Wait to roll on items until everyone has rolled

Legit what I was thinking. Did indo mean Indonesian? If so that’s just outright stereotyping and racist behavior. No wonder these tanks are requiring a fee to carry this insufferable loser.

You suck.
10 char

oh hey look racism! so #edgy

it’s been covered before… here


I should have explained that better… there is a language barrier with alot of the players that came in before they locked my server and I had a few ninjas happen in pug raids/H+ dungeons on my alt. They were Indonesian guilds. No one’s being racist it’s just the few raids/dungeons I have been in were bad experiences.

“Hello, someone stole items from me, but first let’s talk about my inherent racism.”

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Everything is “racist” nowadays…Is it racist to say EU players are better than NA players on average in games like League/WoW…etc? Or the EU players I have played with were better than the most of NA players. From my experience they were. Same with this, I’ve had bad experiences. Doesn’t mean all EU players are better than all NA players or all the Indonesian guilds ninja and have trouble communicating or all the bot farmers are from China like everyone says. People throw that term around so much nowadays and they don’t even understand the true definition of racism.

This is a blatant lie
Only one guild did… go look it up Google is your friend

If you’re talking about benediction, then this started WAY before WOTLK. Was around the time BWL was on farm for just about everyone that suddenly dragonslayer buff kept getting scuffed. I came to the conclusion that because they were in different time zones they dropped the buff to suit their needs over server natives organized timers. It was either that selfishness or just pure inability to coordinate both of which are repugnant and didn’t change through TBC either when it came to raiding/dungeon rep farming.

I’d rather just remember watching the streams of those guilds clearing algalon on the first night.

Doubling down like a truly ignorant individual.


You made the claim prove it, and if there were streams then link them.

But you can’t…

Try not lying it will improve your life

Yeah sure they let you roll on the mount the week you join and let you have it over all those who did progression.

Here is what you should do with those types of people, mind you, this what the whole community has done in the past.

The classic community has this system and it works, you create a black list for players on your guild discord for players like this. Talk to other guild leaders and talk to each other with the character names. Eventually that player won’t have anyone to play with unless they fix their behavior.

This system only works for non cross server queuing. It was a way for the community to police itself and keep these small issues out of the hands of the company.

Every guild I’ve been in either does rolls or bids mounts to guildies and splits the gold new or not . Do you think they LC it ?:joy: It’s a guaranteed drop on 0L so it’s not like we won’t see more.

gotta love how LFG fixed all that toxicity and keeps loot ninjas out and everyone all happy smiles and rainbows social experience eh?

so by classic community you mean a few guys on reddit talking about their guild discords. because there is no classic wide community.

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Progress, Forget, Avatar, Scunced, the list goes on. Just go to classic warcraft logs, click progress, and look at the top guilds calendars and check January 19th. It’s not hard. Weird hill to die on.

To be more precise; 21 guilds cleared algalon on January 19th. There are logs there to prove it. I can’t link them here.

Well that’s one way to shut someone up.