Wait. So DH's can wall jump to bypass Galakras?

Thanks, I appreciate the sentiment

Oh there it is, sorry trust4 was not ignoring you just missed this

*I would still vote no

Wouldnt the rp door on the boss slow them enough to allow a vote?

Maybe the DH doing this could vote to kick himself with a note on his intentions? can you vote yourself out? lol maybe not

That way if there are more people in the group just wanting quick threads we can all be on our way…

It wasn’t. We passed the VTK but the offending player was not kicked because he remained in combat the entire time. And no, you can’t VTK yourself lol.



Would you be mad if I made a vote to kick my DH friend saying he was intending to skip bosses to get us quick threads, and to please remove us both if you have an issue?

That seems fair

Id prefer it end faster to get the threads when having to wait for the role playing boss, esp since they could add a weapon vendor when event is about to end for people who had bad RNG…not saying they will add one but never know what they will do close to the end of the event

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I mean, you can always leave the group yourself if you want. No need to VTK.

How else could we vote on skipping the bosses?

I guess just a quick “1 for skip, 2 for transmog run”

In chat would be sufficient, but a lot of people probably dont read chat.

lol they dont, plus all the groups iv been in where a DH skipped everyone said thank you after he killed last boss to end it while group was still on first boss lol bc of the Role playing and waiting

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Yes you do. Happened to me the other night.

This is also true for dungeons. I often don’t get credit for final boss quests nor loot in dungeons when a DH does this.


You forgot the meta snatch off of Warlocks. :rofl:


That too.
/10 char

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I don’t understand what the benefit is. Are they saving that much time leaving the group behind and soloing the rest of the dungeon?

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Not really. It’s not even like they need to maximise their APM anyway since thread farming is solely for its own sake. They don’t need to emulate a bot…

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So it is people just being tools for the sake of it? People never cease to disappoint.


Yes and add that to the majority of DH players having a problem playing with other people, it gives you a great grief mechanism.

They do it to grief the group.


Pretty much. They could easily solo the place in retail or remix but LFR gives them an audience because they need the validation.


I am 100% sure this is not it.

I would be willing to bet the majority out there are like me and wario, we did not come to play remix for the “Full Pandaria Experience” we came here to buy out the vendors.

Many people rejoice at someone expediting this process, and if I could get out of LFR faster, that is going to make me smile.

Do you really honestly believe I would be talking about taking a vote on how we proceed as a group if my intent was to troll the group?

This accusation is unfair, and you portraying people that are enjoying this mode differently in a completely unfair light.

NO, just NO, Blizzard tripled the rewards, and made LFR one of the best ways to add power to your character, adding power means faster bronze, some people are into that. I would say it is a design problem, but it is not, the design problem is having Transmogs that only can be earned in LFR. This is not just a problem here on remix, it causes conflict out on the retail world as well.

This seems pretty accurate to me, I have gotten locked out of loot before in a raid from being too far away.

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