Wait, so horde are going to get Heroic Darkshore before Alliance?

I dont give a sh*t tbh.

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not like you were gonna be in the running for realm first irregardless of when the heroic warfront dropped

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Horde got the original warfronts first btw. Ilvl restriction was put in place before alliance got it.

OP is still silly, though. Apparently it’s “not fair” unless alliance gets it every time.

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This is a slap in the face to all alliance, my wife’s b/f will not be happy! That’s it I unsub and I’m going back to Classic. Ive been playing since before Vanilla and ive never seen such contempt for us loyal customers.

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Horde bias is a joke, and a bad one even.
Hardly anything in gameplay, lore or game mechanics supports a Horde bias other than some of them saying they like the Horde.
And Alliance get a bad name because of whinny people who get used to being “the paragons” of Warcraft and think balance is when they have clear advantages.
Even the Vulpera were nerfed to avoid problems while almost ALL Aliance allied races and core races went live with overpowered racials waiting to be nerfed months later.


Don’t worry op you have a year to get your free afk gear.

And then come to forums and complain “warfront gear is useless”, because it gets old in one month.

So what’s the verdict?

The WF is popped for Alliance now, and the week reset is tomorrow. Will the quest pop for Alliance, or will we just have a Heroic WF available without the quest? Which, to me, is weird.

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I like how this person is trying so hard to be victimized by the horde when half the replies are alliance telling her to grow up


Absolutely. I’m sick of alliance crying about stuff that either doesn’t exist or is the players own making


Except that Alliance had Darkshore first because it was logical from a lore POV. If Horde had Darkshore first, what were they going to do? To attack their own forces?

When Season 2 started and Alliance got first access to the world boss AND warfronts, did you also cry “Alliance bias!” or do you just enjoy being a hypocrite?

this whole expansion is alliance bias.
you lost the coin toss of who gets it first
have a spoonful of concrete & harden up

Good news! Next expansion NONE OF THIS WILL MATTER!

Like you said, who cares about when it was current? So why should you care now? It literally will not matter very soon.

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It is
? I feel the Horde side of the gameplay is way better. Especially as a community if you’re a high level PvP/PvE’r.

It will probably move up to 445 tomorrow morning. Same with Emissaries.

Care to elaborate? As far as I can see Alliance lose every front. They lose storywise. The entire story has basically been pretty horde focused. The war campaign was basically just a redemption arc for the horde with Saurfang and Baine playing protagonist to the evil Sylvanus and Nathanos Antagonists.
Going through it as an Alliance player, you feel like a background character playing a bit part, unable to make any real difference.

And gameplay wise, Horde are literally winning on every front. They win raiding, mythic+, arena and ranBG’s.

The only front Alliance win in is ERP in moonguard, but I bet you we just lost on that front too with Vulpera.

The expac is nothing but horde bias.

Darn, alliance have to wait a whole two weeks to experience an excruciatingly awful warfront with increased difficulty. What a shame.


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well alliance got h stromgarde before the horde could but hey if in a patch, horde gets h darkshore first, then sure people will come and complain about that, hypocrit

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You are bad, you are whiny and you have no clue what you’re talking about. You are the epitome of why the Alliance is failing.

P.S. I’ve leveled 12 Alliance characters strictly in War Mode and have had no issue whatsoever with Horde ganking or camping me. git gud.