Wanting to be hated

On today’s episode of “How hard can a thread be derailed.”

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Well, I just think that one should not talk nonsense. but you´re right, i should stop talking about real history.

That’s not really true. Looking at the Franks, Danes, and Pagan killings after the christianisation of Rome. Civil war in the North, Estern Crusades etc.

Looking at the Trolls, at least some older stories about conflict with Trolls, or even some descriptions of them, can read like something from 19 century “darkest Africa” literature (so… not the good kind).

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Hrmm, which one exactly? I think, you mean the amani- Quel’dorei story, or?

Mostly Strangelthorn, how the tribes are described, how they’re seen as evil and primitive and things like the Dwaren Troll hunt in the Hinterlands.

I have to admit, I liked the jungle troll and that dark theme around it. but i don´t judge based on rl cultures and Separate it strictly

So regarding this:

DISCLAIMER: No, this isn’t a comment on race, it’s a comment on literary history:

Another good reason why I think Arthas = Rewritten/Dark Christian King, aside from the already-stated criteria of:

  • The naming: Arthas, Arthur, Uther the Lightbringer, Uther Pendragon
  • Like Arthur with Excalibur in the stone and Camelot, Arthas pursued Frostmourne, which was stuck in ice, hoping it would save Lordaeron

There’s also this (frankly quite civil) fascinating discussion between myself and Baal over in the topic, “How can we redeem/rebuild the Horde?”:

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Again, demi-human isn’t an insult. It’s borrowed from D&D.

(I know I’m late with this–been catching up on this monster of a thread.)

That actually doesn’t make it any less of an insult. The prefix “demi” literally means “half,” so the term “demi-human” translates as “half-human.”

That being said, I will admit I was wrong and in error—Genn Greymane actually never used the term himself; it was spoken by his father Archibauld Greymane in Lord of His Pack, though still very much in a Garithos-like (read: racially-biased) context:

“And we certainly did not grovel to the long-eared arrogance of those demi-humans in Quel’Thalas.”

Genn did, however, join the rest of the human leaders of the Alliance in viewing orcs as

…just brutes, after all. Demi-beings. Monsters.

I make no claims towards evangelism being ‘peaceful’ merely that it wasn’t ‘violent conquest’.
Oftentimes it was conversion of leadership followed by the repression of the commoner.

Well, I mean, either way, the blood elves arent human or…even half…so I’m on the fence about it being labeled a racist insult

Literal meaning aside, it’s not considered to be an insult in D&D; it’s just a general term used in game materials to refer to humanoid races like dwarves, elves, and halflings. (I think it got replaced by the term “humanoid” in later editions of D&D.)

I haven’t seen the book or whatever where Genn used the term–can you give us the quote so we can see what it looks like in context?

It’s on-site: Genn Greymane: Lord of His Pack.

You know me I like darker tones, rituals, even sacrifices and so on myself (depending on a story, universe and context). I also like the tikis and everything around all of it.
What’s weird to me is all of those cultural things together with the names Voodoo and loa (not bad, per se, but noticeable).

I will admit I had to look this up to know what it was, suffice to say it’s clearly something I’d expect from a llama. Also, with respect to other untrustworthy animals - see camels. Evil, spitting beasts.

Not as terrible as the ostrich, but an army riding them into battle is fierce. When they do the sideways jaw movement at you, it’s bound to cause even the most staunch of defender to waver.


*nods sagely * I have have family who immigrated to Australia and have spoken of the Great Emu War


This has been fantastic at-work entertainment.

Are we going to breach the rare heights of the 2000 post mark?

None of the animals you have cited compares to the irredeemably-evil, airborne terror that is…


What other creature will prey upon underage children at the beach and deprive them of their coveted peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, I ask you? :sob: MONSTERS!!!

Never forget the number one reason for wiping on the 3rd boss in Eye of Azshara. To this day my character now compulsively hunts down every seagull he has the misfortune to encounter in a tropical or otherwise aquatic setting.

The universe will never be truly safe until every last beach rat has been wiped from existence.


Ah yes. Hobbling myself by purposely not casting half my rotation on that boss, because the splash damage was too risky.

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Okay, I looked it up. Will C&P below for people to make their own judgments.

“When I was a young prince, as you are today, my father would not have dreamed of this! But I did dream, and I struck out on my own, and look at us now…. All of it done without taking the hands of those in Stormwind or begging for aid from those in Lordaeron. And we certainly did not grovel to the long-eared arrogance of those demi-humans in Quel’Thalas.”

I guess it could go either way. To me it sounds like the writer was trying to avoid using the word “people,” but Genn’ Archibauld is angry, so I can see how other readers might see it as an insult.