Just makin a Hot Chocolate about to go to bed when it just randomly came to my mind that with Blizzard clearly moving towards giving all classes to all races (except Dracthyr) and the rumours and theories about an Emerald Dream patch could Druid be up next after warlock.
Think if they did this though it would either roll out in 3 phases or they’d add generic non race themed forms for the other races but wondering what other people think about the possibility?
I hope so but the amount of work it’ll take with the forms, probably last.
I don’t even care about the forms. Generic Belf Druid please.
Maybe some new designs considering the effort for new Warlock pets but not every race would get different forms. 
Realistically the only way that might work, is if they drop racial forms. Or at the least just use one “generic” one for new races. Personally, I’d lean more towards dropping racial forms and adding in more that are universal like the Legion skins that people can earn instead.
While it would be nice to have unique racial forms for all the races…that’s a lot of work for little pay off honestly. If I were making the calls, I would probably not do that, and leave druids locked to current races instead.
The thought of orc druids makes me chuckle.
What’s their travel form going to be, a boar?
Shaman probably. Id say thsyre ahead of paladins because designing a totem vs designing paladin chargers is likelu easier.
Druid is likely dead last in this pipeline.
Like I’ve been saying in other threads, this is the order I think they will do:
- Paladins - only require sprinkling the Light on already existing mounts.
- Shamans - only require racial totems.
- DH - not every race would have the same demon form as an elf (see: gnomes).
- Druids - last since they need 5 to 6 unique animal forms.
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Druid need the most animation and modelling work so doubt it.
Really Blizzard can do less than this to accomplish that, just take the polisher toy and let it have an unlimited duration. Bam, paladin.
Shame blizzs writing team is so generic with what they put out. This could have been something great with race/class lore being revitalized.
Lightforged warlocks could be warlocks in name, but with recolored and reskinned effects.
Same with void elf paladins.
Im all for race/class being unlocked, but i strongly believe the game should incorporate some explanations for races where theyre tapping into powers they’re not usually able to.
“You will eat your garbage lore without complaining and you will LIKE IT.” - Blizzard and a handful of daily GD forum posters
Gimme them void elf druids (and yes, it’s possible)
Not generic.
They should get forms of animals near their home. Like Dragonhawk for flight.
Speaking of paladin mounts, I foresee much crying about them and it won’t be from orcs or Forsaken…
We were talking about what the paladins mounts would be for each race and if you go by their racial mounts, Horde wins out by a lot

Orc / Mag’har - wolf
Troll - raptor
Goblin - trike
Vulpera - hyena (could be super cool)
Forsaken - undead horse
Nightborne - saber
Nelf - saber
Gnome - mechanochicken
Mechagnome - mutated mechanochicken
Worgen - horse no. 1
Velf - horse no. 2*
Kul Tiran - horse no. 3
Panda - turtle
*Disclaimer - I only assume they would get a horse because blood elves get a horse.
It’s not impossible that they’ve already been working on them since before Dragonflight.
Yuh say this is most likely and if there is unique forms some og races will be sharing with their Allied race counterparts.
A Wolf obviously.
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For the record, I am not opposed to Gnome druids.
One form needs to be a mouse though. I don’t know why I need that.
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They aren’t gonna give all classes to all races.
Expand the combinations, sure. But not across-the-board access.
Also, that being said, druid would likely be one of the last ones to be expanded to more races. Shapeshifts are the biggest art kits for each druid-accessible race, and thus the most work to make happen.
Where as something like paladin only having the charger mount or shamans having totems as their art kits respectively.
So, expect paladin or shaman to be before druid.
Personally I suspect Paladins may be next. The racial mounts are fairly easy (reskin with flashlights and gold glitter). I just want my all classes available for my beloved Gnomes.

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Forsaken Druids could be both awesome and unsettling … like the walking dead fit with any other path than warlock 
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