordinate amount. Because the fire on it’s hooves are bright green. Which I think is supposed to be reminiscent of Blight but when it’s green fire it’s fel. And I maintain Necromancy should be distinct from Chaos Magic.

So the Purple one is just perfect. Especially because that was the undead’s default color in WC3.

I kinda wish I could get into the Pimp My Dragon customization mini game DF has. But meh. No spooky options means it’s a no from me.

Just let me careen around on my weird fat plaguebat please. That’s all I want.

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I wonder if they’ll add “Dragonriding” to Druid’s Flight Form.

And the should definitely add Soar to Demon Hunters.

I kinda hope so. Also, obviously bias here, but they should just let Priests fly already. They could already levitate and after they gave us the ability to sprout wings and zoom off skyward with that Ascension talent I figure that’s gotta be good enough.

Failing proper wings just give my dude a fire extinguisher. I figure between that and Levitate he could probably manage. Plus there is some pop cultural precedent for this sort of thing;


I just happened to finish the questline (again) to save Tyrande just now, this time on my Goblin Warrior so that I can finally get her out of the Shadowlands, and it reminded me that I also did this quest on two of my Deathlord alts.

You get Tyrande down to 10% while all the NPCs are screaming about Tyrande only getting stronger and then you run off to the Winter Queen to save you.


Ironically when I first did the Darkshore quest it was bugged.

So I just stood there watching Sira Moonwarden fight throngs of Horde players while at 1% health, stubbornly refusing to die, because Natty Blight and Tyrande got stuck in traffic or were insisting now was the time for their coffee and smoke break or whatever.

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I’m still not over the days when you could kite Shandris to Orgrimmar and watch her solo everything, including Garrosh.

good times


My dude.
Her damage is pitiful.
Clearly she’s far more dangerous to NPCs than she is players.

Or I guess the npcs could just be delusional.

because during the ptr, most player had the issue that she litteraly one shot them…so they nerfed for this instance her damage extremly, to make this quest working in the first place.

i mean, there are for sure still vids out there from the first encounters. But, tbh. it must suck for you to not be able to even scratch her realy, after the ritual…she was full health and had no issue at all :wink: it seems, your weapon wasn´t even sharp enough to really hurt her…

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Shandris is just some Night Elf who knows how to use a bow. The average Death Knight trainee could easily kill her. So could anyone who owns a gun irl.

technically, she´s a trained moonpriest, but…yeah, bringing a modern gun into a bowfight will…most likely get you the win :wink:

Modern guns exist in WoW too. Also gund that are much more advanced.

pal, in wow exist magic aswelll…what brings you a gun if you can´t move? for example…or a simply moonblast hits you from above without warning? i mean…as i said, shandris is a moonpriest, not a “only sentinel”, many sentinels are trained in the temples…and their leading squats are even a squats of moonpriests in armor as sentinells.

When have we ever seen her using magic?


Lol. I got in over my head again.

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I mean… Which version of Shandris?

Because, if we’re taking gameplay as fact, there’s still the Orgrimmar eating version that took two+ raid groups and bosses to drop.

Edit: Oh, I see that was discussed. She is a sentinel, which is sort of a moonkin warrior hunter rogue thing. But anyway, as also discussed, this is why gameplay is a dodgy metric for lore sometimes. Unless we’re supposed to conclude that Shandris could have waltzed into Orgrimmar, rolled it up, and ate it whole (Garrosh and all) during pretty much any time during Cata, but didn’t because she’s too nice.


I think it’s glaring that the Tauren were not as prominent in a hippy dippy afterlife as the Night Elves.


Imagine Ardenweald like a pie.
You take one slice of pie, cut it in half, name it “Huln Highmountain”, and that’s what Tauren fans get.
Take the other half of the slice, add in another slice, and that represents Vol’jin, Bwonsamdi, and “De Other Side” dungeon run. For troll fans.

Night elf fans get all of the remaining pie.


however, the rest of the pie is boysenberry so it has very little to do with anything and no one even knows what it’s about


Honestly I had oodles of fun with Ardenweald.

Probably because I did it on an undead destruction warlock who was at least 30% on fire at all times. Bright red transmog with as many fire effects as I could fit in. This was his look while leveling as well. I wound up picking Weald for him because;

A. It had the BiS PvP ability by a huge margin and

B. Weald was the only Covenant storyline I hadn’t played yet.

So this character could not POSSIBLY look more like something Tyrande would kill on the spot. And the storyline bending over backwards to get her to work with someone named Firelord Doomquill was just - hilarious.

Particularly the opener where Shandris goes;

Vile Horde SCUM! I’d sooner die than trust or work with you, thine vile, artless SNAKE!

Alright I’ve decided I’ll work with you and trust you enough to follow you through the LITERAL GATES OF HELL

Sans any other explanation I decided my Lock must just be absurdly sexy. Because he got the Kaldorei warrior women to trust him implicitly by just standing there. So. Must’ve been standing there like;