Wanted to just log on and do a couple dungeons

I don’t play on a lesser pop server my dude.

I don’t have the problem of starving children, but I still want children to be fed.

It’s called empathy. Look into it.

I work 4 12s a week as a nurse my dude. Not all of us are corporate drones with 9-5’s

RDF connects people with less than usual schedules together.


you should get your friends from work then , they would be happy to help at 6am

I’m telling you that you do not have the data to determine who’s doing what, at what level. What each player is doing and what time of day they’re doing it but yet some how you just think rdf is a magical, end all be all.

Funny, that’s exactly how i see rdf and why I’m trying to peotect my hot savory meal.

My friends from work don’t play WoW.

Blizzard should just implement the solution they thought 15 years ago.

Stop acting like it then. Yoir server. Your problems.

We’re talking about a game. Not children. Stay on topic and stop going for sympathy points. That was really cheap shot and you dragged innocent kids into a gaming debate. That’s disgusting.

I’m an otr truck driver and a trainer. I can’t game while my truck is in motion when my trainee is driving and i have to make sure I sleep because no one likes the idea of rolling a tractor on the interstate. My game is far more limited to yours and I still manage to get groups together while leveling and I’m not complaining when things don’t go my way.

Talk them into it. They might love it.

It was an example to show how just because you don’t have a problem doesn’t that problems don’t exist and they don’t deserve to be fixed.

No one can game at work my dude.

Cool, not everyone experiences this. This loops back to other people experience other things than you.

They don’t.

You mean having to talk to people?

There’s no one to talk to during leveling, outdated content, or on dead servers. That’s the problem.

Cross realm RFD answers that

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You chose not to talk to anyone.

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Talk to who my brother, my imagine friend Enrique?

If there aren’t players doing the content I am on my server when I’m doing it who am I supposed to be talking to?

Tell me


except it facilitates antisocial behavior

Your problem is honesty and intgrity. You’ll say whatever it takes to get your agenda across, even bringing kids into a topic that has nothing to do with kids. You say i know nothing about your server but then you post this kind of stuff. I say you’re on a dead or dying server but say this to someone else. Rdf is about feeding kids or helping others get groups, its about your own selfish needs. You only care about pressuring Blizzard into giving you what you want. What a scumbag. I’m done. Have a nice life.

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Man you really did not get that just because you don’t experience a problem doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist, huh.

Peace out homie. RDF is better in every way


are you really this idiotic and willfully ignorant AND apparently such a self centered tool?

you want proof yet you dont provide any… you accuse him of using subjective opinion yet do nothing but use it yourself. i dont know if you did or didnt use rdf back in the day, druing original wrath, but i can tell you i NEVER had wait times in rdf regardless of the time of day because RDF Xrealm enlarged the number of players you could connect with. and before you say i dont have the numbers… i dont need the numbers, its simple logic.

if your server has 1k people playing your LFG tool has the possible ability to link 1k players if there are 2 servers in your battle group and the second server has 1k players then LFG on the second server has the possible ability to link those 1k players together. HOWEVER, if both servers are in the same battlegroup and each has 1k players playing during the same time frame. RDF would connect both realms putting possibly 2k players into the dugeon running pool. so while this does NOT create new tanks or healers out of thin air. it DOES provide access to the tanks on the other realm to all players in the battlegroup. that is an EXAMPLE because i have no way to prove how many players are playing on each realm at any given time at the moment nor knowledge of how many subs wow currently has.

while being an example, it is matte of fact. this isnt subjective, this was the intent and the function of RDF when it was implemented. so please. quit trying to use one sided whirlwind logic to confuse the issue and ignore the fact that LFG limits the number of people you are exposed to where RDF expands that number.

as for personal experience, ive said it before and will say it again. i built a guild of over 300+ members through interaction using RDF. i have yet to meet ONE person in LFG on my server worth saying more than gg too.

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oof someone is in a mood a day later

so willfully ignorant and self centered it is.

this is still a game not your livelihood , get out a bit and smell the grass

typical, your so called “facts” get exposed as opinions and flat out falsehoods, so you resort to trying to confuse the subject and attack. straight from the anti rdf troll playbook.