Wait WTF Ret Paladins?

So warriors have to suffer through at least three phases of mediocrity and severe under representation, but ret paladins don’t? What makes them deserving of a significant buff (8 - 13%) given their unbelievable utility and overwhelming class representation? What a joke.


Ret paladins weren’t overwhelmingly represented. Holy and Prot are.

Warriors don’t have to suffer for 3 phases. They suffered for 1. This tier they caught up to the pack and keep growing from here as they get gear.

Ret needed buffs to do that. Our utility wasn’t actually good enough to be worth bringing on any fight over another holy paladin or a prot.


Lets explain

Warriors = A class
Ret is a spec

Warrior underrepresented and ret underrepresented arent the same. But I see you dont care for logic or validity. Only selfish behavior.


Except based on population, fury warrior is better represented than Ret, both in terms of the raw numbers brought to difficult fights like Algalon, as well as a percentage of the population brought.

Warriors have a viable DPS spec that keeps getting better. They should stop whining about a spec that was doing worse than them getting buffs that don’t make that spec better than them.


fire mages are popping off with ulduar ilvl buff

fury, however, is not

the “insane” scaling is a myth. They were overnerfed in original and the game in 2023 is realistically just a different game in many ways. Warriors scale well but not enough to close a 30%+ gulf, and some S+ classes like assassination rogues actually get more DPS out of ulduar than warriors do, even with the ilvl buff.

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Incorrect. Try running a pug and see 10 rets whisper you to join for 1 of every other class, except maybe warlock.

There are far too many ret paladins.


Arms is so busted in pvp…I hope they don’t get buffed.

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We’ll have to see how things sort out, but I think its looking like rets may have surpassed fury on a number of important fights with the buff.

If this is the case then now we have prot paladins crushing prot warriors, dps paladins beating dps warriors, and holy paladins laughing at how their spec alone has more than double the roster slots allocated to them than the entire warrior class does.


That’s population, not representation.

How many of those ret paladins do you bring?

Welcome to Warriors. This is how they work. And it’s working as intended. I’m guessing you won’t be complaining on the forums about it when they become literal gods in late phases?

Ret Paladins were always B to A-tier DPS in OG Wrath. They are in a broken state in Wrath Classic because we’re using balancing that was designed specifically with their T10 in mind. This buff doesn’t even bring them close to their original power level, but the whole point was to at least make them strong enough not to be considered a meme spec.

If you want homogenous damage and utility, I’d suggest you check out Dragonflight. That’s probably more your type of game.

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I mean if you look at the top logs (where warriors have the most gear) they still out damage rets by reasonable margins.

Top Ignis warriors are 900+ DPS ahead after the buff, they are almost 2k ahead on XT… Warriors are definitely still dealing more DPS single target even after the buffs.

All the buffs did was make it so that equally geared / skilled rets can better compete with other DPS, it isn’t setting us above folks.

And we used to be above fury… So your scaling is certainly doing more than nothing.


Warrior in pvp is gonna be so oppressive once arpen gear starts rolling in. Which will be next season.

If they are to buff warriors in pve, they should only touch fury. For example, reduce the damage penalty to titans grip.


No, they weren’t. Stop repeating this lie. Their dps was too low in PvE in 3.1 (ULDUAR), as stated by Blizzard.

Warriors cleave on XT.

So do Rets, we do that well. And we are even further behind there even after the buffs.

Fury still has a fine lead over ret when appropriately geared and played.

It’s getting wider as they continue to hear in this phase and through the next.

But oh no, the poor fury warriors are only… Still significantly higher damage than ret.

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I’m just saying, you said that like XT is single target. XT is fury’s best fight in the raid btw. Bit of a cherrypick.


Yes they were.

The fact that they received buffs doesn’t mean that they weren’t a solid DPS option, unlike their state in Classic up until now. Other classes received buffs in that patch as well.

Blizzard literally said “Retribution dps is too low in PvE in 3.1”

And yet they were far stronger then than they are now, even after this small buff has been applied.

You’re basing that on what, exactly? “Far stronger?” When their dps was called “too low in PvE” by Blizz? What?

It’s likely that more due to tantrums feeding rage more than anything else.

Warriors also have a 1k DPS advantage on Ignis, which is single target.

It looks like ret caught up on Algalon at the highest end.

The sky really isn’t falling here. It’s pretty clear that rets weren’t being stacked because of our utility at this point.

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