Wait, so horde are going to get Heroic Darkshore before Alliance?

That is my experience. How can you deny my personal experience? I feel violated amd invalidated!

Help! Help! I’m being oppressed!

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Why is this a problem? I believe Alliance got first crack at Heroic Arathi.

Just luck of the cycle.

Horde bias is nothing new.

If I were to give a recent example, they got a cooler allied race.

And alliance got a more powerful one. Omg alliance bias! Give me a break :roll_eyes:

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Just as bad a point as the original points. Get some fresh air, rethink.

For what it’s worth…

Horde got normal Arathi first.
Alliance got normal Darkshore first.
Alliance got heroic Arathi first.
Horde get heroic Darkshore first.

Guess we’re even.


According to lore, alliance won both warfronts.
If you count that as a loss ok.
You successfully attacked zuldazar & killed rastakan.
My friends have said the entire jania story kicked but on a huge scale
& you got a bee mount.
As for battlgrounds it must be your region cause where i am, alliance dominate pvp & warmode by like 4-1.
We dont even turn it on cause you can’t move without 50 ally jumping on you so from my pov, yup its been alliance all the way
What more do you need?

I used to have a Horde bias from Warcraft RTS games, which were actually two sides of the same story. World of Warcraft never was, not the game, not the novels, not the movie. Novels and Movie they actually textually says they would make the “Alliance view”.

More details on what made me change to Alliance and never look back are here: Why did I changed from Horde Raiding to Alliance casual?

But lets see what that is in World of Warcraft:
Vanilla had a race which had the most notorious overpowered racial ever, coupled with a very strong passive racial, and the only race that could be the most powerful classes ingame: the Humans. There were no lore reasons for that, or even logical reasons. It took TBC for a Horde race to get something like that, and mostly because people complained a lot. It was said that Orcs could kill a man in armor with a couple bare hands hits. That was never true in the slightest in game, as Orcs had racials that almost did not impacted in their strength more than Alliance racial in general applied to mitigate two fold any of that.
TBC, Elves on horde. Did elves on horde changed that in some way ? Not at all, and Alliance earned a race that instead of being the disgraced rest of a people plagued by addiction and with a bogus racial silence, it gained a “marysueish” race of Aliens that have a prophet that sees all, knows all, and can speed run alliance in anything the horde side does or plans to do.
WotLK, Alliance strong factions that “accept horde” under their domain saves the day and horde does little to itself other than make players undermine the horde, their plans and their leaders. And that would be the theme of all next xpacs: Players of the horde acting like double faced traitors that undermine everything the horde could do to have an upper hand, while Alliance players are treated as a cohesive force that holds the alliance together when it barely has a shock among its leaders. That also became a theme for all xpacs since Wrath.
MoP. While alliance recruits a race of ancient mystical werefish that see into the future and has ancestral knowledge, the horde recruits mentally challenged monkeys that take more effort to not crap on their food plates than any worth they might have beyond being cannon fodder. The is also a theme for the rest of the xpacs until BfA 8.3 and I get there further ahead.
Legion: Horde is portrayed as a bunch of morons lead by someone who shows from day one the horde means nothing to her, and the few times when horde does something horde like, they are made to be perceived as a bunch of morons.
Alliance saves the day, has tons of sacrifices to be epic, to be pinned on the horde, and to make less and less sense the things you do as horde being part of the horde.
Lorewise, the last events from 2 xpacs has lines like “full of rage”, “uncontrollable blood lust” associated with the horde doing haste crap, which have the alliance portrayed in the most elaborate two page descriptions of how “marvelous” Anduin Wrynn is at being a priest and how virtuous he is, “more epic than any horde even when he is crying” the crowd say.
Compared to how the horde was portrayed in Legion and BfA, Warlords of Draenor was a wonder of writing, and not even that xpac had a horde bias, because we all know who was the broken sobs that needed a draenei and a bunch of “alliance factions that accept horde” to go around.
BfA, while alliance get the “cousins” of the previous mentioned werefish, the horde gets “internet influencer mental level” sea goblins that speak in a tone unlikable, and do weird stuff to be funny, but nothing more. Alliance gets to aid an ancestral race of warriors and shamans that holds knowledge and information that makes the lore have much more sense. Horde just “stumbles on information to go on”.
Then we reach Shadowlands, that already shows how much Alliance “epicness” blizzard has in store for us. Who is there ? Who are the people who aid you in shadowlands ? Who are the probable Deus Ex Machina already said to be in shadowlands that will get probably everyone to follow his righteous path ?
Plus, Tyrande rebellion gets you an Warfront, tons of really lore infused bits, and a cool customization. All Sylvanas loyalists get is some lines of dialogue and an a tacit certificate of “you are an idiot”.
Horde is not bad, and if it was well writen, the conflicts, the turbulent story would be much more interesting than alliance lore, but Horde lore is just that, a potential wasted that alliance dont have, but Alliance lore is much more worked on to really portray a player as part of it. Horde is just a plot device to move alliance lore on.

I distinctly remember a large horde progression world first raiding guild full on transfering over to the alliance, to take advantage of the first warfront gear drops + AoO bonus, to get the free massive upgrades in gear, then swapping back to actually progress. :thinking:

It’s almost like last time the alliance got the advantage

In the end I don’t really care but I found it odd that basically the same thing is happening in the eu the horde started Darkshore before the reset yet they can que for heroic Darkshore and do the quest but na alliance doesn’t get too. Guess you can’t give limit the head start against method in the mythic race so both horde sides get the quest.

It goes back and forth, we have benefited from this situation before as well. What I do find odd is the fact the EU Horde are in the same situation as us but they OPENED it up for them. Apparently they had a bug that allowed Horde to queue up for it but instead of fixing the bug, they just opened the event up for them.

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Wait. I thought this was delisted? I received a forum vacation for it even.

Maybe in heroic dark shore we will actually have to do something besides run around until it ends.