Wait... could Druid be next?

This alone earns a wholesome gif.

Ok, carry on.

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Itā€™s going to take a lot of work for druids to roll out to all races. I can see one or two races every major patch. Lots of models to make.

Nothing more goofy than a horse running with no human on it.

Horses do that all the timeā€¦


Doesnā€™t make them any less goofy

That makes no sense.

Horses are like cars, it needs a driver.

I feel like Iā€™m being trolled so Iā€™ll just bow out of this conversation.


Only if it is next then it is a possibility. Ive heard the emerald dream rumor then ive hear cata revamp theory then void expac theory.

I believe they even had emerald dream content in vanilla that they didnt implement and the zone was shown on a vid.

It could be next but I think the next class to go all race will be Shaman.

Human travel form will be a Ford F-150.



Making totems for the missing races is less work than paladin mounts and druid forms.

Ehh I dunno.

All paladin mounts use existing models. Totems have become race specific.

Since Iā€™m neither an actual dev or armchair dev, I couldnā€™t tell you which is easier.

But think of the epic trolling in-game. Intrepid adventurer going through Grizzly Hills or Hilsbrad, or wherever else herds are, and they start to believe theyā€™re being stalked by a horse.

True but Blizzard usually adds bling to travel forms. Although, the doe form is pretty plain.

Anyways, the conversation felt really stupid because my two horses run around all the time without someone on their back.

They all have unique skins. Look at the dwarf ones for example.

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I said existing models, not skins.

They donā€™t build paladin mounts from the ground up, so to speak. They just sprinkle them with new armor.

Ik, but the skins take work too. Itā€™s art dev time. The dwarf ones are pretty complex.

And thereā€™s lots of non paladins races and each will most likely get two mounts.

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Right and I was saying that I donā€™t know which is more work since Iā€™m not a game dev:

Giving new shaman races 4 unique racial totems.


Giving new paladin races mounts, which use existing models but are blinged out.

Iā€™d love for Gnomes and Goblins to get baby animal forms.