Scorpion, and we’ll have a wolf instead of a bear.
I wouldn’t be surprised if we ended up with all races being Shamans during or after Dragonflight.
Scorpion, and we’ll have a wolf instead of a bear.
I wouldn’t be surprised if we ended up with all races being Shamans during or after Dragonflight.
Dev 1: What should the human travel form be?
Dev 2: A horse. Duh.
Dev 1: But there’s so many horses already.
Dev 2: So? We gonna slap some bling on this puppy and make ‘em shine! And without breaking a sweat!
Dev 1: How?
Dev 2: Recolour one of the Paladin class mounts and add a little extra armor. Voila! Human Druid travel form!
THey’re still gnomes.
Well there’s 10 races that can’t be shaman and 15 that can’t be paladins.
So that’s 40 small totems and 30 mounts, maybe less since I’m not sure all paladins get two different mounts.
So it depends how fast the art devs can cook up unique mount skins vs totems
I hope so. Would be dope. But I bet it will be last.
I am begging for belf druid. I wanted this since bc. There’s even a raid boss in BC. Belf druids were definitely part of the old lore too.
Think its above blizzards skill set.
i mean they announced it…
I’m not sure which raid boss you’re talking about. There’s a dungeon boss in Botanica that’s a botanist, but they’re not druids, they use arcane magic to mutate and warp nature. That’s why the tree boss at the end is so enraged.
If you’re referring to a now retcon’d passage that said an “elf druid” placed the runestones around Silvermoon, it was never specified what kind of elf it was.
The elves that were kicked out by Malfurian and Tyrande were kicked out for refusing to drop arcane magic. So it was debated for a short time on whether it was belf druid or a nelf druid that followed them into exile before Blizzard settled the matter by changing the text to an elf mage placed the runestones.
But I’m just pointing this out for conversation. We’ll be getting belf druids one day so it doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things.
That’s clearly meant to be a high elf. It’s from wc2. Night elves weren’t created yet. Was renamed to magi.
There’s not really a playable “arcane botanist” class in the game. That would translate to druid. He’s even wearing a druid tier set.
Blood elves used to have a very good relationship with treents in eversong woods and had a strong relationship with nature.
Hippy helf druids are fine. That’s more of the philosophy of the far striders. I wouldn’t mind seeing botanists who use arcane to channel druidic magic either. Both of these would be interesting and cool.
No it wasn’t. It only said “elf druid.” That’s why there was big debates about it years ago.
ROFL no, they did not.
They locked their forest in a permanent spring or summer (forgot which) to make it “pretty.”
That’s the most un-druid thing you could do to a forest.
He has tree of life form and tranquility (nature school not arcane). He a droodaddy.
Nah, he’s a scientist that experimented on the plants the naaru picked up.
It even says that in the dungeon journal IIRC.
Btw, a druid cares about the balance of nature, they have a connection to the Emerald Dream and they use nature magic.
The scientist in Botanica does not check any of those boxes.
I feel like Druid will be last or second last, imo shaman is next, then paladin and druid or druid then paladin.
art in tweet by Kagesatsuki
art in tweet by RiotFury
^Some cool BE druid forms though I’ve seen
My friend Baal wrote some ideas for undead/mechagnome/gnome/ and goblin druids (he’s also written some stuff previously about blood elf druids and tying it in w a peace treaty w the Amani Trolls)
Explain Druids of the Flame.
There is a treent quest in eversong about how the nature sprits used to have a much better relationship with the belves before this.
Well, they used to have all that. Botanist didn’t.
“Good relationship” =/= druid.
But it’s whatevs. They’ll give you an NPC in the starter zone that gives a few cryptic lines about why there’s suddenly belf druids.
Can’t wait to read the one for velves.
Used to have it would mean they can’t use any druid powers anymore, yet they still do.
Point being different races of the same class can still access the powers just through different means. Night Elves have Elune for their powers, Zanda Trolls have Rezan, and Blood Elves the Sunwell, and Tauren have An’she, for example.
I mean the druids of the flame don’t have a good relationship with nature too obviously.
I’m just saying there’s more to support belf druids than not. We were teased in BC by the botanists who were 100 percent gameplay druids lol.