Walking on Breaking Glass

We’re arguably the most active and, I can’t believe I’m saying this, non-toxic forum on the WoW Forums. Odds are auto-searches on Google will direct to use purely by the incompetence of the algorithm.


I think this is what I meant, but as usual Enekie is better at saying things.

It can be breaking glass or just a better understanding of what the player base wants + the people who make the decisions being fired/ new ones hired and / or promoted.

For all of these years it was “we know what you want better than you do”. Here is a prime example of Blizzard Decision Making…

Transmog came out in November 2011.
You could not hide armor pieces (Other than shoulders) until June 2019.

Nearly 8 years to make a decision that allowed us to hide armor pieces.

8 years.

How on earth did it take 8 years to finally get there? It shouldn’t have even been an ‘other’ decision. It should have been “let’s allow them to change the appearance or hide the gear” in 2011.


Welcome to the WrA forums, Mêmber of the Zuljin server. Please tell us about your RP character.

Omg tell Frank that because Alexa lives in their home, uses their electricity, and helps him answer questions, that he, Sarah, and Alexa are part of a polycule.


To be fair, I told him he’d better make sure that they have it locked down and pulled out of the wall socket when they’re not home as the Alexa system is fairly simple to hack if you don’t properly set it up and have good passwords involved … and since it ties into your home PC, security system and entertainment systems, sometimes aggressively, it is entirely possible for somebody to hack your webcams and such and voyeur you.

He said his son in law had gotten it fixed.

Cue the Old Man Screams At Clouds moment when his son in law started playing merry hell with the system and got them locked out of their unit and they needed an actual expert to come down and deactivate the security system and get the security rollers to go back up from the windows and sliding doors because Alexa refused to acknowledge the commands of the security company, only Amazon’s technicians, so they had to pay again to get an Amazon guy to come over and fix the situation.

And yet they still have the damn thing.

People like this are the reason I will never have a ‘integrated’ house because I am not nearly smart enough to close every loop hole and the last thing I need is somebody hijacking my house and/or computer because I Boomer’d and downloaded a virus.


My wife’s big on the “Smart” house tech. I love her to pieces, but it’s a strong point of contention between us, because I’m just smart enough with technology to understand I’m ignorant of it and I’m not wiring up more of my house than I need to.

As for the Transmog stuff, I’m ridiculously happy to have more stuff to hunt down. WoW’s an old enough title now that Blizz really ought to be leaning on the weight of that history and establishment. Hell, a big reason I’ve decided to stop buying the expansions is simply because even on Vanndrel here (Who is very much my most played character at this point), I have entire expansions worth of content I’ve never touched and rewards I’ve never claimed. There’s no real point in me moving forward when there’s still so much for me to discover and obtain where I’m at.

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Remind her, and anyone else trying to go for this, that Tesla is already locking people out of the majority of the functions of their Tesla Cars if they cancel the subscription, including a few cases where the car refused to even let the owner inside. And Tesla refuses to acknowledge that there’s an issue, or what they’re doing is morally reprehensible and legally dubious at best.

Imagine not being able to enter your own house because of an issue between the bank’s systems and the subscription and, through no fault of your own, you’re unable to get into or out of your own house.

We joked about this in the early 2000’s. Now, it’s a very real possibility as we move into the 2030’s.

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Wait are we getting searching bots like twitter has, or is someone just super jaded towards enekie fr? I hate that this era of bots and data scraping causes questions like this. Testing:

Player housing sucks because blizzard added gays to the pvp rating inflation, so solo shuffle is unplayable with dragonriding FOMO and that’s why the trading post tender is killing mythic+

thats one hell of a test

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I can’t begin to explain the kinds of tests myself and my streaming friends would do on twitter, but if you added enough keywords, you would get upwards of 100+ bot responses very quickly.

Along a similar vein, don’t buy the electronic license plates for your car. Not only are they more expensive, but they can be hacked, tracked, and potentially turned off if you don’t pay your registration fee on time.


I recall reading an article a few months back about a similar occurrence between Amazon locking some guy’s account and it essentially shutting down/locking out his smart home.

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I- thought this thread was about glass. WHAT- WHAT IS GOING on

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In regards to “Why do we consider it Blizzard breaking glass and not just giving the players what they want?”…

It’s because we’ve been asking for these things for over thirteen years. Speaking as someone who has been playing from only slightly after launch, what Blizzard has provided in the past year has been functionally a bullet point list so dusty that the top of the list is well and truly obscured by cobwebs. It’s been long enough people who were teenagers at the time of the world revamp now in all likelihood have a career, significant other, and children of the two and four legged varieties, looking only slightly down the hill to their 30s.

So the fact so much has suddenly been re-introduced in so short a timespan suggests to me that Blizzard is desperately trying to court back people who left long before the controversies sullied the company’s name.


Star wars galaxies (moment of silence) had the best player housing system bar none up until maybe lotro. Wow with all its race unique building styles still can’t figure out how to make it happen, even though the system for item hooks are already in the game looking at you archy (another moment of silence) in mists, WoD, and bfa.

After the “old” naxx bait and switch I am skeptical about any old content being readded to the game. Old SM would be unexpected but not unwelcome even though the sets are available at the DMF.


What about Old Naxx or Old Scholo was a bait and switch? And Old Monastery is coming next patch, it’s on the PTR.

And welcome once again to the Wyrmrest Accord forums, non roleplay server person who has inexplicably come here. Tell us about your rp character.

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Not really a bait and switch since Old Naxx and Wrath Naxx are functionally the exact same place, just now with the opportunity to collect stuff Old Naxx had in the “Present” Naxx.

Though i will gripe about the visibility (or lack there of) of the added in grapple points to Naxx. Which I feel like doesn’t get the kind of attention it deserves, since I very much doubt Naxxramas pre-update featured any kind of floor mapping or collision detection to its skybox.

Race/class combos opening up feels a bit glass-breaky.

Old stuff added is more fluffing up the content in each patch in a fairly low-effort way.

We’ll see if 11.0 actually breaks glass, e.g.

  • player housing and/or guild halls
  • more account-wide alt friendliness e.g. reputations
  • Ogres playable
  • Naga playable
  • Ethereals playable
  • very low or no barrier of entry for PvP e.g. PvP no longer a gear thing (even playing field)
  • … dance studio.

The last one, most don’t really care about, but it would be symbolic and funny.


I’ve literally been waiting since The Burning Crusade for the Dance Studio.
Also playable Broken, please.


I really wish I could remember where I read it, but someone said that what happened with the dance studio ended up being some kind-of copyright issue and that’s why they can’t do it.

Not sure if that’s correct, but it wouldn’t surprise me.

Similar to how they can’t put that Horde Trike on a vendor, like they sell the Alliance bike due to some California law since the whole thing was the result of a ‘contest’.

I would not be surprised if that was part of the reason. Reading through old posts on it sounds like the animation work and time was the biggest issue, but seeing as this was wrath… Idk I think it might bode well that we actually get it someday, I mean we have zaralek cavern, and that idea from blizz stemmed all the way back to the cut nerubian tunnels that would have span all of northrend.

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