Wait to roll on items until everyone has rolled

Your title creates a paradox. If everyone waits to roll until everyone has rolled then no one can roll since everyone would have to roll before anyone could roll.


Troll thread would be more entertaining if it was a Shaman Tank doing the ninja’ing

Everyone will call everyone else a ninja for rolling need on anything these days. Gotta love the label generation.


Love to see it. Good thing blizzard made the runed orb bag personal or there would have been hundreds of tanks trying to form runs every day for H+. Tank/Healer tax because they think their time is more useful than their DPS is one of the things I dislike most about the wow player base. Now if people want to offer to pay for those services than cool that’s their choice, but the tank/healer expecting it is a yikes.


You sound like Ohdin now… Maybe if you get a guild and socialize you can “network” and make friends with good players from all different guilds. I get this post is pointless I was bored at work and just venting. It’s obvious from your post history your just a troll that is negative, rude, and complains about everything.

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If it makes you feel any better my main is a Glad and sometimes randoms get jealous in dungeons/pugs and say I bought it for literally no reason. It’s the same concept, they are jealous so they automatically assume you bought it because it is unachievable for them.

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Was super bored at work venting ngl, and maybe I shouldn’t have added that but was just excited because my Guild downed Yogg0 a few days ago and I got lucky. Been trying to get that mount since OG.

Post logs or it didn’t happen. For someone appearing to be so sweaty, we’re all surprised for the lack of log linking. Usually your type can’t resist

Never claimed to be sweaty or a top player. I actually hate the parse culture wow is today. They are good to improve your play but people get too crazy about them. If you like comparing and sweating over parses that’s fine we all play for diff reasons. I for one was always a pvper and I missed out on a lot of these raids in original OG so my main goal is to clear all these raids this time around instead.

You talk a lot of crap for a guy posting on his “original main”.

Read all your posts you’re just a troll hating on anyone whose toys are better than yours as a kid. Grow up and stop hating on people because theyre better than you. Gd it gets old seeing players such as yourself trolling these forums.

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Nobody really cares about your performance, that’s not why they are asking for the logs…

They let foji and rested XP break ToS charging for add-ons I don’t think blizzard actually cares about classics integrity

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If only this could be solved with some sort of personalized loot system… Too bad blizz isn’t competent enough to implement one that makes sense

Leads with claim about player behavior, supports claim with racial stereotypes.

Meanwhile, everyone argues about whether or not they have loot and logs.

And this thread and poster are still here. Sigh.

Most of the best guilds downing the hardest content are not GDKPs…

What a stupid comment.

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Based on everything you’ve posted here, I can understand why someone would want a fee for carrying you. You sound insufferable.

How much gold did you have to purchase in order to buy all your gear from the GDKP’s?

Yeah I’d say report them and get your entire group to do it as well can’t let people like that stay in the community.

Bro tons of guilds cleared algalon on night 1. Where have you been?