Wait. So DH's can wall jump to bypass Galakras?

Can also pull the 2nd boss with the cannons

Lmao what? The whole point of running LFR is for the LFR specific mogs. Well that and threads. But there are better ways to get threads.


Honestly thought everything dropped from everything in this mode,

I swear that was in a blue post.

LFR is great power gains ever since they tripled the threads.

You are just farming the weapon recolors right? not the stuff you can grab from the vendor?

It is.

Different weapon mogs come from different difficulties of content. Unfortunately blizz didn’t put weapon mogs on any of the vendors so we are totally reliant on rng to get them.


I am going to go ahead and take Wario’s word on this, he seems like a good dude (Dudette? not sure sorry)

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Dude, definitely Dude, I only know because I as in his recorded M SoO last night on Discord.

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Will prop add them with like 10 days left of the event or something

If you’re talking about loot radius, I think it only applies to raids and not dungeons. But in raids, if you are too far away from a boss kill, the game will not grant you credit for the kill. I think the range is somewhere in the vicinity of 200-300 yards?


Yep why youll only get loot from 2nd boss if DH skips, DH tend to do this a lot which is fine with me but each time only got loot from 1st and 2nd boss not 3rd and 4th but i only wanted the spools for completing so them skipping helped it end faster

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Ha I have been trying to watch myself, I accidently offended someone on here earlier.

edit. that sounds funny when I read it back, I am trying to be respectful.


His statement that it locks you out of loot on certain bosses? Yeah you should. People who do the skip and lock others out of loot are the worst and yours is a terrible take.


I guess you can have your take and I will have mine :slight_smile:

I will be clicking no on the vote kick you start though, sorry.

You can’t vote kick them. Do you not bother to read the thread?


Why are you so angry.

Ok then I guess my opinion just wins.

Sorry about your luck.

Angry? Maybe you should go back and read it slower this time

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Surely you understand how condescending you sound here?

I am not your enemy, it is possible we disagree AND remain civil.

Have a nice day :slight_smile:

Perhaps you could try again. Really work those context clues this time.

I sincerely hope you find happiness and peace, really though, have a nice day :slight_smile:

I sincerely hope you find everything you deserve.