Wait, so horde are going to get Heroic Darkshore before Alliance?

It matters a tiny bit for people walking straight into Nyalotha, but not really anyone else. And even then you have 12 bosses to get Heroic loot from before Mythic opens, so…

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Fur the Horde!

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Plz people, stop. Don’t you find it tiring to get offended? It’s exhausting.

Honest advice: if you feel that the company is not treating you with respect, then:

  1. unsub, or
  2. faction change.

We “won” the war by virtue of the Horde fighting itself again.

Alliance got standard Darkshore before Horde did back in Tides of Vengeance. This was the reason Method swapped from Horde to Alliance. Now it’s our turn. I’m not a fan of it either, but the pendulum has to swing the other way.


That is wrong.

That isn’t fair to Alliance players.

Since when does horde need a pendulum swing? The faction balance is easily 55 to 45, with the vast majority of those 10% being the more hardcore players.

Look at wow progress. Check horde vs alliance guilds for mythic raid clears.
Check raider.io. The leader board is mostly red.
Group find for raids and mythic+ greatly favors horde.

Alliance get a permanent 20% bonus rewards and AoO associated with warmode, purely due to being outnumbered so heavily.

Queue times for bg’s are desperate. During the anniversary event, Alliance had near instant queues vs 9+ minutes for horde.

Horde do not need a single thing. Wish blizz would get this through their skulls. Either help out Alliance or just kill the faction already.

Ally got the last heroic first…so how is it now horde favor when we get it first, I see it as evening it up


Is that why Horde never wins Battle for Nazjatar, and is constantly outnumbered at assault points? I’m so sorry that you guys don’t get even more hand holding to help you play the same game we are.

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It’s not really a big deal at this point in the expansion, this is the last patch, everyone will settle into similar ilvls eventually.

The real Warfront outrage already happened at the start of the xpac, when Horde got access to 340 gear with no ilvl requirements right before the first raid came out, and then Blizzard retroactively gave it a 320 ilvl requirement almost a week later when people had basically kitted out fresh 120s and made them nearly raid ready.

That was some crazy, but this? This isn’t exactly going to make much difference at this point, the very nature of warfronts means someone had to get it first. They were dumb to not make them attack/defend and available to both factions at the same time.

Wouldn’t have that extra 13.6% (oh no! It’s so much!) of a useless resource if it was as safe to flag as it is for us. Calm down.

You too OP, this is far from the biggest issue the Alliance is dealing with. Pick your battles, this one isn’t a big deal. It’ll be nothing in two weeks, and less than nothing next expac. Other issues that won’t go away on their own require your attention first.

The paranoia is real…

:chicken: :chicken: :timer_clock: :timer_clock: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

Alliance got heroic stromgarde before horde.

Stop with the stupid “horde favouritism” BS on every single issue.


Alliance got warfronts before Horde did.
IDK what the fuss is about. Ya’ll had your moment. Horde is getting theirs.
You guys can wait with your Bee mounts for your turn like we had to wait (minus the bees).

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The entire game has been massively alliance favored since it’s inception, including essentially every bg, story, racials, etc. Grow up, kid. Go play spyro or something.

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I liked OP’s post because it’s so farfetched it’s hysterical.
:joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:


BY GOD SHUT UP, the same thing happened with H stromgarde for alliance. GET OVER IT.

You werent complaining when we got slapped with a PERMANENT WM buff

People like you should just stick to single player fps.

Alliance already has a bad rep because of toddlers


In what way to do mean by this?

Who controlled the zone first or who attacked it first?

Alliance controlled it first, which gave access to rares and the world boss (which both have a chance to drop gear, 340 from rares and 370 from the world boss). Meanwhile horde attacked it first, which gave them a guaranteed 370 piece from the one off quest, and they could farm the warfront itself to get 340 gear before blizzard added in the min ilvl requirement.

But in the grand scheme of things, it ultimately didn’t matter.

Meanwhile the reverse happened for regular Darkshore in 8.1


Masterfully done. See kids, this is how you troll. You come off as totally passionate. WITHOUT being so over the top that it becomes obvious what you’re doing. Then the key thing is to keep coming back to stoke the fire.

Keep replying in earnest. Address specific points made to appear sincerely interested in opposing someone else’s particular points. You cannot allow yourself to get overwhelmed and go into a rant! You have to sell that sincerity!

That’s how you get bites.

Good job.