Wanted to just log on and do a couple dungeons

Maybe for how you play because you try to treat this game as a single player game

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Kind of sounds like what you’re advocating for.

Newsflash, I don’t want to be best pals with every rando I come across.

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You dont need to be best pals with everyone. Just make tank and healer friends and grouping is easier in the future.


Unlessssss… you’re doing leveling content, or are playing on off peak hours, etc etc.

RDF fixes those problems.

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So does playing a different game that already has that. Or finding a game good for the hours you play.

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Actually it helps those more.

You make a group for wailing cavers and meet a tank and healer. You can make friends with them and dps for their other dungeon leveling groups as well.

Or you make a tank or healer friend that regularly plays at 6am. You now have a tank or healer friend who plays in the off hours as well.

You want a system to be put in game that fixes your problems so you dont have to out the effort in to fixing your own problems. Because you have the solutions to fix them available now. You chose not to fix the problem and demand someone else fix it for you.

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Pro tip in RDF i’m still playing with 4 other players, it’s not single player.

And I don’t really care if you like chat pugging, no idea why you are so whiny about others using a different option.

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Or so does adding a genuine Wrath feature to Wrath Classic that can simply not use if you don’t want to.

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And yet you want the game to hand you those players like escort NPCs and you intend to act like thats what they are anyway.

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Yea and they can add that down the road like they did before. Its thier choice when to put it in.

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Maybe that’s how you treat people in RDF but that really says more about you than that RDF is a problem.

No, thats how people started treating eachother in rdf as the tool became embeded into the game.

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No, that might be how you treat people in RDF. Most people I guess are just generally more decent than you.

The reality is that these zones are just wastelands and the only way to level is via questing.

These opportunities just don’t exist.

I can put forth all the effort in the world. There is no effort I can put in that will make players on my server log on. LFG is still inferior.

Actually we do not know this as the data we have is very limited. You may get a group here or there, but off hours are off hours for a reason. Depending how many dps are queueing and leveling vrs tanks and healers you may see yourself stuck rught where you are now, unless you think you’re man enough to turn that pretty little dk of yours into a tank. I tanked much of wotlk retail and on. I sucked at it but i got better.

Maybe on your server. Mine is awesome and i found groups at all levels. Low level was the most abundent but even mid way up I’m still finding frequent groups even late at night or early morning and if i don’t it doesn’t bug me at all.

Go reroll on another server. I rerolled to horde and not a short cut dk or quick grouping tank or healer.

You can get groups any time of day or not with roughly the same wait time. That’s because with how many players this game has, the odds that there’s no one who wants to do the content you do is astronomically low.

I am a tank.

It’s almost like that’s the problem. One that RDF fixes. Objectively.

Not as much as you may think if you take into consideration that the vast majority is already at endgame and its still going to get worse over time. I’ve played on private servers that have this issue. Rdf is in the game but rather leveling or or heroics a queue wouldn’t pop at certain hours. That’s when i learned to multi-box and play all 5 roles through a secondary program. No, its not botting as there’s still someone triggering the commands.

I dont want your cheap fix. I don’t want to group with anyone from your server. Its a you problem. I’ll keep enjoying my server. :sunglasses:

This proves my point my dude.

RDF is a way to make sure that people aren’t at end game can still do the content.

dont you know their way of playing is how EVERYONE MUST PLAY and if you disagree then your incorrect bc their feelings :slight_smile: