And that’s where I already countered you, my guy. Your rdf won’t matter as it won’t work if the leveling population isn’t there across the board. I’ve seen how rdf works with a non-exsisting or very low population across the board. If people really aren’t leveling, rdf is junk.
So is your server teeming with people doing low-level content or not, because you’ve said repeatedly that there are dozens of people leveling.
The odds that there on less than five people from any given server trying to sign up for any given dungeon in any given time when there’s tens of thousands of players is astronomically low.
There may be a few groups rolling on, but remember missing a tank or a healer and and rdf doesn’t work. So you sit, sit, and sit waiting on rdf to pop. You got your wish. You got rdf but all it turned out to be was an empty cup. Back to questing you go. Thats why i enjoy the game as a whole. Many that first time visiting NR in HJ was incresdible. I hadn’t see beauty like that in a dungeon. The zone, the music. The lore. Most incredible thing i had ever seen. All i wanted was to do the next quest and the next… sure i ran some dungeons and they were cool but that lore and those zone designs were so amazing.
Subjective opinion is subjective. Its all a matter of perspective. If you wise enough and smart enough you know how to circumvent such things. As a old school wow player that knows his way around there were many things i did occupy my time even long before rdf; wpvp, farming, crafting, helping people quest, alt tab and watch special videos.
I’m not talking about forming a group. I’m talking about what’s going on in the system. RDF requires things to go just right. Maybe a group here or there gets made but in the end some people will get the shaft. Then they’ll be here complaining that rdf is bugged or not working or things were better the way the were. I’ve seen it all man. There is no perfect answer. You’re just low on the totem pole so SOL. RDF does not fix everything. Its not a cure for cancer that you think it does.
No its like looking at one of those paintings where one person sees a cup and the other sees two people kissing. You see RDF your way, i see it mine. I solved my problems on my own, your a company guy and expect to be taken care of because you paid your $15 to be here, but so did I, so Blizzard said, “okay, lets compromise.” But you said, “no, that’s not good enough.” And i said, “yeah lfg seems legit. I like it. Thanks Blizz.” Now I’m in your way and not moving.
There’s hundreds if not thousands of people playing the game at any given moment. You’re telling that there’s not 5 people at any given time that want to do deadmines at any given moment?
More like they dumped coffee grounds and cigarette ash on your meal
Classic retail doesn’t have the population retail has and the bulk of classic is already at endgame and DF comes out soon… so stalemate.
I don’t see what you see. You’re expressing a opinion, not a fact. You also did this to yourself by playing on a lesser pop server and by not being able to enjoy questing. I don’t have your problems.