War of the Thorns killed the Warcraft franchise

Aayndia Floralwind <Leatherworing Trainer>

Dalria <Trade Goods>

Daelyshia <Hippogryph Master>

Fahran Silentblade <Tools & Supplies>

Innkeeper Kimlya <Innkeeper>

Llana <Reagent Supplies>

Maliynn <Food & Drink Vendor>

Nantar <Baker>

However, in Elegy it was actually the Night Elves that planted the bodies in Astranaar as a trap after these Night Elves fell in battle away from Astranaar. That was another problem with the War of the Thorns, that the in-game event was at times not consistent with the novels. Case in point, in A Good War Lorash died well before the Horde makes it to Astranaar, but in game Lorash was the NPC that gave Horde players the quest to kill Night Elf guards in Astranaar. So if the novels are canon, the Horde quests in Astranaar couldn’t be so.

Even more so the case when on the Alliance side of the questing Delaryn even makes reference to the trap attempt that was in Elegy:


I believe the fact that the covenants looked like a new faction that you would find on your journey MUCH MORE than an actual zone regrouping all dead people doesn’t help.

They should have done much more skins to make reference to azeroth races in addition to the obvious main characters like Kael’thas, Alexandros, Uther… (They also should have made them much more refer to their past on azeroth, it feels like their alive time didn’t mattered at all and its just weird).

Then people would complain that it didn’t feel like a true “universal” afterlife, like Azeroth is the only inhabited planet.

Okay so I was wrong.

What killed the franchise was Patch 8.1. Trolls are literally not allowed to have any Ws.-

No, you weren’t wrong. Horde players could optionally kill the civilian NPCs and Lorash would comment at the Horde player if they did even when it wasn’t a quest requirement. The NPCs were indeed then found dead in the Alliance quest set after the Horde’s quest. The problem was that the canon of the War of the Thorns was so poorly handled by Blizzard that it left everyone confused.

Though there is nothing that directly states the Forsaken Rogues the Alliance player kills in their quest were the ones that killed the Night Elf civilians, so that was just Dreadmoore headcanon.


Maybe. But the story forum has been collectively trying to find that sweet spot since July 2018, and we haven’t done so yet.

I respect your opinion, but I don’t think the fix you want will stop it from being the eternal talking point. The only question is who will bring it up as a grievance—Alliance-focused players or Horde-focused players?


I don’t understand why Horde players who never wanted anything to have done with the War of the Thorns would complain about Sylvanas loyalist NPCs getting killed.


That’s not generally what people who want “Night Elf competence” ask for. They typically want something bigger, because just hunting down a few NPCs isn’t a big enough demonstration to undo the effects of the WoT.


Most likely? It’s just another reminder that horde players were also complicit in the burning of teldrassil. And besides, we do have players who want the night elves to decimate the horde and drive them out of most of Kalimdor.

I think that’s why most people don’t want blizz touching WoT again


Aviala mentioned the Sylvanas loyalists twice in this thread.

Horde players feel this every time Teldrassil is mentioned. The overwhelming response in this thread is how Horde players feel the Horde has been irredeemably ruined for them. Wanting it to just never be brought up again is not plausible as evident that it keeps being a focus of discussions.


Fair. But I also think the window for “Sylvanas loyalist holdouts” has probably passed. Kind of like how Tyrande killing Nathanos would apparently only have worked if it happened the first time they met. No one was happy when she tracked him down and slaughtered him later.


And besides, the ones that the horde didn’t catch, repented and were folded back into the horde. Having the NE slaughter them now I think isn’t going to go over well with people in general

He said the player canonically did it. He’s wrong. Your book announces that nelves found the bodies elsewhere and put them there to lay a trap.

There is a window still at Splintertree Post and the Warsong Lumber Camp because of the Exploring Kalimdor book. Given that they’re seemingly cut off from the rest of the Horde on all sides, it could be easily said that they’re being held by Sylvanas loyalists and the Horde is not providing them any support and leaving them to their fate at the hands of the Night Elves.

Have them be unrepented ones that still declare Sylvanas warchief and decry the new council.


There’s a narrative window, but I have my doubts as to whether that storyline (should it happen) will actually make players feel better or stop the complaints about WoT. Too much real time has gone by, and the feelings have become too entrenched.

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I think if it’s used for the Night Elf heritage armor quest and the armor set was something that Night Elf players would be happy about that it would probably get praise.


That could work. But I can’t imagine there would be very many of them. The rest of the horde has moved on from Sylvanas in the 5 yrs since SL ended

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Splintertree Post isn’t that big of a place.