Wait. So DH's can wall jump to bypass Galakras?

So apparently this is a thing now where DH players can wall jump into Orgrimmar and solo kill the big scorpion boss, the shamans and Nazgrim, locking out the entire rest of the raid from the boss loot? How long have DH’s been doing this? Cause it’s the first time I’ve seen it happen today.

I guess people can just re-queue, but its still a total dbag move.


You should do some YouTube searches. There are an absurd number of things DH’s can do that include wall-hacking, walking outside of the area, magically jumping to the boss from underground.

Yes, very broken.


Looks like the skip has been around for 7 years. If this is done in LFR, would we all still receive the spool for completing the wing when Nazgrim dies?

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I’ve been saying for years that DHs were a mistake. “Need this stupid meme class to stand out? Let’s gut rogue and warrior mobility. And as an added insult to lore enthusiasts, let’s retcon them to be good guys while we’re at it.” Remix has just really pushed the point home.

At least in the case of skipping Galakras, eagle-eyed players can quickly catch on to what they’re doing and initiate a vote to kick.


You’d think so but no. You can’t VTK them because they remain in combat the entire time. You can’t kick someone who is in combat.


Oh damn, true.

(And on a personal note, DHs continued the trend that any time a new class has a tanking spec it will have better self-sustain, and thus soloing ability, than warrior. Power creep started by death knights a decade and a half ago…)

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OK I dug into this some more and yes, looks like this exploit has been around for at least 7 years per the youtube vid I found. Apparently warriors, rogues and DH’s (and I assume Dracthyr) can perform the exploit. Obviously DH’s have the easiest time since they have massive speed boosts and no CD’s to worry about it.

It’s funny how blizz never bothered to fix it but they did fix the Mekkatorque skip exploit in BoD during SL. SMH. And yes, it was an exploit enabled by, you guessed it, DH’s. Lmao.


It doesn’t surprise me that warriors can do it too, but heroic leap just isn’t what it used to be. Nowadays it’s plagued with “no path available” nonsense, while DHs (and evokers) don’t have to worry about that.


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In remix, anyone can bypass Galakas using the heroic leap tinker.

Doing so in an LFR and leaving the rest of the group behind while soloing everything else though is not appropriate.

You could try to have the whole raid mass report the player - though I doubt Blizzard will take any action.


I feel differently about this,

LFR loot is garbage, you do them for the reward at the end.

That DH would be my hero, lol.

Honestly kind of Sad I have not had this happen yet, get on it you Speed monster DH’s!

Teach me your ways

Could I get the whole raid to follow?

You have to be within a certain distance to receive loot from a boss even in LFR


Warriors can do it too…ALL classes can do it in remix

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youll get loot from 2nd boss but not 3rd or 4th boss


The spool isn’t loot it’s a completion reward, and yes they would get it.

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And the DH, or whoever else skips Galaxis locks everyone else out from completing the raid. Yours is a terrible take.


Standing there at Galarakas after waiting on the queue while some DH goes off and solos the rest of the raid such that they are too far to get any loot I feel would tick off most.

Especially since many at this point are only queueing to get the xmog weapons - which being out of range, means no drops and a complete waste of a player’s time.



This doesn’t sound right, have you tried it?

Bet you get the loot for completing…

you get loot for completing yes and loot from firt and 2nd boss if someone skips and clears but not from 3rd and 4th


Fair point, guess I will just hope that guy joins my queue and not yours

If it happens to you, and you are in a group with a character named Shammyfox, or Gemtraffickr just whisper me and I will destroy those bosses for you on heroic in less time than an lfr group would get those :slight_smile:

wait is it like retail where there is a seperate LFR color? God I hate that

I never get LFR Mogs because my character has too much gear

Really not having fun if the only viable farm is to get on a scrub alt so you are eligible for rewards. Just make the transmogs drop for everyone already, sheesh.