Wait... could Druid be next?

Could be, but why would anyone want to play anything other than the supreme ultimate best race Night Elf?

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Give white wolf with gold trimmed armor with white and model after goldrinn plsty

ironclad frostclaw with glitter

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Druid should’ve been opened up before anything else.

I admit it’ll probably go last since it’s needs the most work.

Human Druid please (Diablo 2 themed)

Guardian: Werebear
Feral: Werewolf
Travel: Raven/Wolf
Balance: TBD
Aquatic: TBD

That’s what orcs will get. Humans get horses. This is known.

I’d certainly hope not, worgen on horses look weird

Those would probably be mechagnomes

I think Shaman will be next

The Second I get a Vulpera Druid is the second I reroll.

I think the majority of the playerbase would prefer generic forms on all race/class options (e.g. Shaman totems, Paladin mounts) with a slow integration on race-specific forms/totems/mounts.

Don’t make “perfect” the enemy of “good,” Blizzard.

I have a video from the secret alpha build of the Druid for All patch.
2 Gnomes in feral cat form. One practicing their dps
 the other one trying to figure out how to use stealth.


it would be shaman and paladin
druid is the last class they’re going to do

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This is my exact thought. I bet both Druid and Paladin will be last because of the amount of work it will require. Shape shift forms for druid and Paladin Chargers will take more work than the other classes aside from maybe Demon Hunters which will probably also be up there.

Blizzard didn’t think so when they made horses your racial mount :rofl:

I have been sacrificing goats and all manner of woodland creatures, I mean
 for the chance to make a belf druid. And since legion, nightborn druids. It’s in their culture, albeit in the distant past, I don’t see how a sect of either of these races couldn’t dedicate themselves to learning nature magic, and they’ve both already achieved mastery over arcane for centuries. I just want a glowing pink mana saber catform

Panda Druid should absolutely be a thing, they can just “slap it together” from MoP models of NPCs:

  • Guardian: copy-paste some “Ox” NPC as the form, maybe based on Niuzao
  • Feral: copy-paste some spinoff of Xuen or something
  • Balance: not sure what MoP-themed form for this, they can figure it out I guess
  • Restoration/tree form: I dunno, maybe they could just copy-paste the existing tree form, seems to work well enough
  • Travel form: ???
  • bonus points if they add some “get down on all 4 legs” option for the Bear form (similar to Worgen —> mount transformation), just for the comedy factor :joy:
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Not to go off topic, but Tovi I wanted to say thank you for pointing out my hypocrisy in that other thread and giving me something to reflect upon. I would have replied there but it appears to be locked now.

I am honestly surprised, to this day, that Pandaren cant already be druids. For a race so focused on balance and harmony I always thought druid was fitting.

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They’ve said without saying that drakthyr will get more classes, probably in 11.0.

Hey now! None of that fancy Diablo here! You’ll take our generic theme of horses and/or lions for humans and love them!

I don’t think it’s as complicated as people might imagine. They’d continue the generic frame with a few new colours.

For the main races, I do however doubt they’d go the full 9 yards and make forms that say look as cool as KT/HMT Druid forms.

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