Every single rando you meet is now your best pal. You will have a lifelong connection xxnoobslayazxx
RDF connects the hundreds of players playing together. Just because there’s no one on my server doesn’t mean there’s no one playing.
Why do people need a reason to talk to each other? Why can’t people talk to each other if they want to, and not if they don’t? Furthermore, the group creation process consists of nothing more than spamming LFG/trade. That’s hardly what I call a social interaction, let alone a meaningful one.
These can still be in place in harder content that needs more organization.
And that reason without rdf is interacting can make grouping easier in the future.
With rdf it doesnt matter because grouping doesnt matter at that point, people are forced to group with you and are likely from a different realm so you dont care to make a social connection as it wont effect your ability to group later.
Except that this simply is not reality, dungeons are already treated as one time events when pugging. RDF won’t change that because pugging dungeons is simply not something that benefits from long term commitment.
This entire post is irrelevent my friend and has not much to do with his point.
Regardless if i throw a party in Dalaran at 8 pm and talk to everyone and their mothers, at 6 am or even 1 am getting off a shift, we would like to actually get into a dungeon and if possible, not take an hour or more (or never).
Your saying ‘guild’ somehow answers every problem one could have.
Had to edit more to my comme goodness the amount of either pessimistic or flat out in denial people on this thread literally needing a pat on the back every dungeon they do. Some people dont want nor need to give their life story every single thing especially dungeon we do in the game. Some of us want to get in, get out, and get on with our day. Yall are trying to turn WoW into The Sims… its getting pretty ridiculous already with these safe contracts and bans for no actual reason. Lets get back to the raw MMORPG side of things and hit the brakes on Social Sims
Maybe you treat it like that, but i try to make every pug a chance to make a social connection because i recognize this is an mmorpg, making social connections is part of the game. I have made connections with dozens of tanks and healers because i dont try to play this game like a single player game.
Pro tip RDF does not make it a single player game, you’re still playing with 4 other people.
And if that’s how you feel you should want RDF since you would not have to group with people like me. You would only be grouping with people who have a similar sentiment and that would increase your chances of making those long term connections.
And if that’s how you feel you should want RDF since you would not have to group with people like me. You would only be grouping with people who have a similar sentiment and that would increase your chances of making those long term connections.
Now if you’re claiming that so few people care about that that you can’t find groups with RDF well that just says how little the general population actually cares about chat pugging.
so its again up to others to push people to play together instead of you finding people? You say nobody but do you have the actual server stats or is this just when your playing using /who?