Wait to roll on items until everyone has rolled

Had this happen to me twice in one week. The tank will wait until everyone rolls greed and then needs everything and says “GG Tank Fee”. Happened again to me yesterday and the tank says “who cares you brokeos” then proceeds to talk crap about me and my friend titles and Mims head for no reason. Don’t let these noobs ninja your gear/shards. Seems worse ever since we got an influx of players from different regions before they locked the server*


was he wrong? lol


About what? People act like we’re pushing new mythic raids or something, this content has been figured out years ago. Just a simple YouTube search provides you with all the information you need to down HMs I don’t understand.


if you have herald of the titans and all hardmodes down and also mims head then you wouldnt do such rookie mistakes.


Just need on more stuff then EZ.

Tell him to kick rocks.


True, going to have to be cautious from now on. I even DE and roll the shards off after but people take your kindness for granted.

Herald of the Titans, Mims Head, and all hard modes done.
Definitely not buying gold and running GDKPs… :crazy_face:


this story is as old as wow itself

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Is that why you post on a retail avatar, because you’re just too accomplished ?


Its just the typical classic andies man, theyre strange


Because this is my original Main… Why wouldn’t I post on it? I can give 2 craps about parses as long as they aren’t blue and below. I literally got a 98 on yogg 0 doing poop 4K dps in ilvl 224gear because not many have done yogg0 doesn’t mean I’m good or anything.

What is the name of the GDKP that carries you?


My Guild is like #25 on the server or higher and we still have all HMs on farm. Sounds like you’re mad cuz bad. Actually won Mims last week took a bunch of attempts feelsgood to down Yogg0. That’s the typical things bads say “SWIPER” “BOOSTED” “GDKP” Jesus… I still don’t even have 1 bis besides tier so yeah I must be a gdkp swiper…

Has Ulduar hard mode on farm plus yog-0
“I still don’t even have 1 bis”

Ummm yeah… we’re buying that… :crazy_face:

Let me guess Blizzard has invited you to be on their All-Star Warcraft ESPN esports team…
LMFAO :sweat_smile:


People downed all hardmodes including yogg 0 on day 1 in primarily Naxx gear. Just because you’re bad doesn’t mean everyone else has to be.


I actually just joined them last week and haven’t had the chance to raid every week, So yeah I have some catching up to do. I guess in your mind everyone who has HMs on farm, HM gear, or Mims head is a buyer🤡

That didn’t happen but nice try…
Beef bar a pro EU team was the only one that did it. One single team…

And on week two it did by paid website booster teams and pro GDKP teams
And maybe less than a handful of sweat lord teams…

Nice try but there’s a cool little thing called Google that just carried you made you look like a fool

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Atleast someone here gets that this is old farmed content and many of us weren’t expecting it to be exactly challenging. I quit BFA after clearing Heroic Eternal Palace and some Mythic and these are like a walk in the park compared to those. I’m sorry if the content is too hard for you and your Guild. Look at the logs now how many guilds have Ulduar on farm already. Can use google for that as well.

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There were far more than just beef bar that cleared on day 1, they just did it first.

I seriously can’t tell if you’re dumb or just trolling.

