Wait WTF Ret Paladins?

I agree.

Buff warrior resto spec.

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The grand claims for classes always become overblown for sure. Warriors though are going to incrementally get better as they get more gear, more so then most other physical dps classes. Sadly it’s still incremental and that meant it’s more noticeable at the far end and not during the middle progress as much.

Warriors absolutely destroyed the damage meters in ICC the first go around and I legit hope they do again, time will tell.

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This is literally a lie. Ret was NOT balanced around T10 at all. It got zero nerfs at all from 3.3.0 to 3.3.5. Stop spreading this bull.



10 char

I legit cackled out loud reading that 10/10 ggwp

You would think an entire class being under represented is a bit more important than a single spec tbh.

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The main reasons that ret got buffed are that they had daily threads crying about their spec for over a month. The second is that aggrend mains a ret paladin too. Go figure.


untrue, there are vastly more parsing ret pallies than fury wars, everyone plays ret pally

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This is the thing that worries me most about picking top parses. You’re selecting for the top range of any potential lucky streaks you could have. Fury has a higher peak. You can get strings of slam procs. That just send the dps through the charts. It’s pure rng, and the top percentile of performers is represented by not just the best players but the best players with the luckiest streaks.

You can see a hint of this in the 95 percentile numbers which show that Fury is hitting a higher max. But this is an outlier. The 99 percentile up covers this rare group who are frankly getting lucky and have a higher max than Ret when they are lucky.

I too prefer 95% as a gauge. People in this range gear pretty quickly and optimally - probably just as geared as the 99 group but it’s less about being lucky - the 95ers covers the broadest spectrum of “skilled” players.

Honestly, we have no way of approximating the scaling from logs yet, Sims are the best we can do until we’ve been in the phase for a few more weeks.

Sims are showing me that Fury and Ret end the phase pretty close. But who really knows - have to see how it shakes out.

LOL please, AOE padding is the only way this happens. Meaningless damage.

And yet, far more fury warriors are being brought to Algalon 25, a fight that theoretically favors ret paladin quite a bit.

As a former ret paladin, I say let warriors have a small buff. As a treat.

funny, our fury warrior was doing around 3k to 4k avg dps in naxx 25 before Uld gear. Now that he has Uld 25 man weapons (not the HM ones) he is doing avg 6k-7k dps.

Your warrior must have been playing with one hand behind his back in Naxx. The needle on fury warriors has barely moved since p2 began.

I hope you all join me in this, but the fix is simple, stop inviting paladins on your runs, period. Theyre the ones crying to the point that blizz gives in and gives them these idiot buffs. Personally i dont play world of palys, they smell bad and are uncouth, stop inviting them to the party

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Oh stop, I just ate, you want me to throw up from laughing? :smiley:


Lots of pallys out there. They have power in numbers.

Blizzard had been discussing ways to improve them since the start of wrath. Never a peep about wars other than the nerf. Sorry buds.

This is the issue I have with this overall.

This whole statement here is incredibly problematic.

I have no problem with Ret getting a buff - they had a strong case. I’m not even 100% sure that my class should get one - though I think we have a strong case too. What I am sure of is that Blizzard should engage in class reviews more comprehensively if they are to engage in class balance at all.

The problem I have is that Blizzard are basically claiming that they are willing to consider buffing classes by popular demand.

Balance is numerical. There are plenty of areas where player feedback is valuable and I would say balance is not one of them. Making it a player contributed area opens it up to favoritism and witch hunts - a tyranny of the masses. Necessarily the least populated classes will have the least community input. To believe the majority of partisan players on social media and forums will be fair minded or informed is naive in the extreme.

This is exactly the wrong basis for class buffs and nerfs.

Blizzard shouldn’t revert the Ret buff but they should take the cue to more comprehensively engage in reviewing all classes and specs. They should look closely at the numbers and not the forums. They need to do the actual work.

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Okay sure!

No Divine Sacrifice.
No Aura Mastery.
No Judgement for healing/mana
No Hand Spells.
No Lay on Hands or Divine Intervention.
No tank with Ardent Defender.
No Pally Buffs.
No spec specific buffs.

Have fun with that.

From what I understand they look at the numbers and listen to input from higher end players and people who are outside the circle of the forums for input. Decisions like this through the history of this game have had input from players be part of the decision making process.

I don’t think this was made as a reaction to the crying on the forums but as a result of internal data and input from players in other outlets.