Walking on Breaking Glass

Back to my original topic, I’m trying to think of things that were removed that I haven’t already gotten back this past year.

I got my Cadaverous chest armor back, which was probably #1, especially since I had it on my DK, who couldn’t learn it. It’s been starting at me, unlearnable, for 10+ years. Was thrilled when they added the Defias set back, because I had the same problem with the Defias chestpiece. It was on my DK, unlearnable.

This leads to one of my highest “wants” from Blizz (this would break glass for me!) - change all BOP to BOA, so I can run through this game on whatever chars I want and not be sad when the plate piece I’ve been trying to get for 5 years on my War, finally drops…for my priest.

There was 1 recipe left from Knot’s cache that I didn’t have; got that.
There was 1 pattern in ZG left, got that.

I had all the polar patterns, but working on Icy Scale and Icebane. I didn’t have all those.

Still debating on just buying the Stygian Pattern off the AH. I know if I do, I will end up spending way more time on Horde with my warrior. That little shield is a whole vibe for me and if Gnomes and Dwarves never existed in WoW, I’d have a stable of 40 forsaken alts. (breaking glass = give forsaken beards!)

There is a leather glove from SM that I had years ago, prior to Transmog but of course I deleted it, because I never even thought transmog would be a thing - I’m pretty sure it dropped off Houndmaster Loksey. Looks like the Rough Leather Gloves, but they’re bulky instead.

I want my lumberjack jerkin back also. Still waiting for that one.

I don’t have a ton of gold in this game, but being that I don’t raid or really do endgame high-level activities, I’ve saved a little bit. It’s enabled me to buy some of the rare items off the AH that I wanted, so I’ve got much of what I was after.

Excited that other people now have the opportunity to get many things that they couldn’t, just because they didn’t start playing until later.

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You have no idea-

No. Idea.

How badly I want a basement. I’ve lived in places that don’t do basements for most of my life.

Currently, yes, it’s this dang economy that’s holding me back - or I’d certainly have one!

I can’t keep storing my garden supplies out in the open. It’s unseemly.

This is why we call it breaking the emergency glass.

Because Blizzard may know what we want, but they don’t think we need it. They do think we need a really terrible pointless contest about which eyesore bike you want.

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I love my bikes!

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You ever think about how septum piercings were the Horde’s whole thing and now they all look like Gen Z tiktokkers?

I’m waking up and choosing violence this morning. Don’t do this to me, Enekie.


Thokk should cash in on TikTok and do Orc mog reviews. Right in front of the other player, of course, especially if the review is bad so that maximum drama can ensue.

And while he does this, he just needs to have a reel playing of some other game or whatever to keep everyone happy.


I can’t fill Coatl’s shoes. They were the Fashion Queen of Wyrmrest


Not gonna lie, it was funny watching 50+ people line up outside the SW Cathedral to get insulted for what they were wearing.


“Blood and Thunder? Lok’tar ogar? Wow. Cringe + Problematic + Ratio. Like, what does a Warchief even do?


L+Ratio+Maidenless+Started playing in Alpha and proud of it+Didn’t Ask+Welcome to the WrA forums+Shadowlands level of cringe+Subway Surfers video

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Why’d you switch back to Hunched-Over? Was the view from up high too lofty?

Millenial erasure for septum piercings.

I never got the appeal of that.

If I wanted to experience being insulted and shamed in public I’d just go out to lunch with my parents.


Yeah, I’m not really into watching people be insulted, laughed at or made fun of, even for comedy. I’m sure the participants had fun, but that kind of thing just makes me uncomfortable.

It was a nice break from all the super serious RP that was always going on. Caotl would hop online and next thing you knew, there were a ton of people hanging outside the Cathedral, looking for mog ratings.

Alliance RP…2013.


It’s a reminder for all our Wyrmrestian friends to fix their posture and quit sitting like a shrimp.

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Going to lunch with your parents is the best because they’ll pay for it which means you can actually get an appetizer and maybe a beer (but only one, because it’s your parents and you don’t want to seem like a drunk in front of your parents).

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If you wanted to be shamed and insulted in public, the forums are right here.