Wait to roll on items until everyone has rolled

Post your Warcraft logs on the character that did it…
Let’s have a look at that GDKP team

Prove it,…

Pressing X.

I’m trying to figure out why you were in a dungeon.

I buy runed orbs with the badges I get for money and you also make roughly 100g from the daily plus more depending on if you get items to DE. If I do it on multiple toons that’s an easy 500+ gold a day

Nerf Ulduar - #40 by Ohdin-dalaran It all makes perfect sense now.


Nerf it baby Nerf it

So I was right all along… You want it Nerfed because you and your Guild suck

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“You want it nerfed Because 90% of the guilds aren’t unbathed sweatlords in their mom’s basement that haven’t seen daylight in weeks”

(There I fixed it for you)

Nerf Ulduar - #25 by Ohdin-dalaran . You literally said Guilds are stuck on NORMAL Vez and Yogg. If you are stuck on those in normal still I don’t know what to say. You don’t speak for the community. Look at the logs majority of Guilds are making progress every week. There’s only a few sweaty guilds like that. The majority are all grown up with kids and RL priorities that make the time to clear raid. By your logic we’re all sweaties in our moms basements because we cleared a 10+ year old figured out raid…


Outside of the unbathed stinky sweatlords…

The only other people clearing it are GDKPs and website pro booster teams…

The other 90% of the player base is sick and tired of it…

Nerf Ulduar, You are an elite sweatlord You still have your hard modes so what are you worried about

Cautious of what? Someone needing things you don’t need in an instance you don’t care about?

Sounds like you’re going out of your way to find problems, imo.

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You don’t need to do HM’s to progress so why do you even care? It’s not like SWP… make the game easier and more people will quit. Why don’t you put the work and effort in and then you can down these HM’s. You just want free stuff handed to you. Many people such as myself play for alittle challenge. Don’t ruin it for everyone with your logic.


Ive got no skin in this game, but im pretty sure just pasting your logs will solve all of this…

Unless it wont.

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okay walk it back a bit hahahaha

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Hmmm ive never seen that happen. I do sometimes however, wait to see what other people roll before i do, but not to snag something to vendor. Usually for me its cause its a very minor upgrade/equal or an offspec piece so i see if anyone else rolls need, if they do i let em have, if not i take.

So… Did you post this for any reasons other than tell people you have herald of the Titans and mimiron’s head on a character you’re not posting on?
Like, what’s the point of this thread? A PSA about being paranoid on rolling for items?


Every player better than him is a swiper.

It literally says don’t recklessly trust pugs.

Which, yeah, I never run with them because toxic behavior is far too common.

@blizzard y’all fr gonna let this guy practically admit to RMT??? Look at this man’s comments he’s essentially bragging about it.