Wait WTF Ret Paladins?

Yeah they have - a whole lot has changed and the engines all different.

This is the thing - people are basing their opinions on myth and memory, not facts.

/10 chars

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Wow you got a screen shot of unreleased Classic content!

There are a metric tonne of differences between Classic and the OG and private servers at a number of fundamental levels.

It’s a video you pepega

A video of the final tier and patch of original WoTLK (the patch we’re playing) with a warrior in full gear.

Thats what we are talking about is the power curve in the rest of the expansion.

If you think that counters my point you haven’t read or understood my point.

There are already a lot of areas in which things are not panning out the same way they did in the original game. they’re basically different - different engines, different content for the patch, different item levels … heaps different.

You don’t have a point because you fundamentally misunderstood the argument.

I can see now why your profile is hidden.

If facts offend you I don’t know what to say.

The whole argument Ret rightly used was that the OG is not like Classic. Yet here you are saying there’s a one to one comparable relationship. You’re wrong, there isn’t. Sims are the best shot we have at predicting how it will pan out in ICC because at least they’re based on this engine.

I mean - you think Pally is the most under represented class in the game, so you’re not exactly swimming in credibility yourself.

This is the real tragedy, isn’t it?

It hit the mark in a lot of ways, but beyond the obvious mistakes, it feels like something is off with the numbers.

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Bro, ret used this argument because classic used the final patch of the expansion which changes class balances UNTIL you reach that final patch (which messed ret up because they were nerfed halfway through, then bandaid fixed with an ICC tier set), ICC is that final patch, classes will play like they originally did there.

If we were comparing orginal Ulduar vs classic Ulduar you would have a point, the patch and gear have changed, but ICC will be the same.

You don’t actually know that. The engine is different. Feral and Marks are doing so poorly for the same reason.

I’m not saying your wrong, I’m saying the assumptions that balance will follow the same path as in the OG is a poor basis for a prediction.

You act like steady excellent Fury scaling is a dead cert and you base it on the OG which had fundamental differences. I think there’s room for doubt - at least in terms of the degree of improvement and smoothness of the trajectory.

We will be good in ICC - but I don’t think we will be as good. And I don’t think we’ll really start scaling well until we have access to a lot more ArP. I base this on sims modelled on the Classic engine.

Explain it to me? Why is a one off performance of a Fury in the OG relevant to the discussion?

Dont feed the troll.

It’s pretty close to certain though to what effect it will have on this version of Wrath we wont know outside of sims until ICC releases and warriors start getting gear. We do know, from history, that warriors scale very well with base stats as compared to a ret(the only plate dps performing around the same, not opening that ret can though here) and will scale more as ARP becomes more common and weighted more heavily.

Warriors in wrath are the slow rollers, they start alright/mid and gain traction as gear improves. Sadly this also means that the wait time till you can fully pop off is unnecessarily long. I played a warrior at top end in OG wrath, the scaling will happen, but there are good chances it will not be as impactful as the first go around was.

So does my curve.


I agree add RDF


mediocrity? more like the poor house.

Maybe it will. I agree it’s almost a cert that we will do well in ICC. But to what degree and when that really starts to kick in?

My larger point is that people are making fairly grandiose claims about Fury based solely on OG. Maybe they’re right but a lot of other predictions based on OG have so far gone pretty skewif.

Beyond the patch level - it’s a different engine and so there’s a lot that could be different from the OG and already is.