Wait, so horde are going to get Heroic Darkshore before Alliance?

Horde have more players in WM you realize this or just an uninformed post?

Couldnt think of a worse example to use against an alliance player …but… Sure?

Oh wow. A 25% bonus for rewards from content you cant do as alliance because Horde outnumber you 10 to 1 on most shards. Blizz is so generous.

Hey, it helps alot leveling Alts.

Yes its a cat mount and cost 350 badges.

I tend to get spawn camped by 120’s even in alliance zones. shrug

Nothing like getting killed over an over by an horde druid in darkshire…

The Horde were complaining in 8.2 when Alliance got Heroic Stromgard first…

Just happens to be that way this time around.


So if the only “exclusive” thing Horde is getting is a shot at 460 ilvl gear…eh, don’t really care or see the big deal.

Didn’t Darkshore just pop a couple days ago? When the season starts tomorrow, Darkshore should still be open for Alliance.

The Horde need strong gear to win World First and leave the Alliance in the dust.
You got Baine in exchange…

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Someone has to take the black pieces.

Serious, it’s a two faction game. Somebody has to go first.

Horde get so much already though. Better story and better races (minus draenei, master race), better mounts, etc. Even before we factor in the better PvE and PvP scenes with more raid groups, more mythic+ listings, better BG vibrates, etc.

Horde should get nothing. They do not need it. They have enough as is. Alliance needs some serious love. Love the dev’s refuse to give, and instead continue to shower on the horde.

I mean, we get to be the good guys who don’t commit heinous atrocities that require the more moral faction to come in and put a stop to.

Gotta go for dem failed Esports for dem 130,000 singleton views on twitch at the cost of a couple million players WoTLK had… I mean at this point we don’t even know if BFA has more than, or less than a million subs.

This is a troll right? No one acts like this lmao


I am a draenei not a troll. Thank you very much.

Nightborne. How is it, the horde equivalent of an alliance race is cooler… more horde bias.

Suramar is awesome. Teldrassil doesnt even exist anymore…

I hope u all realise this is a Horde main trying to troll making the Alliance look like fools. Which obviously is working.

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Here we go again :confused:

lmao this is a troll, no one takes this kind of thing this serious.

A worgen. How does it feel to be replaced as the go to furry race. GG blizz. RIP.

Not nearly as bad as being actually upset by something happening inside of a game. stop larping in forum posts.

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