War of the Thorns killed the Warcraft franchise

Which proves my point?

Doesn’t disagree with your point. Just throw Lorash in there with them and have him rekilled again.

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Eh. Will that actually satisfy NE players though? I somehow doubt that’s going to be enough


Can’t satisfy everyone. But could at least probably earn some social media praise and have feelings move on from there. At least, I hope so? I don’t use twitter, so I’m not the best judge for that kind of stuff.


Not that I’m disagreeing with you or anything. I’m just leery of this writing team handling it well is all. They’ll likely just end up making things worse somehow :smiley_cat:


The Horde player could still have canonically done it, as it was a gameplay option. Unless you agree that the Horde quest wasn’t canon.

The Warsong are home and back at full strength according to Kosh’harg.

I don’t disagree with you there. Blizzard has been obsessed making sure there’s a cloud on Night Elf parades.

“Terror of Darkshore” and Night Warrior Tyrande blowing up Horde camps at Darkshore? Blizzard had to shoehorn in Night Elves being raised into undeath and nothing could be done about it.

Tyrande beheading Nathanos? Nathanos giggling that he’ll just get to go be with Sylvanas again. Wasn’t until way later that we learned this was subverted and Nathanos didn’t go to Sylvanas.

But in the same cutscene we found that out? Tyrande chasing Syvlanas down? All of a sudden Elune doesn’t want Tyrande to die and takes her power down. Followed up by Elune gaslighting Tyrande about having to choose renewal and that coming in the form of Sylvanas toiling in the Maw, something she didn’t have to be alive/undead to do.

And even now we have Ysera come back to protect the Night Elf souls, but Malfurion has to take a nap in Ardenweald because of course.


The Orc heritage quests doesn’t actually state where the Warsong are at the moment or what they’re up to. Just their new chieftain saying they won’t forsake honor again.

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And all that sucks. Which is why I think NE players should be begging for LESS attention considering the horrible attention they been getting since BfA.

If it was any other writing team, I’d say go for it. Have at it, but not with this writing team

I assume the thought process is that this new tree is somehow going to be the latest attempt at a nelf fist pump that Blizzard keeps tossing out, but I feel it’s already going to fail with it being placed on the Dragon Isles (provided they don’t pivot). So then they’re going to have to come up with something ELSE, and even more time will have been wasted on this.


Well hopefully they’ve learned some lesson with the time travel quests on the PTR and can figure out how to stop doing unnecessarily upsetting storylines.

Unnecessary being the key word. Dark storylines can still happen just fine, but there’s obviously things that cross the line.


While I agree that the best time to use it has passed, I think there is room for a flashback-style quest to place some events during that time.

One of my main ideas was for a vehicle quest where the player controls Tyrande as the Night Warrior as she and the Army of the Black Moon (with all sorts of night elf classes visible, so that it feels representative of all night elves) sweeps through Ashenvale, set during the time she leaves while the player is out fighting in Darkshore.

I’d actually like this a lot better. The post-Exploring Kalimdor setting would help both salve that book’s Cata status quo annoyance, and deal with the ‘why are the Horde still choosing to occupy Ashenvale after all this’ question it presents.

To further try to bury the hatchet, I’d have the ‘bosses’ of any such scenario be named as the main non-Sylvanas participants of the WoT: a goblin siege boss who commanded the catapults, a mage captain in charge of lighting the payloads, and a shaman who led the efforts in stoking the fires (with the implication that the trash mobs were most of their underlings). I think this point would go surprisingly far at cooling the surviving tensions, because it’d allow the night elves target a group seen as directly responsible and confirm that those people are no longer current members of the playable Horde.

(Hordeside showed some Sylvanas loyalists arrested in chains - but Alliance-side never got any hint that it happened, while Saurfang’s death cinematic makes it seem that all Horde perpetrators were simply forgiven and absorbed when Sylvanas poofed off. So showing any kind of Horde punishment/abandonment of Sylvanas loyalists to the Alliance player would go a long way - though it should be Alliance-only. The Horde player shouldn’t be forced to play through that kind of scenario again. In this scenario, I’d think that the Horde player should get their own questline to match the above, but it should be about a completely different topic.)

There’ll always be people who want more than that. But I feel this scenario would strike a good balance in granting the night elves some closure after the perpetrators and main actors in the Burning are gone, making the playable Horde feel a lot less culpable, and without forcing the Horde player to go through that same story again.


We will not leave Ashenvale until the idiots of the council give the Orcs anything else then the worst kind of poverty. Also Lorash is not on the table. I am not willing to lose even a single more lore character. Bovan was the final nail in the coffin. Don’t touch my Hordies.

It would be nice to kill the catapult operators, the soldiers that lit the payloads, and the Shaman that accelerated the fire (and undead Lorash).

I had guessed that Windseeker Durja from the Battle for Lordearon might have been one of those Shaman, but it’s never been explicitly stated, and we didn’t even get to see any faces of the ones that followed through with the orders in the Sylvanas Warbringer cinematic.


Sylvanas was sent to super hell for the rest of eternity. That is punishment enough.


Sylvanas hasn’t been part of the Horde since before Shadowlands even launched, and it’s even more the case now that she fused back with her Alliance side that was the one that still has a plaque dedicated to Alleria in Stormwind’s Valley of Heroes. Whatever is happening with Sylvanas now is clearly not closing discussions on Teldrassil.

No I was wrong. I made the assumption that the Horde must have killed them. Honestly, I barely know the lore.

No, it is not.

More Horde lore tucked away in Alliance questing. Like the Sanlayn. With this ever increasing catering to the most rabid Night Elf fans, The Horde loses out by not participating in the story as to why their Faction remains divided. As if the Horde lore exists to be fodder for Alliance power fantasy.

Now the Alliance wants Alliance-Only Horde story to make themselves feel better.


Since when were the Sanlayn considered “Horde Lore”? Last I checked they were Scourge flunkies who were recruited by Sylvanas to do Sylvanas plot things.

As for Alliance questing having Horde antagonists in it, there’s nothing wrong with that. The problem is that there needs to be Alliance antagonists in Horde questing to balance things out.

Which was something Cataclysm had little of and BfA had almost none of. Even in the cases where they were, the villainy was kept to an absolute minimum so Alliance players didn’t have to feel bad about it.